Defining Analytics Facts
This portal is used to maintain metadata for Analytics Fact tables. A fact record exists for each table or view in the operational system that represents a dimension table in the Operational Analytics product.
You can access the portal from theAdmin Menu > Analytics Configuration > Analytics Table. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific record. Once a fact record has been selected you are brought to this portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page
Analytics Table. This zone provides information about the selected fact record.
Fields. This zone lists all the fields that define the fact table. Fields may be selected from the fact’s underlying operation table or view using the Excluded Fields zone or added as computed fields.
Dimensions. This zone lists dimension tables that this fact references via foreign key constraints.
Excluded Fields. This zone lists fields from the fact’s operational table or view that are not included in the fact table.
The ability to introduce custom analytics facts is currently not supported.