B Error Codes and Messages

The error codes and messages that occur when using the Nostro Reconciliation module are described in this topic.

Table B-1 List of Error Codes and Messages

Error Codes Error Message
GCS-COM-027 Not a valid Key Id: $1)
RE-STMIN001 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN002 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN003 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN004 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN005 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN006 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN007 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN008 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN009 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN010 Unhandled Exception in Statement Input Function
RE-STMIN011 Opening balance+(Net Transaction Amount) not equal to Closing Balance
RE-STMIN041 External Account is mandatory for an External Entity
RE-STMIN042 Failed to generate External Statement Report
RE-STMIN051 Statement already exists
RE-STMIN052 Year of Statement less than Current Year
RE-STMIN053 Year of Statement greater than Current Year
RE-STMIN054 Statement Sequence No less than or equal to 0
RE-STMIN055 Statement Subsequence No less than 0
RE-STMIN056 Current Statement earlier than the Latest Statement
RE-STMIN057 Current Statement earlier than the Latest Statement
RE-STMIN058 Current Statement earlier than the Latest Statement
RE-STMIN059 Statement/s are missing between the Latest Statement and the Current Statement
RE-STMIN060 Statement/s are missing between the Latest Statement and the Current Statement
RE-STMIN061 Statement/s are missing between the Latest Statement and the Current Statement
RE-STMIN066 Gap present between the Closing Balance Date of the Previous Statement and the Opening Balance Date of the Current Statement
RE-STMIN067 Closing Balance of Previous Statement not equal to Opening Balance of Current Statement
RE-STMIN068 Gap present between the Closing Balance Date of the Current Statement and the Opening Balance Date of the Next Statement
RE-STMIN069 Closing Balance of Current Statement not equal to Opening Balance of Next Statement
RE-STMIN071 Current statement has no transactions
RE-STMIN082 Closing Balance Date of Previous Statement not equal to Opening Balance Date of Current Statement
RE-STMIN062 Opening Balance Date does not belong to Statement Year
RE-STMIN063 Closing Balance Date does not belong to Statement Year
RE-STMIN064 Opening Balance Date later than Closing Balance Date
RE-STMIN065 Opening Balance Date and Closing Balance Date do not belong to the same year
RE-STMIN070 The booking date of transaction/s belonging to Current Statement overlap with booking date of transaction/s belonging to other statements
RE-STMIN072 Booking Date of transaction/s lie beyond the range of Opening Balance Date and Closing Balance Date
RE-STMIN073 Amount of transaction/s has decimals greater than the allowable number of decimals for the Currency
RE-STMIN074 ( Opening Balance + Net Cumulative Transaction Amount ) not equal to Closing Balance
RE-STMIN075 Invalid Statement Status / Authorization Status for Save
RE-STMIN076 Invalid Statement Status / Authorization Status for Close
RE-STMIN077 Transaction/s belonging to the Statement has already been Matched
RE-STMIN078 Invalid Authorization Status for Undo
RE-STMIN079 Maker Id not equal to Current User Id
RE-STMIN080 Invalid Authorization Status for Authorization
RE-STMIN081 Maker Id = Current User Id
RE-STMIN900 This Statement is found in the Upload queue and has been removed from there.
RE-001 Failed to Populate LOV value for Recon Class
RE-002 Failed to Populate LOV value for External Entity
RE-003 Failed to Populate LOV value for External Account
RE-004 Failed to Populate LOV value for Currency
RE-VALS-100 Limit Amount cannot be empty for currency $1
RE-VALS-101 Cannot add duplicate currency $1
RE-CLS11 Mirroring or Replication cannot be blank
RE-VALS-008 $1 - Invalid Branch Code
RE-VALS-003 $1 - Invalid currency entered
RE-VALS-006 External Entity should be Eight or Eleven Alphanumeric character.
RE-VALS-001 The Recon Class entered is not Valid
RE-VALS-004 The Account GL-$1 entered is not Valid
RE-CLS05 Characters of Recon Class should belong to [A - Z] and [0 - 9]
NM-VALS-001 "Currency,External Account,External entity and Reconciliation class are mandatory fields"
NM-VALS-002 "Amount difference greater than tolerance,cannot match."
GCS-REJ-009 Resource ID cannot be Null/Empty
SCF-ER-14 Can not proceed with stale data.
