B Error Codes and Messages

This topic contains error codes and messages found while using Oracle Banking Retail Accounts Service.

Table B-1 List of Error Codes and Messages

Error Code Error Message
CAPM-COM-001 Record does not exist
CAPM-COM-002 Unable to parse JSON
CAPM-COM-003 Application Number cannot be blank or "null".
CAPM-COM-004 Process Ref Number cannot be blank or "null".
CAPM-COM-005 Error saving the datasegment
CAPM-COM-006 Unexpected error occurred during runtime
CAPM-COM-007 Application Initiated Successfully
CAPM-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
CAPM-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
CAPM-DEL-003 Failed to Delete the record
CAPM-MOD-001 Record Successfully Modified
CAPM-MOD-002 Failed to Update the record
CAPM-SAV-001 Record Saved Successfully.
CAPM-SAV-002 Failed to create the record
CAPM-SAV-003 The record is validated and saved successfully.
CAPM-SAV-004 Record already exists
CAPM-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
CAPM-VAL-002 Error in fetching Summary Info.
CAPM-TJS-VAL-00 Process code is not set for the selected Lifecycle
CAPM-TJS-VAL-01 AccountType, LifeCycleCode, BranchCode cannot be null
CAPM-TJS-VAL-02 BusinessProcess Code cannot be null
CAPM-TJS-VAL-03 Failed to generate the reference number
CAPM-TJS-VAL-04 No business process code found
CAPM-TJS-VAL-05 Application Initiation Failed
CAPM-TJS-VAL-06 Unable to Parse Application Initiation Json
CAPM-TJS-VAL-07 Process Code cannot be null for the lifecycle
CAPM-TJS-VAL-08 Error in retrieving application category
CAPM-TJS-VAL-09 Error in retrieving TaskID List
CAPM-TJS-VAL-10 Workflow Definition Not Found
CAPM-TJS-VAL-11 Error while checking workflow definition existence
CAPM-TJS-VAL-12 Response from EA service is null
CAPM-TJS-VAL-13 Only maximum 4 characters are allowed
CAPM-TJS-VAL-14 Invalid Event Serial Number. Value should be a positive number
CAPM-TJS-VAL-15 The record is successfully validated.
CAPM-TJS-MOD-00 Record Successfully Modified
CAPM-TJS-SAV-00 Record Saved Successfully.
CAPM-TJS-COM-00 Unable to parse JSON
CAPM-TJS-COM-01 Application Number cannot be blank or "null".
CAPM-TJS-COM-02 Unexpected error occurred during runtime
CAPM-TJS-COM-03 Application Initiated Successfully
CAPM-TJS-COM-04 Application Number cannot be blank or "null".
CAPM-TJS-VAL-16 Error while checking workflow definition existence
CAPM-TJS-COM-05 Update status failed
CAPM-TJS-COM-06 Unable to get sub-domain info
CAPM-TJS-VAL-17 Application date parsing failed
CAPM-TJS-VAL-18 Application number not valid
CAPM-TJS-VAL-19 Unable to parse application transaction flow JSON
CAPM-TJS-VAL-21 Failed in parsing date
CAPM-TJS-SAV-01 Record Saved Successfully.
CAPM-TJS-VAL-22 Source code cannot be null or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-23 Error while parsing source code from DDA-CONFIG-SOURCECODE-SERVICES
CAPM-TJS-VAL-24 Source code is invalid
CAPM-TJS-VAL-26 Error in validating the record.
CAPM-TJS-DEF-00 Error in defaulting source code details
CAPM-TJS-VAL-27 Invalid entry type
CAPM-TJS-VAL-28 Invalid posting into
CAPM-TJS-VAL-29 Account currency amount cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-30 Exchange rate cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-31 Branch currency amount cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-32 Invalid value date format
CAPM-TJS-VAL-33 Value date cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-34 Invalid availability info
CAPM-TJS-VAL-35 Availability info cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-F1 Direct Banking Required must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-F2 Current Status is invalid
CAPM-ACS-COM-G0 Multi Currency Account must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-G1 Renew Unit must be positive Number
CAPM-ACS-COM-G2 Next Renew Limit must be greater than Zero
CAPM-ACS-COM-G3 Renew Frequency must Daily (D)/Yearly (Y/Monthly(M)
CAPM-ACS-COM-G4 Request Status is Invalid
CAPM-ACS-COM-G5 Cheque Level Reorder must be empty/null
CAPM-ACS-COM-G6 No Of Leaves Reorder must be empty/null
CAPM-ACS-COM-G7 Cheque Level Reorder is Invalid
CAPM-ACS-COM-G8 No Of Leaves Reorder is Invalid
CAPM-ACS-COM-G9 Reporting GL is not allowed
CAPM-ACS-COM-H0 At least one limit Type is required
CAPM-ACS-COM-H1 Tod Limit should be greater than Zero
CAPM-ACS-COM-H2 Daylight Limit should be greater than Zero
CAPM-ACS-DEF-01 Error in defaulting Account Statement Preferences
CAPM-ACS-DEF-02 Error in Defaulting Provisioning and Reporting Line
CAPM-ACS-DEF-03 Error in defaulting Account Preferences
CAPM-ACS-DEF-04 Error in defaulting Account Status
CAPM-ACS-DEF-05 Error in defaulting Account Features
CAPM-ACS-DEF-06 Error in defaulting Account Limits
CAPM-ACS-DEF-07 Error in defaulting Account Signatory
CAPM-ACS-DEF-08 Error in defaulting initial funding
CAPM-ACS-DEF-09 Error in defaulting multi Currency Account
CAPM-ACS-DEF-10 Error in defaulting Account Address
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AA Error in defaulting Interest Details
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AC Error in defaulting Charges
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AD Error in defaulting Account Status
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AE Error in defaulting Account Statement Preferences
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AF Error in defaulting Provisioning ReportingLine
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AG Error in defaulting AccountPreferences
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AH Error in defaulting Account Features
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AI Error in defaulting Account Limits
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AJ Error in defaulting Account Mis
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AK Error in defaulting Account Signatory
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AL Error in defaulting Initial Funding
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AM Error in defaulting MultiCurrency
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AN Error in defaulting Account Address
CAPM-ACS-VAL-01 Auto Debit Card Request cannot be null.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-02 Request Reference Number cannot be null.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M0 Process code is not set for the selected Lifecycle
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M1 Account Type,Life Cycle Code, Branch Code cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M2 Business Process Code cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M4 Failed to generate the reference number
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M3 Error in parsing date. Date should be in yyyy-MM-dd
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M5 No business process code found
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M6 Application Initiation Failed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M7 Unable to Parse Application Initiation Json
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M8 Process Code cannot be null for the lifecycle
CAPM-ACS-VAL-M9 Error in retrieving application category
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N0 Error in retrieving TaskID List
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N3 Fail to acquire Plato Task
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N1 Workflow Definition Not Found
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N2 Error while checking workflow definition existence
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N4 No data found for this Application Number
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N5 Failed To Invoke OBRH
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N6 Handoff Completed Successfully
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N7 Handoff Failed due to network issue
CAPM-ACS-COM-00 Customer Account Basic Details is NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-01 Account Group is Empty/NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-02 Invalid Account Number
CAPM-ACS-COM-03 Invalid Customer Number
CAPM-ACS-COM-04 Invalid Branch Code
CAPM-ACS-COM-05 Invalid Currency
CAPM-ACS-COM-06 Invalid Account Class
CAPM-ACS-COM-07 Invalid Account Type
CAPM-ACS-COM-08 Not a Multi Currency Account Class. MultiCurrency_Account flag should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-09 MultiCurrency Account Class. MultiCurrency_Account flag should be Y
CAPM-ACS-COM-10 RTL should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-11 IBAN should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-12 Referral Required should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-13 Account Preferences is empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-14 ATM Required should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-15 Cheque Book Required should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-16 Cheque Book Autoreorder should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-17 Invalid max Cheque rejections
CAPM-ACS-COM-18 Direct Banking Required should be N
CAPM-ACS-COM-19 Direct Banking Required should be Y
CAPM-ACS-COM-20 NULL Account number in Account status
CAPM-ACS-COM-21 NULL Branch Code in Account status
CAPM-ACS-COM-22 Invalid value for Status change automatic
CAPM-ACS-COM-23 Invalid value for No Debits
CAPM-ACS-COM-24 Invalid value for No Credits
CAPM-ACS-COM-25 Invalid value for Stop Payment
CAPM-ACS-COM-26 Invalid value for Dormant
CAPM-ACS-COM-27 Invalid value for Frozen
CAPM-ACS-COM-28 Current Status to be NORM in Account opening
CAPM-ACS-COM-29 Dormancy Parameter must be D(Debit) or C(Credit) or A(Any of Credit or Debit) or M(Manual)
CAPM-ACS-COM-30 Invalid date for Status Since
CAPM-ACS-COM-31 Cheque Leaves must be numeric
CAPM-ACS-COM-32 Invalid date for Order Date
CAPM-ACS-COM-33 First Cheque Number has to be numeric
CAPM-ACS-COM-34 Invalid value for Cheque leaves
CAPM-ACS-COM-36 Branch Code in Cheque Book request is empty"
CAPM-ACS-COM-37 Account number in Cheque Book request is empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-38 Cheque Book number in Cheque Book request is empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-39 Cheque number in Cheque Book request is empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-40 Leaf Number Status of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-41 Interest Details must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-COM-42 Currency cannot be duplicated
CAPM-ACS-COM-43 Invalid value for Waive Interest
CAPM-ACS-COM-44 Invalid value for Open, can be Y or N
CAPM-ACS-COM-45 Invalid value for Variance
CAPM-ACS-COM-46 Duplicate Currency selected in MultiCurrency
CAPM-ACS-COM-47 Invalid Fund Utilization sequence
CAPM-ACS-COM-48 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF limit should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-49 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF limit start date should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-50 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF limit end date should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-51 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF margin should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-52 Invalid AUF limit start date
CAPM-ACS-COM-53 Invalid AUF limit end date
CAPM-ACS-COM-54 AufMargin must not be empty when Od FacReq is set to Y in Account Class
CAPM-ACS-COM-55 OD required in Account Class is N. TOD limit should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-56 OD required in Account Class is N. TOD limit start date should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-57 OD required in Account Class is N. TOD limit end date should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-58 TodLimit is must not be empty when OdFacReq is set to Y in Account Class
CAPM-ACS-COM-59 Invalid TOD limit start date
CAPM-ACS-COM-60 Invalid TOD limit end date
CAPM-ACS-COM-61 OD required in Account Class is N. Day light limit should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-62 Invalid Renew TOD
CAPM-ACS-COM-63 Renew TOD is N. Renew frequency should be NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-64 Renew TOD is N. Renew unit should be NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-65 Renew TOD is N. Next renewal limit should be NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-66 Invalid Linkage reference
CAPM-ACS-COM-67 Linked Amount must be Numeric
CAPM-ACS-COM-68 Invalid Effective date
CAPM-ACS-COM-69 Account number different from the master
CAPM-ACS-COM-70 Currency different from the master
CAPM-ACS-COM-71 Invalid Provisioning and GL
CAPM-ACS-COM-72 Invalid Status
CAPM-ACS-COM-73 Invalid Debit GL
CAPM-ACS-COM-74 Invalid Credit GL
CAPM-ACS-COM-75 Propagate reporting GL is Y. Status should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-76 Propagate reporting GL is Y. Debit GL should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-77 Propagate reporting GL is Y. Credit GL should not be entered
CAPM-ACS-COM-78 Invalid Language Code
CAPM-ACS-COM-79 Account address is Empty / NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-80 Address type is Empty / NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-81 Order details is Empty / NULL
CAPM-ACS-COM-82 Invalid IBAN Account number
CAPM-ACS-COM-83 Invalid Product Code
CAPM-ACS-COM-84 Invalid UDE Currency
CAPM-ACS-COM-85 Invalid UDE element id
CAPM-ACS-COM-86 Invalid Rate Code
CAPM-ACS-COM-87 Invalid Calculation Account
CAPM-ACS-COM-88 Invalid Interest Booking Branch Code
CAPM-ACS-COM-89 Invalid Interest Booking Account
CAPM-ACS-COM-90 Effective date is before Account open date
CAPM-ACS-COM-91 Start date is before Account open date
CAPM-ACS-COM-92 Effective date is before Account open date
CAPM-ACS-COM-93 Status since should be Account open date
CAPM-ACS-COM-A1 AddressType length is more then 22.
