Add To Favorites
The Add To Favorites option in the Explorer Zone menu is only visible if a saved search is loaded and it is not currently included in the favorite searches zone. Click this option to include this search in the Favorite Searches zone. Once a search is in the Favorite Searches zone, you can use the link to the search in the dashboard to navigate to the portal for this zone and load the saved search in one click.
Note:Not available for dependent zones There are some portals that include a zone that is not the main query or info zone on the portal, but is rather a zone providing additional information for a record that is displayed. If a zone like this has filter options or configurable columns, a user is able to save searches and mark one as a default, but will not be able to add the saved search to favorites because the zone is dependent on other data on the page that is not captured for the individual zone.
Note:Dashboard Zone Preferences. Be sure that your portal preferences are configured to include the Favorite Searches dashboard zone.