RL_DF_004 Text Between function is not applicable for Date
RL_DF_005 Starts with function is not applicable for Date
RL_DF_006 Ends with function is not applicable for Date
RL_DF_007 Date cannot be compared with other data type
RL_DF_008 Please provide the date in the format yyyy-MM-dd
SCF-ER-10 Workflow initiation failed
SCF-ER-11 Invoice Transaction is already in Progress
SCF-ER-12 Payment Transaction is already in Progress
SCF-ER-13 Cashflow Transaction is already in Progress
SCF-ER-15 Unable to acquire invoice involved in reconciliation
SCF-ER-16 Record state is not consistent for Cashflow
SCF-ER-17 Failed while purging cashflow
SCF-ER-18 Failed while updating Invoice/Payments
SCF-ER-19 Failed while updating Cashflow
SCF-ER-20 Unable to acquire credit note involved in reconciliation
RL_DF_009 Record with same Rule Description already present
GCS-AUTH-05 Failed to Authorize the record
GCS-CLOS-04 Failed to Close the record
GCS-COM-012 "Error saving child datasegment, Master validation failed"
GCS-COM-013 Error saving the datasegment
GCS-COM-014 Error validating the datasegment
GCS-COM-015 Error submitting the datasegment
GCS-COM-016 Unexpected error occured during runtime
GCS-COM-017 Error deleting the extended datasegment
GCS-COM-018 Remove lock failed
GCS-COM-019 Revert call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-020 Revert call to subdomain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-021 Error deleting the subdomain datasegment
GCS-COM-022 Authorize call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-023 Authorize call to subdomain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-025 Client error occurred during API call
GCS-COM-026 Invalid datasegment code
GCS-DEL-008 Failed to Delete the record
GCS-DEL-009 No valid prevalidated modifications found for deletion
GCS-MOD-008 Failed to Update the record
GCS-REOP-05 Failed to Reopen the record
GCS-REVT-01 Record reverted successfully
GCS-REVT-02 Failed to Revert the record
GCS-SAV-004 Failed to create the record
GCS-LOCK-01 Remove dirty lock failed
GCS-VAL-01 Field Validation Failed
SCF-ER-21 Unable to reconcile as finance outstanding amount is greater than max finance eligible amount of outstanding invoice
RL_DF_010 All virtual accounts should belong to the same customer
ER61 Transaction cannot be processed
PLATO-EVNT-001 Failed to update
PLATO-EVNT-002 Record already exists
SCFCM-ER-001 Internal Server Error.
SCFCM-SAV-002 Success
SCFCM_RCON_ER49 Either Buyer Id or Supplier Id is mandatory
GCS-COM-009 "Resource ID cannot be blank or ""null""."
GCS-COM-010 Successfully cancelled $1.
GCS-COM-011 $1 failed to update.
GCS-MOD-007 Only the maker can modify the pending records.
GCS-SAV-003 The record is saved and validated successfully.
GCS-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthroized modifications found for approval.
GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-03 "Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization"
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
GCS-COM-002 "Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version"
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper SELECT
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didnt match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthroized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
GCS-MOD-003 "Record marked for close, cannot modify."
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
GCS-MOD-005 "Not amendable field, cannot modify"
GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 "Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records"
GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-04 "Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized"
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
ST-SAVE-027 Request Successfully Processed
ER01 Rule Description cannot be null or empty
ER02 Recon Category cannot be null or empty
ER03 Recon Type cannot be null or empty
ER04 Filter Criteria should not be null or empty
ER05 Record already exists for given Filter Atrribute
ER06 Default record already exists
ER07 Record for this Party already exists
CMC-TXN-001 Transaction controller failure
CMC-ORCH-001 Failed to initiate.
CMC-ORCH-002 Transaction is successfully initiated.
CMC-ORCH-003 "Invalid action, failed to initiate."
CMC-ORCH-004 "$1 is not submitted, transaction remains the same."
CMC-ORCH-005 Cannot proceed with submit as the action is not initiated.
CMC-ORCH-006 Cannot proceed with submit as the information is incomplete.
CMC-ORCH-007 Failed to submit.
CMC-ORCH-008 Record successfully submitted.
CMC-ORCH-009 "$1 is in-progress, failed to initiate."
CMC-ORCH-010 "Aw, snap! An unexpected exception occurred, try again."
CMC-ORCH-011 Invalid request.
CMC-ORCH-012 Cannot proceed with submit as the action is not initiated.
CMC-ORCH-013 Cannot find the provided information.
CMC-ORCH-014 "Record is not yet submitted by $1, cannot initiate the action."
CMC-ORCH-015 Record already unlocked by $1.