CAPM-ACS-COM-A2 PostCode can not be blank and empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-A3 TownName can not be blank and empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-A4 Country can not be blank and empty
CAPM-ACS-COM-A5 Department length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-A6 SubDepartment length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-A7 StreetName length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-A8 BuildingNumber length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-A9 BuildingName length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-A0 Floor length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B0 PostBox length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B1 Room length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B2 PostCode length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B3 TownName length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B4 TownLocationName length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B5 DistrictName length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B6 CountrySubDivision length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-B7 Country length is out of limit
CAPM-ACS-COM-C1 RealTimeLiquidity must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-C2 IBAN Required must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-C3 ReferralRequired can be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-C4 ATM Required must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-C5 Cheque Book Required must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-COM-C6 Cheque Book AutoReorder must be Y/N only
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U4 Minimum one address should be marked as default
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U5 Default address must have mail media
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C8 Invalid Advice
CAPM-ACS-VAL-70 Customer Number not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-71 Currency not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-72 Account Class not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-04 Account Number cannot be null.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-78 When the statement type is chosen as None then Cycle and On should not be captured.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-79 Primary Cycle must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-80 Primary On must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S2 Primary Statement Format must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R1 Primary Swift Address required only when Swift Required is set to Y
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S4 Primary Statement Swift Address must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-82 Secondary Cycle must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-93 Invalid Primary Cycle
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S5 Secondary Statement Format must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R2 Secondary SwiftAddress required only when Swift Required is set to Y
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S7 Secondary Swift Address must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-86 Tertiary On must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S8 Tertiary Statement Format must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R3 Tertiary Swift Address required only when Swift Required is set to Y
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R0 Tertiary Swift Address must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-94 Invalid Secondary Cycle
CAPM-ACS-VAL-95 Invalid Tertiary Cycle
CAPM-ACS-VAL-27 Language Code does not match from the LOV.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E8 Branch Date is null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E9 Amount not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F0 Effective Date is not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F1 Effective date should not be before branch date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F2 Expiry Date date should not be before branch date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F3 Expiry Date date should not be before effective date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S0 Duplicate sub account currency not allowed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-34 Customer Name cannot be null.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-35 Party Type cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-36 Country of Incorporation cannot be null.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-37 Date of Incorporation cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-38 Place of Incorporation cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-39 KYC status cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-40 Preferred language cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-41 Media in Customer Address Maintenance cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-42 Address Type in Customer Address Maintenance cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-43 Country code value does not match from the LOV API
CAPM-ACS-VAL-44 Preferred Language does not match from the LOV.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-45 House/Building, city, zip code, email address and state cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-46 Mail address is mandatory
CAPM-ACS-VAL-47 Swift, mobile,fax or phone either one should be have details.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C7 Reporting GL must contain atleast one NORM status during SAVE
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G3 Stop Payments Type should be A or C
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G4 Effective Date is not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G5 Effective date should not be before branch date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G6 Expiry Date date should not be before branch date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G7 Expiry Date date should not be before effective date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N8 Record already Handed off
CAPM-ACS-VAL-N9 Failed to parse data to ProductProcess due to network issue
CAPM-ACS-VAL-T1 Customer Number not generated
PLATO-EVNT-001 Failed to update
PLATO-EVNT-002 Record already exists
CAPM-ACS-VAL-05 Cannot have Request Reference Number for empty Card Products.
CAPM-COM-020 Unable to get Sub-domain info from Transaction Controller
CAPM-ACS-VAL-H9 $1 is an invalid branch code
CAPM-ACS-VAL-H8 Chequebook required flag is disabled for account $1
CAPM-ACS-COM-J0 Failed to get amount block details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J1 Error while get amount block details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J2 Failed to post amount block details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J3 Error while post amount block details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J4 Failed to update amount block details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J5 Error while amend amount block details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J6 Failed to close amount block
CAPM-ACS-COM-J7 Error while close amount block
GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthorized modifications found for approval.
GCS-AUTH-05 Failed to Authorize the record
GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization
GCS-CLOS-04 Failed to Close the record
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper SELECT
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-COM-009 Resource ID cannot be blank or "null".
GCS-COM-010 Successfully canceled $1.
GCS-COM-011 $1 failed to update.
GCS-COM-012 Error saving child datasegment, Master validation failed
GCS-COM-013 Error saving the datasegment
GCS-COM-014 Error validating the datasegment
GCS-COM-015 Error submitting the datasegment
GCS-COM-016 Unexpected error occurred during runtime
GCS-COM-017 Error deleting the extended datasegment
GCS-COM-018 Remove lock failed
GCS-COM-019 Revert call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-020 Revert call to sub-domain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-021 Error deleting the sub-domain datasegment
GCS-COM-022 Authorize call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-023 Authorize call to sub-domain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-025 Client error occurred during API call
GCS-COM-026 Invalid datasegment code
GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didn’t match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthorized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-DEL-008 Failed to Delete the record
GCS-DEL-009 No valid pre-validated modifications found for deletion
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once authorised
GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-007 Only the maker can modify the pending records.
GCS-MOD-008 Failed to Update the record
GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
GCS-REOP-05 Failed to Reopen the record
GCS-REVT-01 Record reverted successfully
GCS-REVT-02 Failed to Revert the record
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
GCS-SAV-003 The record is saved and validated successfully.
GCS-SAV-004 Failed to create the record
GCS-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
GCS-LOCK-01 Remove dirty lock failed
CAPM-ACT-VAL-01 AccountType is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACT-VAL-02 AccountType Code is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACT-VAL-03 AccountType Description is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACT-LOV-01 Error in getting data from Account class service
CAPM-ACT-LOV-02 Error while Parsing data from Account Class service
CAPM-ACT-LOV-03 Account class code is invalid
CAPM-BPC-CDS-00 Account Type of Advices not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-01 Branch Code of Advices not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-02 Account Type of Checklists not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-03 BranchCode of Checklists not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-04 Account Type of Data segments not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-05 Branch Code of Data segments not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-06 Account Type of Documents not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-CDS-07 Branch Code of Documents not matching with Basic Details
CAPM-BPC-MAN-01 Work Flow Definition is Mandatory
CAPM-BPC-MAN-02 Account Type is Mandatory
CAPM-BPC-MAN-03 Branch Code is Mandatory
CAPM-BPC-MAN-04 Business Process Code is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-05 Party Role Code is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-06 Account Type is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-07 Branch Code is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-08 Account Type is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-09 Branch Code is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-10 Account Type is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-11 Branch Code is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-12 Account Type is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-13 Branch Code is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-14 Functional Code and Functional Desc is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-15 Service Name and Service endpoint is Mandatory in $1
CAPM-BPC-MAN-18 Stage configuration is Mandatory
CAPM-BPC-MAN-19 StageDatasegment configuration is Mandatory
CAPM-BPC-MAN-20 No Stage configured in this process
CAPM-BPC-VAL-00 Source stage value should be either Y/N
CAPM-BPC-VAL-01 Cannot have more than 1 source Stage
CAPM-BPC-VAL-02 Business process code should be in Upper Case and should not contain any special characters
CAPM-BPC-VAL-03 $1 Functional code is invalid
CAPM-BPC-VAL-04 Business process code should be of length 6
CAPM-BPC-VAL-05 Record already exist with same Lifecycle and AccountType
CAPM-BPC-VAL-06 Unable to fetch and validateLifecycle Code data
CAPM-BPC-VAL-07 Unable to fetch and validate branch Code data
CAPM-BPC-VAL-08 Unable to fetch and validate AccountType
CAPM-BPC-LOV-00 $1 is not a valid LifeCycle Code
CAPM-BPC-LOV-01 $1 is not a valid AccountType Code in BasicDetails
CAPM-BPC-LOV-02 $1 is not a valid Branch Code in BasicDetails
CAPM-BPC-LOV-03 $1 is not a valid AccountType in Advice
CAPM-BPC-LOV-04 $1 is not a valid BranchCode in Advice
CAPM-BPC-LOV-13 $1 is not a valid RoleCode in Advice
CAPM-BPC-LOV-05 $1 is not a valid AccountType in Checklist
CAPM-BPC-LOV-06 $1 is not a valid BranchCode in Checklist
CAPM-BPC-LOV-07 $1 is not a valid AccountType in Document
CAPM-BPC-LOV-08 $1 is not a valid BranchCode in Document
CAPM-BPC-LOV-09 $1 is not a valid DocumentCode
CAPM-BPC-LOV-10 $1 is not a valid AccountType in Datasegments
CAPM-BPC-LOV-11 $1 is not a valid BranchCode in Datasegments
CAPM-BPC-LOV-12 $1 is not a valid DatasegmentCode
CAPM-BPC-OVR-00 No Advices configured in this process
CAPM-BPC-OVR-01 No Checklist configured in this process
CAPM-BPC-OVR-02 No Document configured in this process
CAPM-BPC-VAL-09 $1 Stage : Service Name and Endpoint is invalid
CAPM-BPC-VAL-10 Unable to fetch and validate Service Endpoint
CAPM-BPC-VAL-11 Unable to fetch and validate FunctionalActivity
CAPM-TRO-001 Failed in Updating Task
CAPM-TRO-002 Stage Updated Successfully
CAPM-TRO-003 Failed in Updating Transaction Log
CAPM-TRO-004 Application Number, Process Code and Stagecode are mandatory
CAPM-TRO-005 No transaction exists with the given application number
CAPM-TRO-007 Approval Pending for Business Overrides
CAPM-TRO-008 Workflow and TaskID are mandatory
CAPM-TRO-009 Failed in updating stage
CAPM-TRO-010 Sending advice failed, Preferred Contact Media Not Found
CAPM-TRO-011 Task Not Found in Current Branch
CAPM-TRO-012 $1 Datasegment is Mandatory
CAPM-TRO-013 Upload Mandatory Documents
CAPM-TRO-014 Upload Mandatory Checklist
CAPM-TRO-015 ProcessRef Number is Mandatory
CAPM-TRO-016 Initiation Process Failed
CAPM-TRO-017 Workflow definition not found
CAPM-TRO-018 Error while checking workflow definition existence
CAPM-TRO-019 Failed in task search API call
CAPM-TRO-021 Business process not available for the given productCode
CAPM-TRO-023 Failed in task search API call
CAPM-TRO-022 Business process fetch failed due to some error
CAPM-TRO-020 Failed in Getting Descriptions
CAPM-TRO-024 Unable to Fetch Dashboard filter
CAPM-TRO-025 Unable to update Dashboard filter
CAPM-COM-015 Mandatory Document check failed
CAPM-COM-016 Mandatory Datasegment check failed
CAPM-COM-017 Checklist check failed
CAPM-COM-018 Overrides check failed
CAPM-COM-019 Domain data validation failed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F9 Duplicate Account Number
CAPM-STP-VAL-24 Invalid Cheque Number given
CAPM-ACS-COM-I5 Primary Swift Address Not Allowed
CAPM-ACS-COM-I6 Secondary Swift Address Not Allowed
CAPM-ACS-COM-I7 Tertiary Swift Address Not Allowed
CAPM-TJS-VAL-36 Related account cannot be NULL or empty for the selected posting into
CAPM-TJS-VAL-37 Reversal Accounting Reference cannot be NULL or empty if reversal is set to true
CAPM-TJS-VAL-38 Account number not matching with the list of account numbers in core-account-service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-39 Account number cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-40 Account number cannot be defaulted from source code as it is not present in source-code-services
CAPM-TJS-VAL-41 Account branch cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-42 Account currency cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-43 Account currency amount cannot be NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-44 Invalid booking date/transaction init date format
CAPM-TJS-VAL-45 Booking date/transaction init date is neither specified by user nor available in branch service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-46 Error while fetching date from branch service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-47 Value date of transaction account is less than account open date
CAPM-TJS-VAL-48 Value date is earlier than the permitted back value days
CAPM-TJS-VAL-49 Error while fetching account open date
CAPM-TJS-VAL-50 Error while fetching branch parameters details from config service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-51 Error while parsing branch parameters details from config service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-52 Error while validating value date with branch parameters as the required info is NULL
CAPM-TJS-VAL-53 Error while parsing account number from core-account-service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-54 Error while fetching account numbers from core-account-service
CAPM-TJS-VAL-55 Branch parameters details is not available for the selected branch
CAPM-TJS-VAL-56 Account branch cannot be defaulted from account, as the configured value is NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-57 Account currency cannot be defaulted from account, as the configured value is NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-58 Exchange rate cannot be defaulted, as the required branch parameters is not available for the selected branch
CAPM-TJS-VAL-59 Exchange rate cannot be defaulted, as either account currency or branch local currency is NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-60 Account open date cannot be defaulted from account, as the configured value is NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-61 Error while parsing transaction code from transaction-code-services
CAPM-TJS-VAL-62 Available days cannot be defaulted from transaction code, as the configured value is NULL or empty
CAPM-TJS-VAL-63 Available days cannot be defaulted, as the required entry is not available for the selected transaction code
CAPM-TJS-VAL-64 Error while parsing available days from transaction code service response
CAPM-TJS-VAL-65 Error while calling business process services to fetch business process code details
CAPM-STP-VAL-01 Branch Date is null.
