Understanding Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance programs can be utilized to keep your business in compliance with regulatory requirements and business needs. Users can define compliance rules to ensure the work is completed in a timely manner and to track and report against compliance work.
Please refer to Understanding Compliance for more information.
The system supports scheduled preventive maintenance and event based maintenance.
Event Based Maintenance
Event based maintenance is work that is performed based on trigger dates. Events differ from maintenance schedules because the system does not manage when to cycle the work. Instead, planners decide upon the next schedule date for the event and enter it on the Maintenance Event record. Work performed can include inspections, repairs, replacements, and so on, but it is typically associated to planned outages or other event based maintenance. Work records are generated on the trigger date based on the indicated defaults and templates.
Maintenance Forecasts
The upcoming maintenance for an asset is forecast based on the maintenance schedule and triggers defined for that asset. This information is displayed in the Asset portal on the Asset Maintenance Trigger Forecast zone.
About Maintenance Specification
Assets inherit their maintenance schedule from their Maintenance Specification. One Maintenance Specification can be linked to multiple maintenance schedules; one for each applicable asset situation. For example, you might configure a maintenance schedule for “in Service” and another for “in Stores”.
Configuration Guidelines
Set up preventative maintenance for your assets by completing the following general steps:
1. Decide on the type of maintenance schedule needed for the asset:
Preventive Maintenance
A Maintenance Schedule is associated with an Asset Type and provides a series of predefined Maintenance Triggers which define when to perform specific activities on the asset to ensure its continued operation.
There are four methods of calculating the maintenance schedule, as defined by the Trigger Type — calendar anniversary, calendar interval, runtime anniversary, and runtime interval. The triggers are defined in terms of either time duration (for calendar-based methods) or runtime values.
Refer to Preventive Maintenance Triggers for more on maintenance triggers.
Assets inherit their maintenance schedule from their Maintenance Specification. One Maintenance Specification can be linked to multiple maintenance schedules; one for each applicable asset situation. For example, you might configure a maintenance schedule for “in Service” and another for “in Stores”.
Event Based Maintenance
Instead of using scheduled preventive maintenance, you might find that event based maintenance is more appropriate for the asset. Event based maintenance is typically used to execute planned outages.
Maintenance plan triggers are used to configure a specific work order for a particular location for use by a maintenance event. They define the maintenance plan, template work order, activity type, service history type, work order defaults and asset location for the work being created for the maintenance event, as applicable. The work order template indicated on the trigger defines the pre-planned requirements for the work that is created for the event. The trigger location can either be defined on the work order template specified or on the trigger itself. Specifying an asset location on the trigger allows for the reuse of a common work order template.
2. Plan for the preventive or event based maintenance work by setting up a template work order.
3. Schedule the work plan:
Preventive Maintenance Set up a maintenance schedule and maintenance triggers.
Note that maintenance triggers for compliance work also involves the definition of a Compliance Category and Compliance Type so that work orders can be generated.
Compliance Category is the grouping of compliance types that are applicable to preventive or corrective maintenance.
Compliance Type links the associated compliance category and compliance class to a specific maintenance trigger.
Event Based Maintenance Set up a maintenance plan and maintenance triggers.
4. Trigger, execute and closeout the work.
Preventive Maintenance
Monitor algorithms generate Asset Maintenance Trigger Forecast records with the date at which the asset is due for the preventive maintenance.
The trigger creates the preventive maintenance work order and activity, (using the template work order) which then becomes part of the asset’s service history.
The forecast is based on the horizon days set on the asset monitor.
Forecast information is displayed on the Asset Maintenance Trigger Forecast zone in Asset portal.
Event Based Maintenance
Planners decide upon the next schedule date then create or modify Maintenance Event records.
5. Evaluate results and plan effectiveness then modify the maintenance work plans as needed.
About Failure Mitigation
Failure profiles group failure types, failure modes, failure repairs, and failure components into a profile which can be attached to an asset type to define valid failure information for assets of that type. Effective use of failure profiles can help to ensure that assets run without fail, increase cost effectiveness, improve machine uptime, and help your organization to understand the level of risk you have undertaken with certain assets.
Generally the process includes the following:
Define Failure Modes Effects and Critically Analysis:
Identify assets, asset functionality, and the standards of performance for those assets.
List all possible ways that the assets could fail and provide the required functions.
Provide detail on the types of events that could cause these failures.
Identify the effects on the system when failures happen.
Define the following according to your business practices::
Failure CauseRepresents the specific manner or way by which a failure occurs in terms of failure of the part. This may generally describe the way a failure occurs such as due to corrosion, debris, or distortion.
Failure ModeDescribes what has failed.
Failure RepairsIndicates the repair that will be performed on the asset in case of failure.
Failure ComponentIndicates the part of the asset for which the failure has occurred.
Indicate the maintenance that can be performed to prevent or avoid such failures. This maintenance contains cost effective tasks to preserve functions that are important to the system.
Set up preventive maintenance plans in the same way as described above using maintenance schedules, triggers and linking these to the assets using specifications. Base package Maintenance Schedule Activity Types and Completion Event Types can be used when setting up schedule plans and work requirements.