ER08 Base on Attribute cannot be null or empty
ER09 Generic Criteria cannot be null or empty
ER10 Recon Type cannot be null or empty
ER11 LHS Pattern should not be null or empty
ER12 RHS Pattern should not be null or empty
ER13 Match Criteria should not be null or empty
ER14 Recon Entity Attribute LHS should not be null or empty
ER15 Recon Entity Attribute RHS should not be null or empty
ER16 Recon Entity LHS should not be null or empty
ER17 Recon Entity RHS should not be null or empty
ER18 Priority should not be null or empty
ER19 Rule Id should not be null or empty
ER20 Execute Generic should not be null or empty
ER21 Party Id should not be null or empty
ER22 Base Entity should not be null or empty
ER23 Rule Id cannot be duplicate for given rule Decisioning record
ER24 Priority cannot be duplicate for given rule Decisioning record
ER25 Atleast one rule should be linked
ER26 For every generic rule one exact rule is required
ER27 Generic rule already exists with these values
ER28 Rule Description already exists for some other Rule Id
ER29 Rule Id does not exist
ER30 Invalid Party Id
ER31 Record does not exists
ER32 Corporate Id cannot be null
ER33 BuyerId cannot be null
ER34 Buyer name cannot be null
ER35 Supplier Id cannot be null
ER36 Supplier name cannot be null
ER37 External System Refernce Number cannot be null
ER38 Payment currency cannot be null
ER39 Amount matched in payment currency cannot be null
ER40 Amount matched in invoice currency cannot be null
ER41 Invoice currency cannot be null
ER42 Invalid corporate/buyer/supplier Id
ER43 Corporate Id doesnt match with buyerId or supplierId
ER44 Invalid Invoice Reference Number passed
ER45 Invalid Payment Refernce Number passed
ER46 Invoice Outstanding Amount is zero
ER47 Reconciled Payment Amount is greater than Unreconciled Payment Amount
ER48 External Refernce Number already exists
ER49 Invalid Expected Dr/Cr Reference Number
ER50 Actual Cashflow Amount exceeds Total Cashflow Amount
ER51 Rule is in closed state
ER52 Invalid Account Number
ER53 Expected Debit Credit Indicator cannot be null
ER54 Payment Reference Number cannot be null
ER55 Payment Amount cannot be null
ER56 At least one account needs to be allocated amount
ER57 Allocation Account Number cannot be null
ER58 Allocation Amount cannot be null
RL_DF_001 Please provide indices for Text Between function
RL_DF_002 The indices should be number for Text Between function
RL_DF_003 The first index should be greater than second index for Text Between function
ER59 Cannot attach multiple generic rules for given recon category
ER60 Cannot modify rule as it is linked to another corporate.Please create a new rule.
GCS-REJ-001 A rejected record cannot be closed. Please delete this modification.
GCS-REJ-002 A rejected record cannot be reopened. Please delete this modification.
GCS-REJ-003 Invalid modifications sent for reject. Highest modification must also be included.
GCS-REJ-004 Record Rejected successfully
GCS-REJ-005 Maker cannot reject the record.
GCS-REJ-006 Checker remarks are mandatory while rejecting.
GCS-REJ-007 No valid modifications found for reject.
GCS-REJ-008 Invalid modifications sent for reject. Consecutive modifications must be included.
CAPP-RVL-BAT-01 Account reval batch job failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-02 Account reval batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-03 Account reval batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-04 Unable to fetch revaluation setup data for GL Code
CAPP-RVL-BAT-05 Unable to fetch currency data
CAPP-RVL-BAT-06 Unable to fetch branch LCY
CAPP-RVL-BAT-07 Account Status not available for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-08 Account Class not available for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-09 Unable to get reporting GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-10 Unable to get credit GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-11 Unable to get debit GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-12 Unable to get current balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-13 Current balance is zero for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-14 Unable to fetch reval data for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-16 Incomplete Reval setup for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-17 Unable to fetch currency data for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-19 Unable to get LCY current balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-20 Unable to get opening balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-23 Unable to get LCY opening balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-24 Unable to process reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-25 Account revaluation failed for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-26 Reval account posting batch failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-27 Reval account posting batch failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-28 Unable to process account reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-29 Unable to post transactions to $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-30 Reval netted GL posting batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-31 Reval netted GL posting batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-32 Unable to process netted GL reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-33 Unable to post netted GL reval transactions for $1 and $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-01 "Error in Reader at branch $1, Partition Number $2"
CAPP-PP-BAT-02 "Error while processing VD Balances for account number $1, branch $1, partition number $2"
CAPP-PP-BAT-03 "Error while processing IC VD Balances for account number $1, branch $1, partition number $2"
CAPP-PP-BAT-04 "Error while processing BD Balances for account number $1, branch $1, partition number $2"
CAPP-PP-BAT-05 "Error in while processing Turnover Balances for account number $1, branch $1, partition number $2"
CAPP-PP-BAT-06 "Error while saving balances for branch $1, partition number $2"
CAPP-PP-BAT-07 "Error while inserting into IC VD Balances for branch $1, partition number $2"
CAPP-PP-BLQ-01 Invalid Request
CAPP-PP-BLQ-02 $1 balance queries not allowed
CAPP-PP-BLQ-03 From Date $1 cannot be later than To Date $2
CAPP-PP-BLQ-04 Date range search cannot exceed $1 days
CAPP-PP-BLQ-05 Balance details not found for given criteria
CAPP-PP-BLQ-06 Error occured while fetching the balance details
CAPP-PP-BLQ-07 Invalid value for field $1
RE-VALS-009 External Account Number must be Alphanumeric and with 35 Character Max