CAPM-STP-VAL-02 Branch Code must be the Branch you logged in
CAPM-STP-VAL-03 Account Number is not valid or not having chequebook facility
CAPM-STP-VAL-04 Stop PaymentType must be A or C Type
CAPM-STP-VAL-05 Effective Date is not valid
CAPM-STP-VAL-06 Effective date should not be before branch date
CAPM-STP-VAL-07 Expiry Date date should not be before branch date
CAPM-STP-VAL-08 Expiry Date date should not be before effective date
CAPM-STP-VAL-09 Both Start Cheque Number/Amount cannot be Null/Empty at the Same time
CAPM-STP-VAL-10 Amount is invalid ,should must greater than 0
CAPM-STP-VAL-11 Stop Payment can be requested either with ChequeNumber or Amount, not both
CAPM-STP-VAL-12 Resource Id and operation Type must not be null.
CAPM-STP-VAL-13 Stop payment type cannot be changed
CAPM-STP-VAL-14 Start Cheque Number cannot be changed
CAPM-STP-VAL-15 End Cheque Number cannot be changed
CAPM-STP-VAL-16 Amount cannot be changed
CAPM-STP-VAL-17 Effective date cannot be changed
CAPM-STP-VAL-18 Source code cannot be changed
CAPM-STP-VAL-19 Start and End Cheque Number should be within the assigned chequebook number range
CAPM-STP-VAL-22 stop payment already issued for this cheque number
CAPM-STP-VAL-23 Expiry Date cannot overlap with existing Stop Payment date
CAPP-ACC-VAL-01 Account Class Parameter In One or More Account Mask is Not match with Entered Account Class Length
CAPP-ACC-VAL-02 Start date should be in yyyy-MM-dd format
CAPP-ACC-VAL-03 End date should be in yyyy-MM-dd format
CAPP-ACC-VAL-04 Start date should not be blank if end date is selected
CAPP-ACC-VAL-05 End date should not be before start date
CAPP-ACC-VAL-06 Daily Fixed Time is not a valid time
CAPP-ACC-VAL-07 Account type should be of S or U or C or D
CAPP-ACC-VAL-08 Account code should be should be 4 character alpha numeric
CAPP-ACC-VAL-09 Unauthorized account inactive close day should be between 0 and 999
CAPP-ACC-VAL-10 Authorized account inactive close day should be between 0 and 999
CAPP-ACC-VAL-11 Notice frequency should be O or D or W or M or Y or N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-12 Inactive account notice generation days should be between 0 and 999
CAPP-ACC-VAL-13 Limit for unprinted transactions can be entered only if compression required is selected.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-14 Transaction code for unprinted transactions can be entered only if compression required is selected.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-15 Limit for Unprinted Transaction is mandatory if Compression Required is selected.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-16 Transaction Code is mandatory if Compression Required is selected
CAPP-ACC-VAL-17 Iban account type is mandatory if Compression Required is selected
CAPP-ACC-VAL-18 Iban account type should be 4 character alpha numeric
CAPP-ACC-VAL-19 Daily Fixed Time value should be with respect to STDCAMPM
CAPP-ACC-VAL-20 Cheque Book Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-21 Lodgement book should be empty as Passbook Facility Req is Y
CAPP-ACC-VAL-22 Cheque Book related data is not applicable as Checkbook Required is N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-23 Reorder Level cannot be null or zero
CAPP-ACC-VAL-24 Reorder Number cannot be null or zero
CAPP-ACC-VAL-25 Max Check Reject cannot be null or < 1
CAPP-ACC-VAL-26 Channel Details is not applicable as Direct Banking Req is N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-27 Margin on Advance against Uncollected Funds should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-28 Sequence cannot have null value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-29 RateValue should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-30 Max Rate cannot be a negative value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-31 Max Rate should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-32 Max Rate cannot have null value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-33 Min Rate cannot be a negative value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-34 MaxRate should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-35 Maximum Rate should be greater than or equal to Minimum Rate
CAPP-ACC-VAL-36 Entered rate outside acceptable range for interest rate
CAPP-ACC-VAL-37 Input either rate code or interest rate for a limit category
CAPP-ACC-VAL-38 Atleast one of Rate Code or Rate Value should be available on Save. For Term Deposits both can be null if Default Deposit Rate is Yes.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-39 Statement cycles should be blank when Statement Type is None
CAPP-ACC-VAL-40 Statement Day cannot be blank
CAPP-ACC-VAL-41 Statement cycles have to be different
CAPP-ACC-VAL-42 If Hourly Cycle is selected only Hourly Frequency should have the value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-43 If Daily Cycle is selected only Daily Fixed Time should have the value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-44 Hourly Frequency or Daily Fixed Time cannot be selected when Cycle is NULL
CAPP-ACC-VAL-45 Statement Fee ON field not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-46 Invalid Statement Fee Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-47 Primary ON field contains invalid Month
CAPP-ACC-VAL-48 Primary ON field is not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-49 Secondary ON field should have values between 1 to 31
CAPP-ACC-VAL-50 Secondary ON field contains invalid week
CAPP-ACC-VAL-51 Secondary ON field contains invalid Month
CAPP-ACC-VAL-52 Secondary ON field is not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-53 Invalid Primary Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-54 Invalid Secondary Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-55 Invalid Tertiary Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-56 Tertiary ON field should have values between 1 to 31
CAPP-ACC-VAL-57 Tertiary ON field contains invalid week
CAPP-ACC-VAL-58 Tertiary ON field contains invalid Month
CAPP-ACC-VAL-59 Tertiary ON field is not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-60 Invalid Provisioning Frequency
CAPP-ACC-VAL-61 Invalid Provisioning Currency
CAPP-ACC-VAL-62 Invalid Natural GL
CAPP-ACC-VAL-63 LiquidationDays should be greater than or equal to zero and should be a non-decimal value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-64 Fee Period should be greater than or equal to zero and should be a non-decimal value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-65 Advice Days should be greater than or equal to zero and should be a non-decimal value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-66 Verify Funds cannot be Y if Liquidation Mode is Manual
CAPP-ACC-VAL-67 Advice days is not applicable as Charge Start Advice is N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-68 Charge Start Advice can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-69 Verify Funds can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-70 Debit Notice can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-71 Interest And Charges Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-72 Liquidate Receivable can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-73 MinRate cannot be null
CAPP-ACC-VAL-74 Not a valid Limit Type
CAPP-ACC-VAL-75 Auto Reorder Cheque Book can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-76 Direct Banking Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-77 Daylight Limit can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-78 Allow Collateral Linkage can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-79 OD Facility Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-80 Dormancy Days should be > 0
CAPP-ACC-VAL-81 Account Class should not be more than 6 character
CAPP-ACC-MAN-01 Account class is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-MAN-02 Account type is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-MOD-01 Account class already used in account service
CAPP-ACC-CLO-01 Account class already used in account service
CAPP-ACC-LOV-01 $1 is not a valid Event Class code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-02 $1 is not a valid Source Code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-03 $1 is not a valid Banking Channel
CAPP-ACC-LOV-04 $1 is not a valid Status in Status Rule Definition
CAPP-ACC-LOV-05 $1 is not a valid Status in GL Details
CAPP-ACC-LOV-06 $1 is not a valid EventClass code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-07 $1 is not a valid Exposure Category
CAPP-ACC-LOV-08 $1 is not a valid Accounting Role
CAPP-ACC-LOV-09 $1 is not a valid GL Line
CAPP-ACC-LOV-10 $1 is invalid data in Primary ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-11 $1 is invalid data in Secondary ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-12 $1 is invalid data in Tertiary ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-13 $1 is invalid data in Statement Fee ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-14 $1 is invalid data in credit GL Line
CAPP-ACC-LOV-15 $1 is invalid data in debit GL Line
CAPP-ACC-LOV-16 $1 is invalid data in Account Head
CAPP-ACC-LOV-17 Error parsing time , Time should be in hh:mm:ss format
CAPP-ACC-LOV-18 Invalid Mis Group
CAPP-ACC-LOV-19 Mis class/code/type mismatch for $1/$2/$3
CAPP-ACC-LOV-20 No data found from Bank configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-21 Unable to get camStartDate from Bank Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-22 Unable to get camEndDate from Bank Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-23 Unable to get account mask from Bank Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-24 Unable to get event class code from Event Class Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-25 No data found in Event Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-26 Unable to get event class code summary from Event Class Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-27 No data found for event class code summary in Event Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-28 Unable to get accounting role from Event Class Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-29 No data found for accounting role in Event Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-30 Unable to get exposure category from Exposure Category Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-31 No data found from Exposure Category Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-32 Unable to get gl code from CMC External Chart Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-33 No data found from CMC External Chart Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-34 Unable to get gl code from Customer GL Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-35 No data found from Customer GL Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-36 No data found from CMC MIS Group Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-37 Unable to get misGroup from CMC MIS Group Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-38 No data found from CMC MIS Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-39 Unable to get mis class/mis type from CMC MIS Group Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-40 No statement maintenance data found from Maintenance services(static data) for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-41 Unable to get statement maintenance data from Maintenance(static data) services
CAPP-ACC-LOV-42 Unable to get status code from Status Code Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-43 No data found from Status Code Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-44 No maintenance data found from Maintenance services(static data) for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-45 Unable to get maintenance data from Maintenance(static data) services
CAPP-ACC-CDS-01 IBAN required is set to true in account feature datasegment
CAPP-ACC-CDS-02 IBAN required is set to false in account feature datasegment
CAPP-ACC-VAL-82 Duplicate Source Code is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-83 Duplicate Bank channel is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-84 Source Code should not be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-85 Duplicate Account Role is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-86 Account Role cannot be null
CAPP-ACC-VAL-87 Duplicate Status is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-88 Status cannot be null
CAPP-ACC-VAL-89 Dormancy days should be greater than zero
CAPP-ACC-VAL-90 Dormancy parameter should be D or C or B or M
CAPP-ACC-VAL-91 Status code cannot be Null or Empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-92 Sequence number cannot be Null or Empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-93 Rule Id cannot be Null or Empty
CAPP-ACC-LOV-46 $1 is not a valid Status code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-47 $1 is not a valid Status Sequence Number
CAPP-ACC-LOV-48 $1 is not a valid Rule Id
CAPP-ACC-LOV-49 No rules found in Rule List from rule service
CAPP-ACC-LOV-50 Unable to fetch rule list from rule service
CAPP-ACC-VAL-94 Currencies cannot be empty when multi currency required is true
CAPP-ACC-VAL-95 Currency cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-96 Currencies should be empty when multi currency required is false
CAPP-ACC-LOV-51 $1 is not a valid currency
CAPP-ACC-LOV-52 No currency code found in Currency List from CMC-Currency-Service
CAPP-ACC-LOV-53 Unable to get data from CMC-Currency-Service
CAPP-ACC-CLI-01 OBIC - Create External Group Failed
CAPP-ACC-CLI-02 IC - Product Mapping Failed
CAPP-ACC-LOV-54 Unable to get sources from cmc-external-system-services
CAPP-ACC-VAL-97 Product code cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-98 Open cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-99 Open should be either Y or N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AA Duplicate status is not allowed in rule definition
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AB Duplicate combination of Product Code and Currency not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AC Atleast one rule definition is required when Automatic status change is on
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AD Rule definition is allowed only when Automatic status change is on
