D Common Icons

This topic provides the information about all the common icons used in the application.

The list of common icons are as follows.

Table D-1 List of Icons

Icon Description
New Creates a new record for the selected screen.
Query View all the configured records for the selected screen.
Unlock Unlock the configured record for the selected screen.
Search Search the configured record and select the required record for the selected screen.
Copy Copy the configured record, modify the details, and save with a different name for the record.
Delete Remove the configured record for the selected screen.
Reopen Reopens a closed record for the selected screen.
Close Closes the configured record for the selected screen.
Print Print view the configured record for the selected screen.
Authorize Authorize the configured record for the selected screen.
Collapse Minimizes the opened screen to the bottom left corner of the screen.
Remove Closes the opened screen.
Audit Check the history of the configured records for the selected screen.
Save Save the configured record for the selected scree
Cancel Discard the configured record before saving it.
+ Add a row in the grid to provide the required record for the selected screen.
- Remove a row in the grid for the selected screen.
> Select a record and move it to the required selected list grid.
< Select a record and move it back to the available list grid.
>| Move all the available list of records to the selected list of grid.
|< Move back all the selected list of records to the available list of grid.