Understanding the BO Filtering Process
Migration plan instructions require the definition of a business object to provide CMA with information about the record related to the instruction.
If the business object is the physical business object for the maintenance object, then CMA assumes that the instruction applies to all records that satisfy the traversal criteria. CMA recognizes the physical BO by comparing the BO to the value defined in the maintenance object option. If the business object defined is not the physical BO, then CMA will limit the records in the instruction to those that explicitly reference this BO or reference a child of this BO as its identifying BO value. (In other words, this BO must be in the parentage hierarchy of the records to be included in the instruction.)
Unlike Bundling, CMA does not use the BO schema to drive what data is copied for a given record. The BO is only used as a filtering mechanism for selecting records. Refer to Identifying Tables to Exclude from Migration for information about how to ensure a child table is not included in a migration.
For example, if you define a migration plan for Master Configuration and use the physical business object for the instruction (F1-MstCfgPhysicalBO) then all master configuration records are considered for the instruction. If instead the business object you define is Migration Assistant Configuration (F1-MigrationAssistantConfig) then only the record related to this business object is included in the instruction.