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AE Atleast one GL reporting with NORM status is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AF Credit GL cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AG Debit GL cannot be null or empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-06 Cannot have empty Request Reference Number for Card Products.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-07 Account Open Date cannot be after card Application Date.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-10 Account Open Date cannot be after orderDate.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-11 First Check Number is not null hence Check Number Mask cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-12 Sum of First Cheque Number and Cheque Leaves is greater than the numeric values in Cheque Number Mask
CAPM-ACS-VAL-13 Cheque Number Mask in numeric and Length of First Cheque Number and Cheque Number Mask does not match
CAPM-ACS-VAL-14 Cheque Number Mask in alphanumeric and Length of First Cheque Number and Cheque Number Mask does not match.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-15 Length of alpha part of First Cheque Number not equal to the length of alpha_part of Cheque Number Mask.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-16 Length of numeric part of First Cheque Number not equal to the length of numeric part of Cheque Number Mask.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-17 First Cheque Number has to be numeric
CAPM-ACS-VAL-18 Cheque Leaves cannot be null or 0
CAPM-ACS-VAL-19 Branch Code cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-20 Account Number cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-21 Cheque Leaves cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-22 Branch Code of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-23 Account number of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-24 Cheque Book Number of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-25 Cheque Number of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-26 Leaf Number Status of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-51 Account Address is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-52 Account Branch must not be Empty/Null.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-53 Account Name must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-54 Address Type is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-56 Valid Media is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-57 Valid Language is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-58 Language is Mandatory.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-59 Interest Details must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-60 Interest Start Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-61 Charge Start Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-62 Interest start date cannot be before account open date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-63 Charge start date cannot be before account open date
CAPM-ACS-VAL-64 Customer Account Basic Details must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-65 Customer Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-66 Currency must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-67 Account Class must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-68 Account Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-69 Branch must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-73 Account Statement Preferences must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-74 Iban On Advices must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-75 Interest Statement must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-76 Debit Credit Advices must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-77 Primary Statement Type must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-81 Secondary Statement Type must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-83 SecondaryOn must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-84 Tertiary Statement Type must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-85 Tertiary Cycle must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-87 Camt052 Cycle must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-88 Hourly Frequency must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-89 Daily Fixed Time must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-90 Statement Fees Req must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-91 Statement Fees Cycle and Statement Fees On must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-92 Statement Fees Cycle and Statement Fees On must be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-96 Hourly Frequency not valid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-97 Invalid Branch Code
CAPM-ACS-VAL-98 Invalid Account Number
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A1 Account Preferences must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A2 ATM Required must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A3 ATM Required is a mandatory field. If NOT checked it denotes that the preference is not enabled for the account
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A4 Daily Amount Limit field will be enabled if ATM required is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A5 Daily Count Limit field will be enabled if ATM required is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A6 Cheque Book Required is a mandatory field. If NOT checked it denotes that the preference is not enabled for the account
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A7 Auto Reorder Of ChequeBook field will be enabled if Cheque book required is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A8 Reorder Cheque Level field will be enabled if Cheque book required is Yes and Auto reorder of cheque book is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-A9 Reorder No Of Leaves field will be enabled if Cheque book required is Yes and Auto reorder of cheque book is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B1 Max No Of Cheque Rejections field will be enabled if Cheque book required is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B2 MediaType must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B3 Media Address must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B4 Media must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B5 Invalid Exposure category
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B6 Invalid Status Code
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B7 Invalid DebitGL
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B8 Invalid CreditGL
CAPM-ACS-VAL-B9 Account Signatory must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C0 Account Message must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C1 Minimum Number Of Signatures must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C2 CifID must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C3 CIF Signature Id must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C4 Signature Message must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C5 Signature Type must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C6 Account Group must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-C9 Unable to fetch account class data
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D0 Unable to fetch Advice data
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D1 Unable to fetch GLCode data
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D2 Unable to fetch statement maintenance data
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D3 Unable to fetch statusCode data
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D4 AddressType $1 length is more then 22.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D5 $1 size is more than $2
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D6 Business Process does not support Multi Currency Account
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R6 Failed to validate AccountNumber
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R7 Failed to validate Multicurrency AccountNumber
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R8 Failed to generate AccountNumber
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S1 Failed to generate IBAN Number
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R9 Failed to validate IBAN AccountNumber
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R4 Failed to generate Multicurrency AccountNumber
CAPM-ACS-VAL-R5 Multi Currency Sub Account Number cannot be null
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AR Error in defaulting AccountAddress
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AB Error in defaulting Chequebook
CAPM-ACS-VAL-T2 Unable to fetch BranchInformation
CAPM-ACS-VAL-T3 Unable to fetch Country Code Maintenance
CAPM-ACS-VAL-K1 $1 not permissible currency for multi currency account
DDA-ANG-001 Error in Generating Account Number
DDA-ANG-002 The account number is not between start and end account number
DDA-ANG-003 Unable to fetch Account Mask Info
DDA-ANG-004 Unable to Fetching CustomerDetails
DDA-ANG-005 Unable to Fetching Bank/Branch Details
DDA-ANG-006 Unable to Fetching Bank Code
DDA-ANG-007 Branch Code cannot be null
DDA-ANG-008 Length of Account class Code is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-009 Length of Currency is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-010 Length of Currency Type is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-011 Length of Account Code is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-012 Length of Branch Code is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-013 Length of Sequence Number is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-014 Length of Serial Number is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-015 Unable to validate Account Mask Info
DDA-ANG-016 Mandatory Field - User input-able mask value - blank or Invalid
DDA-ANG-017 Accountclass Code mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-018 Currency Code mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-019 Customer Number mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-020 Branch Code mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-021 Customer Account Mask is not of Numeric Type
DDA-ANG-022 Account Number is not as per the mask
DDA-ANG-023 Account Code is part of the mask and is not maintained for the Account Class
DDA-ANG-024 CustomerNumber Length is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-025 Account Number Length is lesser than Customer Account Mask
DDA-ANG-026 MOD97 cannot be done as AccountNumber contains alphabet
DDA-ANG-027 Duplicate account Number generated
DDA-ANG-028 Validation Failed due to invalid Account Number
DDA-ANG-029 Account Number cannot be a null value
DDA-ANG-030 Duplicate IbanNumber generated
DDA-ANG-031 Iban Number already linked with other Account
DDA-ANG-032 Unable to Fetching IBAN Mask details from Branch Parameter
DDA-ANG-033 Unable to Fetching Iban Mask details from Iban Maintenance
DDA-ANG-034 BbanBankCode mismatch with the generated IbanNumber
DDA-ANG-035 Bban Branch Code mismatch with the generated IbanNumber
DDA-ANG-036 Account Number mismatch with the generated Iban Number
DDA-ANG-037 Country Code mismatch with the generated Iban Number
DDA-ANG-038 Length of Bban BankCode is greater than Iban Mask
DDA-ANG-039 Length of Iban CountryCode is greater than IbanMask
DDA-ANG-040 Length of Bban Branch Code is greater than Iban Mask
DDA-ANG-041 Bban Bank Code cannot be a null value
DDA-ANG-042 Length of Account Number is greater than Iban Mask
DDA-ANG-043 Bban Branch Code cannot be a null value
DDA-ANG-044 Country Code cannot be a null value
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AO Error in defaulting basic Details
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AP Error in defaulting legal block
CAPM-ACS-DEF-AQ Error in defaulting stop payments
CAPM-ACS-COM-H3 Account Open Date is past dated
CAPM-ACS-COM-H4 Account Open Date is invalid
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D7 Account Class does not support Multi Currency Account
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D8 Error in Account Number Generation
CAPM-ACS-VAL-D9 selected primary currency not supported by multi currency account class
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E1 Branch Code must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E2 Account Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E3 Customer Number not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E4 Customer Name must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E5 Currency must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E6 Amount must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-E7 Expiry Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F5 Branch Code must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F6 Account Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F7 Stop Payment Type not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-F8 Start Check Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G0 Currency must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G1 Amount must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G2 Expiry Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-G8 Amount is invalid.. should be greater than 1
CAPM-ACS-VAL-H6 Currency cannot be duplicated
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S3 Primary Statement Swift Req must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S6 Secondary Swift Req must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-S9 TertiarySwift Req must not be Empty/Null
CAPM-ACS-VAL-T0 Cheque Leaves cannot be null when cheque required is Yes
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U0 $1 can not be blank and empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U1 primary currency not allowed as sub account currency
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U2 UDEID for same effective date not allowed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U3 Mail address type must marked as default address
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U6 Effective Date can not be null/empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U7 UDE can not be null/empty
CAPM-ACS-VAL-U8 AUF Margin within range 0% to 100%
CAPM-ACS-VAL-Z1 successfully initiated party flow.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-Z2 no new customer onboarding details available from the entry stage.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-Z3 error occurred while initiating the party flow.
