10.1 Create UDE Limits

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure the UDE limits.

  1. On Home screen, click Retail Deposits. Under Retail Deposits, click Configurations. Under Configurations, click Interest and Charges.
  2. Under Interest and Charges, click UDE Limits. Under UDE Limits, click Create.
    The Create screen displays.
  3. Specify the fields on Create UDE Limits screen.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 10-1 Create UDE Limits - Field Description

    Field Description
    Product Code

    Click Search icon to view and select the product code.

    Every product is linked to a rule. When the rule is built, the user identifies the UDEs needed to calculate interest or charges. The user does not have to give the UDE value. Because the rule can be linked to many products; and a product to many account classes (for which interest or charge is calculated using the same method but having different UDE values).

    User Element Click Search icon to view and select the user element for which the user wants to maintain upper and lower limits.
    Currency Code

    Click Search icon to view and select the currency code.

    If the user selects ALL as the currency code, then the limits are applicable for all currencies.

    Min Effective Value Specify the minimum value for the user element and currency combination.
    Max Effective Value Specify the maximum value for the user element and currency combination.
    Minimum Variance Specify the minimum value of interest variance that can be maintained at account level for the given UDE and currency combination.
    Maximum Variance

    Specify the maximum value of interest variance that can be maintained at account level for the given UDE and currency combination. The value of Maximum Variance cannot be less than Minimum Variance.

    While creating an account, if the variance is specified at special condition level in the Variance field against a UDE, then that variance value is compared with the Minimum and Maximum variance maintained at the product level for the account currency.

    If the variance is below minimum variance and above maximum variance, the system displays an error message.

    The validation of minimum and maximum variance are performed during creation, modification and reopening of the account.

  4. Click + to add the new user element limits.
  5. Click - to remove the existing user element limits.
  6. Click Save to save the details.