The following table provides examples of the types of roles you may need to create in order to support your approval hierarchy:
Admin Object
Example of Data to Create
To Do Types
These default types are delivered with the base package with the ToDo Type Usage set to Automatic:
Approval Type — Employee Unavailability
Approval Type — ODC
Approval Type — Project
Approval Type — Purchase Order
Approval Type — Purchase Requisition
Approval Type — Timesheet
Approval Type — Work Order
Approval Type — Work Request
To Do Role
General Approver
General Director
General Manager
General Notification Only Approver
General Supervisor
General Work Management Supervisor
General Work Management Manager
General Purchasing Manager
General Purchasing Supervisor
User Groups
Authorized for No Approval
Approval Profiles
Approval Amount
General Purchasing Approver
High Value Purchasing Approver
General Work Request Approver
General Work Order Approver
High Value Work Order Approver
Project Approver
Other Direct Charges Approver
No Approval
Emergency Work Approval
No Amount
Employee Unavailability Approver
Timesheet Approver
Using a scenario of a moderate structure with a separate approval profile for each document type, refer to the following table for an example of the hierarchy:
To Do Role
Approval Type
Initial Notification Method
Amount Limit
Time Out Threshold
Maximum Retry
To Do List Only
2 (days)
1 (retry)
General Manager
Both (email and To Do List)
2 (days)
2 (retries)
This example establishes a hierarchy where the first role to receive the approval request is at the supervisor level with a minimal approval limit. This supervisor would approve the request only to inform the general manager that they approve, but since the General Manager has been set with a mandatory approval type, the General Manager must approve the request for the processing to be considered complete.