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V1 Invalid Account Number
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V2 Invalid StopPayment Number
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V3 Start Cheque Number cannot be changed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V4 End Cheque Number cannot be changed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V5 Amount cannot be changed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V6 Effective date cannot be changed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V7 Source code cannot be changed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V8 Stop payment type cannot be changed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-V9 Stop payment validation failed
CAPM-ACS-VAL-H7 Active Request Pending for A/C no. $1
CAPM-ACS-VAL-H2 Multi currency account not yet configured
CAPM-STP-VAL-25 Stop payments cannot be issued for chequebooks which are not in delivered state
CAPM-ACS-COM-H5 Either Rate Code or udeValue is allowed
CAPM-ACS-COM-H6 Variance is not allowed with UdeValue
CAPM-ACS-COM-I0 Online Liquidation Failed
CAPM-ACS-COM-I1 Online Liquidation Is Successful
CAPM-ACS-COM-I3 Cheque Book Closure Failed
CAPM-ACS-COM-I2 Cheque Book Closure Is Successful
CAPM-ACS-COM-H7 Invalid Primary Swift Address
CAPM-ACS-COM-H8 Invalid Secondary Swift Address
CAPM-ACS-COM-H9 Invalid Tertiary Swift Address
CAPM-ACS-VAL-00 Chequebook order date cannot be prior to the account open date
CAPM-ACS-COM-J8 Failed to get account balance details
CAPM-ACS-COM-J9 Error while get account balance details
DDA-ANG-008 Length of Accountclass Code is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-009 Length of Currency is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-010 Length of Currency Type is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-011 Length of Account Code is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-012 Length of Branch Code is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-013 Length of Sequence Number is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-014 Length of Serial Number is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-015 Unable to validate Account Mask Info
DDA-ANG-016 Mandatory Field - User input-able mask value - blank or Invalid
DDA-ANG-017 Account class Code mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-018 Currency Code mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-019 Customer Number mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-020 Branch Code mismatch with the generated Account number
DDA-ANG-021 Customer Account Mask is not of Numeric Type
DDA-ANG-022 Account Number is not as per the mask
DDA-ANG-023 Account Code is part of the mask and is not maintained for the Account Class
DDA-ANG-024 CustomerNumber Length is greater than Account Mask
DDA-ANG-025 Account Number Length is lesser than Customer Account Mask
DDA-ANG-026 MOD97 cannot be done as AccountNumber contains alphabet
DDA-ANG-027 Duplicate accountNumber generated
DDA-ANG-028 Validation Failed due to invalid Account Number
DDA-ANG-029 Account Number cannot be a null value
DDA-ANG-030 Duplicate IbanNumber generated
DDA-ANG-031 Iban Number already linked with other Account
DDA-ANG-032 Unable to Fetching IBAN Mask details from Branch Parameter
DDA-ANG-033 Unable to Fetching Iban Mask details from Iban Maintenance
DDA-ANG-034 Bban Bank Code mismatch with the generated IbanNumber
DDA-ANG-035 Bban Branch Code mismatch with the generated IbanNumber
DDA-ANG-036 Account Number mismatch with the generated IbanNumber
DDA-ANG-037 CountryCode mismatch with the generated IbanNumber
DDA-ANG-038 Length of Bban Bank Code is greater than Iban Mask
DDA-ANG-039 Length of Iban Country Code is greater than Iban Mask
DDA-ANG-040 Length of BbanBranchCode is greater than Iban Mask
DDA-ANG-041 BbanBankCode cannot be a null value
DDA-ANG-042 Length of AccountNumber is greater than IbanMask
DDA-ANG-043 Bban Branch Code cannot be a null value
DDA-ANG-044 Country Code cannot be a null value
CAPP-ACS-COM-F2 Current Status is invalid
CAPP-ACS-COM-F1 Direct Banking Required must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-G0 Multi Currency Account must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-G1 Renew Unit must be positive Number
CAPP-ACS-COM-G2 Next Renew Limit must be greater than Zero
CAPP-ACS-COM-G3 Renew Frequency must Daily (D)/Yearly (Y/Monthly(M)
CAPP-ACS-COM-G4 RequestStatus is Invalid
CAPP-ACS-COM-G5 Cheque Level Reorder must be empty/null
CAPP-ACS-COM-G6 No Of Leaves Reorder must be empty/null
CAPP-ACS-COM-G7 Cheque Level Reorder is Invalid
CAPP-ACS-COM-G8 No Of Leaves Reorder is Invalid
CAPP-ACS-COM-G9 Reporting GL is not allowed
CAPP-ACS-COM-H0 At least one limit Type is required
CAPP-ACS-COM-H1 Tod Limit should be greater than Zero
CAPP-ACS-COM-H2 Daylight Limit should be greater than Zero
CAPP-ACS-COM-H3 Account Open Date is past dated
CAPP-ACS-COM-H4 Account Open Date is invalid
CAPP-ACS-COM-E8 Account Group is invalid
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AH Statement Format is required when Swift Required is disabled
CAPP-DBF-001 Invalid Filter Name, should not contain special characters.
CAPP-DBF-002 Invalid Filter Description, should not contain special characters.
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-31 chequebook is requested
CAPP-ACS-VAL-K5 Atleast One Address is Mandatory for Account Creation
CACG-QUC-VAL-01 Selected Error Codes $1 is already linked to a Queue.
CACG-OVC-VAL-01 Combination of Exception code $1 and Source code $2 has to be unique for an override configuration.
CACG-OVC-VAL-02 Minimum one Language record is mandatory for Exception Code $1
CACG-OVC-VAL-03 Child Level Source Code cannot be the same as the Origin Source Code or its Parent Source Code.
CACG-QUC-VAL-02 $1 is not a valid queue name
CAPP-STP-VAL-24 Invalid Cheque Number given
CAPP-STP-VAL-25 Stop payments cannot be issued for chequebooks which are not in delivered state
CAPP-ACS-COM-H7 Invalid Primary Swift Address
CAPP-ACS-COM-H8 Invalid Secondary Swift Address
CAPP-ACS-COM-H9 Invalid Tertiary Swift Address
CAPP-ACS-COM-I5 Primary Swift Address Not Allowed
CAPP-ACS-COM-I6 Secondary Swift Address Not Allowed
CAPP-ACS-COM-I7 Tertiary Swift Address Not Allowed
GCS-COM-027 Not a valid Key Id: $1)
CAPP-ACS-VAL-51 Account Address is Mandatory.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-54 AddressType is Mandatory.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-D4 AddressType $1 length is more then 15.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-64 Customer Account Basic Details must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-67 Account Class must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-69 Branch must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C6 AccountGroup must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-A1 AccountPreferences must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-B9 Account Signatory must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C0 Account Message must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C1 Minimum Number Of Signatures must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C2 CifID must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C3 CIF Signature Id must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C4 Signature Message must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-C5 Signature Type must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-01 Auto Debit Card Request cannot be null.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-02 Request Reference Number cannot be null.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-03 Customer Number cannot be null.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-05 Cannot have Request Reference Number for empty Card Products.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-06 Cannot have empty Request Reference Number for Card Products.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-17 First Cheque Number has to be numeric
CAPP-ACS-VAL-18 Cheque Leaves cannot be null or 0
CAPP-ACS-VAL-21 Cheque Leaves cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-VAL-22 Branch Code of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-VAL-23 Account number of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-VAL-24 Cheque Book Number of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-VAL-25 Cheque Number of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-VAL-26 Leaf Number Status of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-VAL-59 Interest Details must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-60 Interest Start Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-61 Charge Start Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-E1 Branch Code must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-E2 AccountNumber must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-E3 Customer Number not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-E4 Customer Name must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-E5 Currency must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-E6 Amount must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-F5 Branch Code must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-F6 Account Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-F7 Stop Payment Type not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-F8 Start Check Number must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G0 Currency must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G1 Amount must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G2 Expiry Date must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-COM-001 Account Basic Details is Master DS,cannot be blank or "null".
CAPP-ACS-COM-00 Customer Account Basic Details is NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-01 Account Group is Empty/NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-02 Invalid Account Number
CAPP-ACS-COM-03 Invalid Customer Number
CAPP-ACS-COM-04 Invalid Branch Code
CAPP-ACS-COM-05 Invalid Currency
CAPP-ACS-COM-06 Invalid Account Class
CAPP-ACS-COM-07 Invalid Account Type
CAPP-ACS-COM-08 Not a Multi Currency Account Class.Multi Currency_Account flag should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-09 Multi Currency Account Class.MultiCurrency_Account flag should be Y
CAPP-ACS-COM-10 RTL should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-11 IBAN should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-12 Referral Required should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-13 Account Preferences is empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-14 ATM Required should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-15 Cheque Book Required should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-16 Cheque Book Autoreorder should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-17 Invalid max Cheque rejections
CAPP-ACS-COM-18 Direct Banking Required should be N
CAPP-ACS-COM-19 Direct Banking Required should be Y
CAPP-ACS-COM-20 NULL Account number in Account status
CAPP-ACS-COM-21 NULL Branch Code in Account status
CAPP-ACS-COM-22 Invalid value for Status change automatic
CAPP-ACS-COM-23 Invalid value for No Debits
CAPP-ACS-COM-24 Invalid value for No Credits
CAPP-ACS-COM-25 Invalid value for Stop Payment
CAPP-ACS-COM-26 Invalid value for Dormant
CAPP-ACS-COM-27 Invalid value for Frozen
CAPP-ACS-COM-28 Current Status to be NORM in Account opening
CAPP-ACS-COM-29 Dormancy Parameter must be D(Debit) or C(Credit) or A(Any of Credit or Debit) or M(Manual)
CAPP-ACS-COM-30 Invalid date for Status Since
CAPP-ACS-COM-31 Cheque Leaves must be numeric
CAPP-ACS-COM-32 Invalid date for Order Date
CAPP-ACS-COM-33 First Cheque Number has to be numeric
CAPP-ACS-COM-34 Invalid value for Cheque leaves
CAPP-ACS-COM-36 Branch Code in Cheque Book request is empty"
CAPP-ACS-COM-37 Account number in Cheque Book request is empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-38 Cheque Book number in Cheque Book request is empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-39 Cheque number in Cheque Book request is empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-40 Leaf Number Status of Cheque Details cannot be empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-41 Interest Details must not be Empty/Null
CAPP-ACS-COM-42 Currency cannot be duplicated
CAPP-ACS-COM-43 Invalid value for Waive Interest
CAPP-ACS-COM-44 Invalid value for Open, can be Y or N
CAPP-ACS-COM-45 Invalid value for Variance
CAPP-ACS-COM-46 Duplicate Currency selected in MultiCurrency
CAPP-ACS-COM-47 Invalid Fund Utilization sequence
CAPP-ACS-COM-48 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF limit should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-49 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF limit start date should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-50 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF limit end date should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-51 OD required in Account Class is N. AUF margin should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-52 Invalid AUF limit start date
CAPP-ACS-COM-53 Invalid AUF limit end date
CAPP-ACS-COM-54 AufMargin must not be empty when OdFacReq is set to Y in Account Class
CAPP-ACS-COM-55 OD required in Account Class is N. TOD limit should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-56 OD required in Account Class is N. TOD limit start date should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-57 OD required in Account Class is N. TOD limit end date should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-58 TodLimit is must not be empty when OdFacReq is set to Y in Account Class
CAPP-ACS-COM-59 Invalid TOD limit start date
CAPP-ACS-COM-60 Invalid TOD limit end date
CAPP-ACS-COM-61 OD required in Account Class is N. Day light limit should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-62 Invalid Renew TOD
CAPP-ACS-COM-63 Renew TOD is N. Renew frequency should be NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-64 Renew TOD is N. Renew unit should be NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-65 Renew TOD is N. Next renewal limit should be NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-66 Invalid Linkage reference
CAPP-ACS-COM-67 Linked Amount must be Numeric
CAPP-ACS-COM-68 Invalid Effective date
CAPP-ACS-COM-69 Account number different from the master
CAPP-ACS-COM-70 Currency different from the master
CAPP-ACS-COM-71 Invalid Provisioning and GL
CAPP-ACS-COM-72 Invalid Status
CAPP-ACS-COM-73 Invalid Debit GL
CAPP-ACS-COM-74 Invalid Credit GL
CAPP-ACS-COM-75 Propagate reporting GL is Y. Status should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-76 Propagate reporting GL is Y. Debit GL should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-77 Propagate reporting GL is Y. Credit GL should not be entered
CAPP-ACS-COM-78 Invalid Language Code
CAPP-ACS-COM-79 Account address is Empty / NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-80 Address type is Empty / NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-81 Order details is Empty / NULL
CAPP-ACS-COM-82 Invalid IBAN Account number
CAPP-ACS-COM-83 Invalid Product Code
CAPP-ACS-COM-84 Invalid UDE Currency
CAPP-ACS-COM-85 Invalid UDE element id
CAPP-ACS-COM-86 Invalid Rate Code
CAPP-ACS-COM-87 Invalid Calculation Account
CAPP-ACS-COM-88 Invalid Interest Booking Branch Code
CAPP-ACS-COM-89 Invalid Interest Booking Account
CAPP-ACS-COM-90 Effective date is before Account open date
CAPP-ACS-COM-91 Start date is before Account open date
CAPP-ACS-COM-92 Effective date is before Account open date
CAPP-ACS-COM-93 Status since should be Account open date
CAPP-ACS-COM-A1 AddressType length is more than 22.
