URI Substitution
The system supports the ability to define substitution variables (sometimes referred to as tokens) for both URL values and file path values that reference native file storage locations. For URLs, the system supports defining variables in a Substitution Variable properties file. For native file storage paths, there are two options: the Substitution Variable properties file or via a File Storage configuration extendable lookup. More details on both these options are found below.
Substitution variables properties file. A substitution variable for all or part of the URI definition may be configured in a properties file. This allows the system administrators to define the proper URI locations in a properties file whereas the configuration users only need to know the variable name. For example, when defining a location for an extract file in an extract batch job, instead of typing a file path of h:\oracle\serverName\\batch\extract\, the batch user can enter @FILE_​EXTRACT@, assuming there is an entry in the substitution variables file with a name of FILE_​EXTRACT, and a value of h:\oracle\serverName\\batch\extract\. Another example is that the batch user could enter @BATCH_​FILES@\extract\, assuming that the URI variable for BATCH_​FILES is defined as h:\oracle\serverName\\batch\.
The product automatically populates the value of SPLOUTPUT in the properties file so that this may be used in URI configuration. In addition, the product may supply some pre-defined variable names for other common references. As part of this, the 'advanced' menu in the system installation steps may prompt for installers to define the values of these pre-defined variables, if desired. Installations may opt to define additional substitution variables for various URI references. Refer to the System Administration Guide for more information.
File Storage extendable lookup. Specifically for file paths that reference the native file system, the system also supports the ability to define a path using the File Storage Configuration extendable lookup. The following points highlight the steps to take for this option.
Navigate to Extendable Lookup and search for the File Storage Configuration lookup.
Click Add to create a new entry. Define a lookup value name. This will be used when configuring a file path that uses this value. Choose the File Adapter value of Native File Storage. Enter the desired file path value. The values defined here may in turn refer to values defined in the Substitution Variables properties file. For example, the file path can reference @SPLOUTPUT@.
To reference this value in system configuration, use the syntax file-storage://XXXX, where XXXX is the extendable lookup value. Using the same example from above, if you define an extendable lookup value of CM-FileExtract with a file path of h:\oracle\serverName\\batch\extract\, then when configuring the extract file path for an extract batch job, enter file-storage://CM-FileExtract. Another example is that if the extendable lookup value’s file path is configured as h:\oracle\serverName\\batch\, then the user configuring the file path on the batch extract can enter file-storage://CM-FileExtract/extract
When should you define substitution variables in the properties file and when you define them in the extendable lookup? The following points highlight differences between the options that may help this decision.
Substitution variables for URLs are only supported via the properties file.
The properties file can typically only be modified by a system administrator. If there are values that are set at installation time and don’t change, then defining the values in the properties file may be beneficial.
When defining additional environments, such as test environments or production, the values in the extendable lookup may be copied using CMA. Ideally the values are defined such that they are the same between various regions.