1.5.1 Create Product Switch Parameters

This topic explains the systematic instructions to create business product transfer.

  1. On Home screen, under Menu, click Retail Account Configurations. Under Retail Account Configurations, click Product Switch.
  2. Under Product Switch, click Create Product Switch Parameters.
    The Create Product Switch Parameters screen displays.

    Figure 1-22 Create Product Switch Parameters

  3. Specify the fields on Create Product Switch Parameters screen.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table below.

    Table 1-22 Create Product Switch Parameters - Field Description

    Field Description
    Product Switch Type Select the Reg D violation from the drop-down list. This value supports if the current product has the Reg D violation.
    Old Product Code Click the Search icon to select the old product code from the list determines the existing business product from which the account needs to be switched in case of Reg D violation.
    New Product Code Click the Search icon to select the new product code from the list determines the new business product to which the account to be switched in case of Reg D violation.
  4. After specifying all the details, click Save to complete the steps. Or, click Cancel to exit without saving.