CAPP-ACS-COM-A2 PostCode can not be blank and empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-A3 TownName can not be blank and empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-A4 Country can not be blank and empty
CAPP-ACS-COM-A5 Department length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-A6 SubDepartment length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-A7 StreetName length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-A8 BuildingNumber length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-A9 BuildingName length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-A0 Floor length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B0 PostBox length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B1 Room length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B2 Post Code length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B3 Town Name length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B4 Town LocationName length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B5 DistrictName length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B6 Country Sub Division length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-B7 Country length is out of limit
CAPP-ACS-COM-C1 Real Time Liquidity must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-C2 IBAN Required must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-C3 Referral Required can be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-C4 ATM Required must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-C5 Cheque Book Required must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-COM-C6 Cheque Book AutoReorder must be Y/N only
CAPP-ACS-VAL-07 Resource Id and operationType must not be null.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R1 Failed to validate AccountNumber
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-01 Chequebook not delivered
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-02 Chequebook not delivered
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-03 Cheque used
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-04 Cheque rejected
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-05 Cheque canceled
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-06 Cheque stopped
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-07 Cheque blocked
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-08 Cheque partially used
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-09 Cheque not exist
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-10 Transaction Details Update Failed
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-11 Cheque invalid state and it should be in unused state
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-12 ChequeNumber should not be null
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-13 BlockRefNo should not be null
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-14 AccountNumber should not be null
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-15 BranchCode should not be null
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-16 Amount should not be null
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-17 Cheque book not available for given account, branch and cheque number
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-18 Utilization Ref No should not be null
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-19 Allow either utilization Ref No or blockRefNo
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-20 Both block Ref No and utilization Ref No should not be allowed
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-21 Transaction Successful
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-22 Utilization amount should not be greater than the blocked amount.
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-24 Cheque Block can not be exist for undo
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-25 Max Retry Limit Reached,Error allocating Cheque Number
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-26 Unique For Branch is unavailable
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-27 Cheque number reached it max limits
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-28 Cheque Mask is unavailable
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-29 Cheque Book is not available for the given account number.
CAPP-CHQ-VAL-30 Resource Id and operationType must not be null.
CAPP-STP-VAL-01 Branch Date is null.
CAPP-STP-VAL-02 Branch Code must be the Branch you logged in
CAPP-STP-VAL-03 Account Number is not valid or not having chequebook facility
CAPP-STP-VAL-04 Stop Payment Type must be A or C Type
CAPP-STP-VAL-05 Effective Date is not valid
CAPP-STP-VAL-06 Effective date should not be before branch date
CAPP-STP-VAL-07 ExpiryDate date should not be before branch date
CAPP-STP-VAL-08 ExpiryDate date should not be before effective date
CAPP-STP-VAL-09 Both StartCheque Number/Amount cannot be Null/Empty at the Same time
CAPP-STP-VAL-10 Amount is invalid ,should must greater than 0
CAPP-STP-VAL-11 Stop Payment can be requested either with ChequeNumber or Amount, not both
CAPP-STP-VAL-12 ResourceId and operationType must not be null.
CAPP-SAV-001 Record Saved Successfully.
CAPP-SAV-002 Record Updated Successfully.
CAPP-DEL-001 Record Deleted Successfully.
CAPP-COM-002 Exception Occurred - Illegal State Exception
CAPP-COM-003 Exception Occurred While Executing Query
CAPP-COM-004 Server Error Occurred during API call
CAPP-COM-005 Client Error Occurred during API call
CAPP-COM-006 Exception Occurred while creating Bean
CAPP-COM-007 Exception Occurred while converting string to number
CAPP-RVL-BAT-01 Account reval batch job failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-02 Account reval batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-03 Account reval batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-05 Unable to fetch data from CMC-CURRENCY-SERVICES
CAPP-RVL-BAT-06 Unable to fetch branch LCY from CMC-BRANCH-SERVICES
CAPP-RVL-BAT-07 AccountStatus is not available for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-08 AccountClass is not available for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-09 Unable to get reporting GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-10 Unable to get credit GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-11 Unable to get debit GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-12 Unable to get current balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-13 Current balance is zero for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-14 Unable to fetch reval setup data for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-16 Reval setup information incomplete for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-17 Unable to fetch currency conversion data for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-19 Unable to get LCY current balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-20 Unable to get opening balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-23 Unable to get LCY opening balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-24 Unable to process reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-25 Account revaluation writer failed to write for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-26 Reval account posting batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-27 Reval account posting batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-28 Unable to process account reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-29 Unable to post account and non netted gl to transaction service for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-30 Reval netted GL posting batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-31 Reval netted GL posting batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-32 Unable to process netted GL reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-33 Unable to post netted GL reval to transaction service for $1 and $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-01 Error in Reader at branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-02 Error in Writer while processing VDBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partition Number $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-03 Error in Writer while processing ICVDBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partition Number $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-04 Error in Writer while processing BDBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partition Number $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-05 Error in Writer while processing TurnOverBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partition Number $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-06 Error in Writer while saving balances for branch $1 , partition Number $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-07 Error in Writer while inserting into ICVDBalances for branch $1 , partition Number $2
CAPP-PP-BLQ-01 Invalid Request
CAPP-PP-BLQ-02 $1 balance queries are only allowed in a request
CAPP-PP-BLQ-03 FromDate $1 cannot be later than ToDate $2
CAPP-PP-BLQ-04 Date range search cannot exceed $1 days
CAPP-PP-BLQ-05 No balance details found for given criteria
CAPP-PP-BLQ-06 Error occurred while fetching the balance details
CAPP-ACS-VAL-70 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Address
CAPP-ACS-VAL-71 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Features
CAPP-ACS-VAL-72 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Mis
CAPP-ACS-VAL-73 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Operating Instructions
CAPP-ACS-VAL-74 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Preferences
CAPP-ACS-VAL-75 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Signatory
CAPP-ACS-VAL-76 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Statement Preferences
CAPP-ACS-VAL-77 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Account Status
CAPP-ACS-VAL-78 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for ATM
CAPP-ACS-VAL-79 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Charges
CAPP-ACS-VAL-80 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for ChequeBook
CAPP-ACS-VAL-81 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Initial Funding
CAPP-ACS-VAL-82 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Interest Details
CAPP-ACS-VAL-83 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Limits
CAPP-ACS-VAL-84 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Multi CurrencyAccount
CAPP-ACS-VAL-85 Version Number Mismatch while Account Amendment for Provisioning And Gl
CAPP-ACS-VAL-86 Pushing Authorized Account to CMC External Account Failed
CAPP-ACS-VAL-W1 Pushing Account to MCYAccount Failed
CAPP-ACS-VAL-88 Pushing AAddress to CMC External Customer Structured Address Failed
CAPP-ACS-VAL-87 Failed to parse data to ChequebookService due to network issue
CAPP-ACS-VAL-92 Error in defaulting Account Preferences
CAPP-ACS-VAL-93 ModNo Mismatch while Account Amendment
CAPP-ACS-VAL-95 Error in defaulting master DS
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G3 Account not found
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G4 Account is marked for No Credit
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G5 Account status is Frozen
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G6 Account is marked for closure
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G7 Account is marked for No Debit
CAPP-ACS-VAL-G9 Account is closed
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H0 Account status is Dormant
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H1 Account validation failed
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H2 Invalid account $1 and branch $2 combination
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H3 Invalid account $1 and currency $2 combination
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H4 Transaction date is before account open date
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H5 Incorrect transaction date format
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H6 Account balance service not found.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H7 Failed to get account balance.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H8 Failed to get cheque book details.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-H9 Account balance should be zero.
CAPP-ACS-VAL-I0 Account is having stopped or blocked cheques.
CAPP-ACS-COM-H5 Either RateCode or udeValue is allowed
CAPP-ACS-COM-H6 Variance is not allowed with UdeValue
CAPP-STP-VAL-19 Start and End Cheque Number should be within the assigned chequebook number range
CAPP-STP-VAL-14 Start Cheque Number cannot be changed
CAPP-STP-VAL-15 End Cheque Number cannot be changed
CAPP-STP-VAL-16 Amount cannot be changed
CAPP-STP-VAL-17 Effective date cannot be changed
CAPP-STP-VAL-18 Source code cannot be changed
CAPP-STP-VAL-13 Stop payment type cannot be changed
CAPP-STP-VAL-22 stop payment already issued for this cheque number
CAPP-STP-VAL-23 Expiry Date cannot overlap with existing Stop Payment date
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AI Interest Required is Yes, but no Interest Product is attached
GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthorized modifications found for approval.
GCS-AUTH-05 Failed to Authorize the record
GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization
GCS-CLOS-04 Failed to Close the record
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper SELECT
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-COM-009 Resource ID cannot be blank or "null".
GCS-COM-010 Successfully canceled $1.
GCS-COM-011 $1 failed to update.
GCS-COM-012 Error saving child datasegment, Master validation failed
GCS-COM-013 Error saving the datasegment
GCS-COM-014 Error validating the datasegment
GCS-COM-015 Error submitting the datasegment
GCS-COM-016 Unexpected error occurred during runtime
GCS-COM-017 Error deleting the extended datasegment
GCS-COM-018 Remove lock failed
GCS-COM-019 Revert call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-020 Revert call to sub-domain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-021 Error deleting the sub-domain datasegment
GCS-COM-022 Authorize call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-023 Authorize call to sub-domain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-025 Client error occurred during API call
GCS-COM-026 Invalid datasegment code
GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didn’t match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthorized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-DEL-008 Failed to Delete the record
GCS-DEL-009 No valid pre-validated modifications found for deletion
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-007 Only the maker can modify the pending records.
