Work Order API
Work Order APIs enable an external system to receive work orders and to exchange messages related to these work orders.
Work Order API involves the following Inbound Web Services:
W1–IntTMSDtl (Interface Timesheet Details):
Web Service involved in capturing the crew time charged to an activity. This Web Service manages the capture of an employee time sheet details report for an activity sent in from the mobile application or from an external system.
W1–IntODCDtl (Interface Other Direct Charge Details):
Web Service involved in capturing equipment charges and other costs. This Web Service captures equipment and other direct charges for an activity sent in from the mobile application or from an external system.
W1–MblActCom (Mobile Activity Completion):
Web Service involved in capturing activity completion details sent in from the mobile application or from an external system.
W1–WOActivityDetails (Work Order Activity Details):
This Web Service enables an external system to request the most current information on an activity already interfaced to that system.
Work Order API involves the following Outbound Web Services:
W1–WOACTAMSG (Work Order Activity Active Message Type):
Outbound web service used to send or resend a work order activity, including its details, to an external system.
W1–WOACTFMSG (Work Order Activity Final Message Type):
Outbound web service used to notify the external system when an activity is finalized (canceled or completed) by WAM.
If the activity is completed by the external system, the completion in WAM does not trigger a message.