4.1 Create Business Process

This topic describes the systematic instructions to create a business process.

Specify User Name and Password, and log in to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Account Configurations. Under Account Configurations, click Corporate / Nostro Business Process.
  2. Under Corporate / Nostro Business Process, click Create.
    The Create screen displays.

    Figure 4-1 Create Business Process - Basic Details

  3. On Basic Details tab, specify the fields.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 4-1 Basic Details - Field Description

    Field Description
    Code Specify the business process code of the account to be maintained.
    • Business Product Code - Specify the business product code.


      The length of business product code is 6 characters. Alpha and numeric should be in capital.
    • Business Product Name - Specify the business product name.
    Description Specify the description for the business process.
    Lifecycle Click the search icon in the field to open the Lifecycle window. Select from the list and click to add the code.
    Description Displays the description of the selected lifecycle.
    Account Category Click Add to add any account category from the list.
    Branches Click Add to add branches from the list.
    Definition Click the search icon in the field to open the Definition window. Select from the list and click to add the definition.
    Description Specify the description of the selected definition. This field is auto-populated.
  4. After specifying, click Next.
    The Stage Configuration tab displays.
  5. On Stage Configuration tab, specify the fields.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 4-2 Stage Configuration - Field Description

    Field Description
    Business Process Code This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Description This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Workflow Definition This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Stages The list of stages defined for a process code is displayed here. This configuration allows to configure the below elements for each of the stages of the Product Origination workflow:
    • Data Segments
    • Documents
    • Advices
    • Checklists
    Manual Stage Specify and configure the manual stages.

    Click and select each stage to configure the Functional Activity Codes.

    System Tasks Specify the system tasks.

    Click and select each task to configure the Service Endpoint.

    Description This field is auto-populated.
  6. After specifying, click Next.
    The Datasegments tab displays. A Datasegment, as the name suggests, is an individual block of data. Bringing in data segments allows to break down huge processes to smaller units, which are easier to update, maintain and process. Business Process consists of several such data segments that makes up the stage. Business Process Definition allows the user to perform the following:
    • Add 'n' number of data segments to each stage.
    • Set the data segment as mandatory or non-mandatory.
    • Set the data segment as editable or non-editable.
    • Control the sequence order of the data segments.
    • Select the stage.
  7. On Datasegments tab, specify the fields.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 4-3 Datasegments - Field Description

    Field Description
    Business Process Code This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Description This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Workflow Definition This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Application Phase Specify and configure each stage in this section. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Add Datasegments window and select from the list to configure for each phase.

    The list of data segments in Account Creation is as follows –

    • Account Address
    • Account Basic Details
    • Account Features
    • Account MIS
    • Account Preferences
    • Account Signatory
    • Account Status
    • Approval
    • Back Office Errors
    • Cheque Book
    • GL Reporting Details
    • Interest Details
    • Legal Block
    • Limits
    • Multi Currency Account
    • New Customer Onboarding
    • Statement Preferences
    • Stop Payments
    • Transaction Journal Entry
      • Under Settings, the user can configure the data segment by defining it as mandatory / non-mandatory or editable / non-editable for that stage.
      • Under Preview Datasegment, the user can view the information related to that data segment.
      • Under Account Group, the groups appear as configured.
      • Under Branch Codes, the codes appear as configured.
  8. After specifying, click Next.
    The Documents tab displays.
  9. On Documents tab, specify the fields. Select the stage and click Documents tab to define specific documentation requirements for different stages.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 4-4 Documents - Field Description

    Field Description
    Business Process Code This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Description This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Workflow Definition This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Application Phase Specify and configure each stage in this section. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Link Documents window and select from the list to configure for each phase.
    • Under Settings, define it as mandatory / non mandatory for that stage.
    • Under Account Group, configure the account groups for that stage.
    • Under Branch Codes, edit from the list of branches.
  10. After specifying, click Next.
    The Advices tab displays.
  11. On Advices tab, select the stage and specify the fields. Advices are official letter of notices detailing an action taken or to be taken on a stated date by the bank.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 4-5 Advices - Field Description

    Field Description
    Business Process Code This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Description This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Workflow Definition This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Application Phase Specify and configure each stage in this section. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Link Advices window and select from the list to configure for each phase.
    • Under Settings, define it as intra advices or not and you can also assign the role for that advice, for example, Customer as shown below.
    • Under Account Group, configure the account groups for that stage.
    • Under Branch Codes, edit from the list of branches.
  12. After specifying, click Next.
    The Checklists tab displays.
  13. On Checklists tab, select the stage and specify the fields. The checklists are distinct and they list mandatory checkpoints by the bank to its users to adhere to, during the origination processes.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 4-6 Checklists - Field Description

    Field Description
    Business Process Code This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Description This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Workflow Definition This field is auto-populated from the Basic Details screen.
    Application Phase Specify and configure each stage in this section. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Add Checklists window and add to the list to configure checklists for each phase.
    • Enter any name in the field and click Add.
      • Under Settings, define it as mandatory / non mandatory.
      • Under Account Group, configure the account groups for that stage.
      • Under Branch Codes, edit from the list of branches.
  14. Click Save & Close to complete steps or click Cancel to exit without saving.
    At this point, the status of business process is unauthorized. User with supervisor access has to approve the business process. Once approved, the status of the business process changes from unauthorized to authorized and it is activated for usage in other processes.
  15. Click Process View to view the Business Process flowchart.