GCS-MOD-008 Failed to Update the record
GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
GCS-REOP-05 Failed to Reopen the record
GCS-REVT-01 Record reverted successfully
GCS-REVT-02 Failed to Revert the record
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
GCS-SAV-003 The record is saved and validated successfully.
GCS-SAV-004 Failed to create the record
GCS-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
GCS-LOCK-01 Remove dirty lock failed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-01 Account Class Parameter In One or More Account Mask is Not match with Entered Account Class Length
CAPP-ACC-VAL-02 Start date should be in yyyy-MM-dd format
CAPP-ACC-VAL-03 End date should be in yyyy-MM-dd format
CAPP-ACC-VAL-04 Start date should not be blank if end date is selected
CAPP-ACC-VAL-05 End date should not be before start date
CAPP-ACC-VAL-06 Daily Fixed Time is not a valid time
CAPP-ACC-VAL-07 Account type should be of S or U or C or D
CAPP-ACC-VAL-08 Account code should be should be 4 character alpha numeric
CAPP-ACC-VAL-09 Unauthorized account inactive close day should be between 0 and 999
CAPP-ACC-VAL-10 Authorized account inactive close day should be between 0 and 999
CAPP-ACC-VAL-11 Notice frequency should be O or D or W or M or Y or N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-12 Inactive account notice generation days should be between 0 and 999
CAPP-ACC-VAL-13 Limit for unprinted transactions can be entered only if compression required is selected.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-14 Transaction code for unprinted transactions can be entered only if compression required is selected.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-15 Limit for Unprinted Transaction is mandatory if Compression Required is selected.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-16 Transaction Code is mandatory if Compression Required is selected
CAPP-ACC-VAL-17 Iban account type is mandatory if Compression Required is selected
CAPP-ACC-VAL-18 Iban account type should be 4 character alpha numeric
CAPP-ACC-VAL-19 Daily Fixed Time value should be with respect to STDCAMPM
CAPP-ACC-VAL-20 Cheque Book Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-21 Lodgement book should be empty as Passbook Facility Req is Y
CAPP-ACC-VAL-22 ChequeBook related data is not applicable as Checkbook Required is N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-23 Reorder Level cannot be null or zero
CAPP-ACC-VAL-24 Reorder Number cannot be null or zero
CAPP-ACC-VAL-25 Max Check Reject cannot be null or < 1
CAPP-ACC-VAL-26 Channel Details is not applicable as Direct Banking Req is N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-27 Margin on Advance against Uncollected Funds should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-28 Sequence cannot have null value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-29 RateValue should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-30 Max Rate cannot be a negative value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-31 Max Rate should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-32 Max Rate cannot have null value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-33 Min Rate cannot be a negative value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-34 Max Rate should be between 0 or 100
CAPP-ACC-VAL-35 Maximum Rate should be greater than or equal to Minimum Rate
CAPP-ACC-VAL-36 Entered rate outside acceptable range for interest rate
CAPP-ACC-VAL-37 Input either rate code or interest rate for a limit category
CAPP-ACC-VAL-38 Atleast one of Rate Code or Rate Value should be available on Save. For Term Deposits both can be null if Default Deposit Rate is Yes.
CAPP-ACC-VAL-39 Statement cycles should be blank when Statement Type is None
CAPP-ACC-VAL-40 Statement Day cannot be blank
CAPP-ACC-VAL-41 Statement cycles have to be different
CAPP-ACC-VAL-42 If Hourly Cycle is selected only Hourly Frequency should have the value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-43 If Daily Cycle is selected only Daily Fixed Time should have the value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-44 Hourly Frequency or Daily Fixed Time cannot be selected when Cycle is NULL
CAPP-ACC-VAL-45 Statement Fee ON field not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-46 Invalid Statement Fee Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-47 Primary ON field contains invalid Month
CAPP-ACC-VAL-48 Primary ON field is not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-49 Secondary ON field should have values between 1 to 31
CAPP-ACC-VAL-50 Secondary ON field contains invalid week
CAPP-ACC-VAL-51 Secondary ON field contains invalid Month
CAPP-ACC-VAL-52 Secondary ON field is not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-53 Invalid Primary Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-54 Invalid Secondary Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-55 Invalid Tertiary Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-56 Tertiary ON field should have values between 1 to 31
CAPP-ACC-VAL-57 Tertiary ON field contains invalid week
CAPP-ACC-VAL-58 Tertiary ON field contains invalid Month
CAPP-ACC-VAL-59 Tertiary ON field is not applicable for Daily Cycle
CAPP-ACC-VAL-60 Invalid Provisioning Frequency
CAPP-ACC-VAL-61 Invalid Provisioning Currency
CAPP-ACC-VAL-62 Invalid Natural GL
CAPP-ACC-VAL-63 Liquidation Days should be greater than or equal to zero and should be a non-decimal value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-64 Fee Period should be greater than or equal to zero and should be a non-decimal value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-65 Advice Days should be greater than or equal to zero and should be a non-decimal value
CAPP-ACC-VAL-66 Verify Funds cannot be Y if Liquidation Mode is Manual
CAPP-ACC-VAL-67 Advice days is not applicable as Charge Start Advice is N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-68 Charge Start Advice can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-69 Verify Funds can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-70 Debit Notice can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-71 Interest And Charges Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-72 Liquidate Receivable can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-73 MinRate cannot be null
CAPP-ACC-VAL-74 Not a valid Limit Type
CAPP-ACC-VAL-75 Auto Reorder Cheque Book can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-76 Direct Banking Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-77 Daylight Limit can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-78 Allow Collateral Linkage can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-79 OD Facility Required can either be Y/N
CAPP-ACC-VAL-80 Dormancy Days should be > 0
CAPP-ACC-VAL-81 Account class length should be 6
CAPP-ACC-MAN-01 Account class is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-MAN-02 Account type is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-MOD-01 Account class already used in account service
CAPP-ACC-CLO-01 Account class already used in account service
CAPP-ACC-LOV-01 $1 is not a valid Event Class code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-02 $1 is not a valid Source Code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-03 $1 is not a valid Banking Channel
CAPP-ACC-LOV-04 $1 is not a valid Status in Status Rule Definition
CAPP-ACC-LOV-05 $1 is not a valid Status in GL Details
CAPP-ACC-LOV-06 $1 is not a valid EventClass code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-07 $1 is not a valid Exposure Category
CAPP-ACC-LOV-08 $1 is not a valid Accounting Role
CAPP-ACC-LOV-09 $1 is not a valid GL Line
CAPP-ACC-LOV-10 $1 is invalid data in Primary ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-11 $1 is invalid data in Secondary ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-12 $1 is invalid data in Tertiary ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-13 $1 is invalid data in Statement Fee ON field
CAPP-ACC-LOV-14 $1 is invalid data in credit GL Line
CAPP-ACC-LOV-15 $1 is invalid data in debit GL Line
CAPP-ACC-LOV-16 $1 is invalid data in Account Head
CAPP-ACC-LOV-17 Error parsing time , Time should be in hh:mm:ss format
CAPP-ACC-LOV-18 Invalid Mis Group
CAPP-ACC-LOV-19 Mis class $1 is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-LOV-20 No data found from Bank configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-21 Unable to get camStartDate from Bank Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-22 Unable to get camEndDate from Bank Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-23 Unable to get account mask from Bank Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-24 Unable to get event class code from Event Class Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-25 No data found in Event Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-26 Unable to get event class code summary from Event Class Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-27 No data found for event class code summary in Event Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-28 Unable to get accounting role from Event Class Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-29 No data found for accounting role in Event Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-30 Unable to get exposure category from Exposure Category Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-31 No data found from Exposure Category Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-32 Unable to get gl code from CMC External Chart Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-33 No data found from CMC External Chart Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-34 Unable to get gl code from Customer GL Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-35 No data found from Customer GL Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-36 No data found from CMC MIS Group Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-37 Unable to get misGroup from CMC MIS Group Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-38 No data found from CMC MIS Class Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-39 Unable to get mis class/mis type from CMC MIS Group Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-40 No statement maintenance data found from Maintenance services(static data) for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-41 Unable to get statement maintenance data from Maintenance(static data) services
CAPP-ACC-LOV-42 Unable to get status code from Status Code Configuration
CAPP-ACC-LOV-43 No data found from Status Code Configuration for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-44 No maintenance data found from Maintenance services(static data) for validations
CAPP-ACC-LOV-45 Unable to get maintenance data from Maintenance(static data) services
CAPP-ACC-CDS-01 Iban required is set to true in account feature datasegment
CAPP-ACC-CDS-02 Iban required is set to false in account feature datasegment
CAPP-ACC-VAL-82 Duplicate Source Code is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-83 Duplicate Bank channel is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-84 Source Code should not be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-85 Duplicate Account Role is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-86 Account Role cannot be null
CAPP-ACC-VAL-87 Duplicate Status is not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-88 Status cannot be null
CAPP-ACC-VAL-89 Dormancy days should be greater than zero
CAPP-ACC-VAL-90 Dormancy parameter should be D or C or B or M
CAPP-ACC-VAL-91 Status code cannot be Null or Empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-92 Sequence number cannot be Null or Empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-93 Rule Id cannot be Null or Empty
CAPP-ACC-LOV-46 $1 is not a valid Status code
CAPP-ACC-LOV-47 $1 is not a valid Status Sequence Number
CAPP-ACC-LOV-48 $1 is not a valid Rule Id
CAPP-ACC-LOV-49 No rules found in Rule List from rule service
CAPP-ACC-LOV-50 Unable to fetch rule list from rule service
CAPP-ACC-VAL-94 Currencies cannot be empty when multi currency required is true
CAPP-ACC-VAL-95 Currency cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-96 Currencies should be empty when multi currency required is false
CAPP-ACC-LOV-51 $1 is not a valid currency
CAPP-ACC-LOV-52 No currency code found in Currency List from CMC-Currency-Service
CAPP-ACC-LOV-53 Unable to get data from CMC-Currency-Service
CAPP-ACC-CLI-01 OBIC - Create External Group Failed
CAPP-ACC-CLI-02 IC - Product Mapping Failed
CAPP-ACC-LOV-54 $1 is not a valid product code
CAPP-ACC-VAL-97 Product code cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-98 Open cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-99 Open should be either N or C
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AA Duplicate status is not allowed in rule definition
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AB Duplicate combination of Product Code and Currency not allowed
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AC Atleast one rule definition is required when Automatic status change is on
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AD Rule definition is allowed only when Automatic status change is on
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AE Atleast one GL reporting with NORM status is mandatory
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AF Credit GL cannot be null or empty
CAPP-ACC-VAL-AG Debit GL cannot be null or empty
PLATO-EVNT-001 Failed to update
PLATO-EVNT-002 Record already exists
CAPP-ACS-VAL-V0 Error in Parsing Account Data
CAPP-ACS-VAL-V1 Error in Parsing AccountBalance Data
CAPP-ACS-VAL-V2 Unable to fetch AccountBalance Data
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R6 Failed to validate AccountNumber
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R7 Failed to validate Multicurrency AccountNumber
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R8 Failed to generate AccountNumber
CAPP-ACS-VAL-S1 Failed to generate IBAN Number
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R9 Failed to validate IBAN AccountNumber
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R4 Failed to generate Multicurrency AccountNumber
CAPP-ACS-VAL-R5 MultiCurrency Sub Account Number cannot be null
CAPP-ACS-VAL-T2 Unable to fetch BranchInformation
CAPP-ACS-VAL-T3 Unable to fetch Country Code Maintenance
DDA-ANG-001 Error in Generating AccountNumber
DDA-ANG-002 The account number is not between start and end account number
DDA-ANG-003 Unable to fetch Account Mask Info
DDA-ANG-004 Unable to Fetching CustomerDetails
DDA-ANG-005 Unable to Fetching Bank/Branch Details
DDA-ANG-006 Unable to Fetching Bank Code
DDA-ANG-007 BranchCode cannot be null
DDA-TBS-ACNT-04 Invalid GL Account Number
IC-INPT-001 No records present for given branch and account
DDA-TBS-BALV-06 Original transaction amount $1 , reversal Transaction amount $2 do not match
IC-PRCBT002 To Period Code should be greater than From Period Code
INT-MCT-001 Release CutOff is not processed for previous mark CutOff
INT-MCT-002 Branch Code Not Valid
INT-MCT-003 Branch Dates Not Set
INT-MCT-004 Branch Dates Not Maintained
INT-MCT-005 Error Occurred in Mark Cutoff
INT-RCT-001 No data found for this branchCode in CutOff
INT-RCT-002 Release CutOff is already processed
INT-RCT-003 Error occurred while processing Release CutOff
INT-RCT-004 Branch Code Not Valid
INT-PRC-001 No data found for this branchCode in BranchDates
INT-PRC-002 Release Cutoff Failed
IC-GETSP-01 No details present for the given Branch and Account
IC-IPTAC-01 Record Already Exists, Failed to save.
