1.1 Business Product

User can classify the customer accounts of the bank into different groups and assign each group an identifying code.

For example, user may define a group called SAVREG for regular savings accounts, WLTSAV for wealth management saving accounts.

Each group is referred to as an Business Product and is maintained in the Business Product screen. For each class, user also define certain common fields applicable to the accounts in this class, such as, the General Ledger lines to which the accounts in this class report to, facilities granted to the account holders (cheque book, ATM, limits and so on).

The various features of an business product are captured across the following sub-screens covered as subtopics.

  • Basic Details
  • Features
  • Preferences
  • Limits
  • Interest
  • MIS Details
  • GL Reporting Details
  • Statement Preferences
  • Status Rule Definition
  • Courtesy pay
  • Overdue
  • RegD Parameter

This topic contains the following subtopics: