2.1.1 Bulletin Board

This topic describes the systematic instruction about the Bulletin Board widget in Dashboard.

The Bulletin Board widget posts all messages about the business in between the bank and its customers. If the bulletin message is Alert, the Alert icon is displayed and if the bulletin message is information, the Information icon is displayed.
The messages are:
  • Public news and its messages
  • Bank policies and notices
  • System Messages like system downtime information, network failures, etc.
  1. To view the details of the bulletin, click the Expand icon.
    Message Details pop-up window is displayed.
  2. Click the Attachments icon, to view the list of attachments.
    Document List pop-up window is displayed.
  3. Click the attachment to view the document.
  4. Click the Filter icon to filter the bulletin board based on Reference Number, Start Date, End Date.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-1 Bulletin Board-Filter - Field Desription

    Field Description
    Reference Number Enter the Reference Number or click the search icon to view the Reference Number pop-up window. By default, this window lists all the Reference Numbers present in the system. You can search for a specific Reference Number by providing Reference Number, and click on the Fetch button.
    Start Date Click on the adjoining calendar icon and specify the Start Date.
    End Date Click on the adjoining calendar icon and specify the End Date.
  5. Click the Filter button.
    The applied Filters will appear in the band within the widget.
  6. To remove the filters, click the Filter icon and click the clear button.