IC-IPTVD-01 Ref No in the request must be unique
IC-BRNC-01 Invalid Branch Parameter
IC-MNTBR-01 Error while validation of branch code using common core branch services
IC-MNTBR-02 Branch code not found in core branches
IC-MNTBR-03 IC Period Code Maintenance is not present
IC-MNTBR-04 Error while fetching system date values from CMC Branch Services
IC-MNTBR-05 Branch code not found in system dates
IC-MNRUL-01 System elements not mapped to the Rule
IC-INPER-01 Account is Mandatory
IC-INPER-02 Account Group Code is Mandatory
IC-INPER-03 Account Open Date is Mandatory
IC-INPER-04 Branch is Mandatory
IC-INPER-05 Currency is Mandatory
IC-INPER-06 Customer Number is Mandatory
IC-INPER-07 Source System is Mandatory
IC-INPER-09 No Records to process
IC-INPER-11 Maint Queue Population Failed
IC-INPER-20 Branch Parameter Not maintained
IC-PRD062 Branch Parameter not maintained
IC-GRC001 Effective Date cannot be Back Dated.
IC-GRC002 Current IC Group and New IC Group cannot be same.
IC-GRC003 Account Branch and currency cannot be *.* for given Account.
IC-GRC004 Pending request is active for an Account, therefore new change request is not allowed to be saved
CACG-QUC-VAL-02 $1 is not a valid queue name
CAPP-RVL-BAT-01 Account reval batch job failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-02 Account reval batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-03 Account reval batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-05 Unable to fetch data from CMC-CURRENCY-SERVICES
CAPP-RVL-BAT-06 Unable to fetch branch LCY from CMC-BRANCH-SERVICES
CAPP-RVL-BAT-07 AccountStatus is not available for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-08 AccountClass is not available for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-09 Unable to get reporting GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-10 Unable to get credit GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-11 Unable to get debit GL for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-12 Unable to get current balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-13 Current balance is zero for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-14 Unable to fetch reval setup data for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-16 Reval setup information incomplete for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-17 Unable to fetch currency conversion data for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-19 Unable to get LCY current balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-20 Unable to get opening balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-23 Unable to get LCY opening balance for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-24 Unable to process reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-25 Account revaluation writer failed to write for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-26 Reval account posting batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-27 Reval account posting batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-28 Unable to process account reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-29 Unable to post account and non netted gl to transaction service for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-30 Reval netted GL posting batch step building failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-31 Reval netted GL posting batch job reader has failed
CAPP-RVL-BAT-32 Unable to process netted GL reval for $1 and $2
CAPP-RVL-BAT-33 Unable to post netted GL reval to transaction service for $1 and $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-01 Error in Reader at branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-02 Error in Writer while processing VDBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-03 Error in Writer while processing ICVDBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-04 Error in Writer while processing BDBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-05 Error in Writer while processing TurnOverBalances for accNo $1 , branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-06 Error in Writer while saving balances for branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BAT-07 Error in Writer while inserting into ICVDBalances for branch $1 , partitionNumber $2
CAPP-PP-BLQ-01 Invalid Request
CAPP-PP-BLQ-02 $1 balance queries are only allowed in a request
CAPP-PP-BLQ-03 FromDate $1 cannot be later than ToDate $2
CAPP-PP-BLQ-04 Date range search cannot exceed $1 days
CAPP-PP-BLQ-05 No balance details found for given criteria
CAPP-PP-BLQ-06 Error occurred while fetching the balance details
DDA-TBS-MAND-01 Mandatory value(s) missing
DDA-TBS-MAND-02 Transaction request is missing
CACG-QUC-VAL-01 Selected Error Codes $1 is already linked to a Queue.
DDA-TBS-MAND-03 Transaction Branch is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-04 Transaction Reference Number is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-07 Event is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-06 Source is mandatory
GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthorized modifications found for approval.
GCS-AUTH-05 Failed to Authorize the record
GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization
GCS-CLOS-04 Failed to Close the record
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper SELECT
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-COM-009 Resource ID cannot be blank or "null".
GCS-COM-010 Successfully canceled $1.
GCS-COM-011 $1 failed to update.
GCS-COM-012 Error saving child datasegment, Master validation failed
GCS-COM-013 Error saving the datasegment
GCS-COM-014 Error validating the datasegment
GCS-COM-015 Error submitting the datasegment
GCS-COM-016 Unexpected error occurred during runtime
GCS-COM-017 Error deleting the extended datasegment
GCS-COM-018 Remove lock failed
GCS-COM-019 Revert call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-020 Revert call to subdomain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-021 Error deleting the subdomain datasegment
GCS-COM-022 Authorize call to extended datasegment failed
GCS-COM-023 Authorize call to subdomain datasegment failed
GCS-COM-025 Client error occurred during API call
GCS-COM-026 Invalid datasegment code
GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didn’t match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthorized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-DEL-008 Failed to Delete the record
GCS-DEL-009 No valid pre-validated modifications found for deletion
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-007 Only the maker can modify the pending records.
GCS-MOD-008 Failed to Update the record
GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
GCS-REOP-05 Failed to Reopen the record
GCS-REVT-01 Record reverted successfully
GCS-REVT-02 Failed to Revert the record
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
GCS-SAV-003 The record is saved and validated successfully.
GCS-SAV-004 Failed to create the record
GCS-VAL-001 The record is successfully validated.
GCS-LOCK-01 Remove dirty lock failed
CACG-OVC-VAL-01 Combination of Exception code $1 and Source code $2 has to be unique for an override configuration.
CACG-OVC-VAL-02 Minimum one Language record is mandatory for Exception Code $1
CACG-OVC-VAL-03 Child Level Source Code cannot be the same as the Origin Source Code or its Parent Source Code.
PLATO-EVNT-001 Failed to update
PLATO-EVNT-002 Record already exists
IC-INPT-002 Exceeded accGrp max size 6
IC-INPT-003 AccGrp not sent
IC-INPT-004 Exceeded accGrpDesc max size 2000
IC-INPT-005 AccGrpDesc not sent
IC-INPT-006 Exceeded extAccGrp max size 64
IC-INPT-007 AxtAccGrp not sent
IC-INPT-008 Exceeded extAccGrpDesc max size 2000
IC-INPT-009 ExtAccGrpDesc not sent
IC-INPT-010 Exceeded extAccGrpType max size 1
IC-INPT-011 ExtAccGrpType not sent
IC-INPT-012 Exceeded productCode max size 4
IC-INPT-013 ProductCode not sent
IC-INPT-014 Exceeded ccy max size 3
IC-INPT-015 Ccy not sent
IC-INPT-016 Exceeded open max size 1
IC-INPT-017 Open not sent
IC-ACC-08 Required Parameters for Account Class transfer not maintained
IC-ACC-09 Unhandled Exception occurred during Account Class transfer check
IC-SPRM-001 Service Parameters cannot be empty
IC-GRC005 Booking GL details and accounting details are mandatory if Liquidation mode is Liquidate to GL or Liquidate to Different Account respectively
IC-BAT-142 Error Occurred during Service Call to Pre Branch Resolution
IC-BAT-160 Failed while getting pending count for Intraday Batch
IC-BAT-161 Failed during service call for Intraday Batch
IN-HEAR-583 Period Dates should be within Financial Cycle Start and End Date
GCS-COM-027 Not a valid Key Id: $1)
IC-PRD120 Defer liquidation days should not be entered when defer liquidation flag is not selected
IC-PRD121 Defer before month end days should not be entered when defer liquidation flag is not selected
IC-PRD122 Defer liquidation days or defer before month end days should be entered when defer liquidation flag is selected
IC-PRD123 Both start from account opening and defer liquidation days flags cannot be selected at the same time
IC-PRD124 Days before month end should not be entered for frequency days
IC-PRD125 Both defer liquidation days and defer before month end day cannot be entered at the same time
IC-PRD126 Accrual cycle should be None when accrual frequency is Daily
IN-HEAR-590 The entered characters exceed the maximum length allowed for Period Code
IN-HEAR-586 The entered characters exceed the maximum length allowed for Financial Cycle
IN-HEAR-587 The entered characters exceed the maximum length allowed for Description
IC-PRD131 Min Effective Value cannot be greater than Max Effective Value
IC-PRD132 Minimum Variance cannot be greater than Maximum Variance
DDA-TBS-MAND-08 Event SerialNo is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-09 Transaction details is missing
DDA-TBS-MAND-10 More than 99 entries/blocks/blockModifications are not allowed in a DDA Transaction
DDA-TBS-MAND-11 Account Number is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-12 Account Branch is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-13 Account Currency is mandatory
DDA-TBS-MAND-14 Requested Block Amount $1 is invalid or less than or equal to Zero
DDA-TBS-MAND-15 Block Expiry Date is mandatory for Lien Block
DDA-TBS-MAND-16 Credit Debit Indicator is invalid
DDA-TBS-MAND-18 One or more revaluation parameter is missing
DDA-TBS-DEFA-01 Error while defaulting Transaction attributes
DDA-TBS-DEFA-02 Source Code $1 does not exists
DDA-TBS-DEFA-03 TransactionCode $1 does not exists
DDA-TBS-DEFA-04 No Transaction Code is defined in source preference $1
DDA-TBS-DEFA-05 Branch $1 does not exist
DDA-TBS-DEFA-06 Error while fetching Branch date for transaction branch $1
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-01 Invalid Input
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-02 Block Type is invalid
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-03 Invalid Action given in the Block modification request
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-05 AutoRelease $1 is invalid
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-06 AvailableDays $1 is invalid
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-07 Availability Info is invalid
DDA-TBS-DUP-01 More than one block cannot be requested on an account $1, branch $2, and currency $3 in a Transaction
DDA-TBS-DUP-02 Block requested does not exists on account $1, branch $2 and currency $3 under EcaRefNo $
DDA-TBS-DUP-03 Error in Amount Block Duplicate Validation
DDA-TBS-ACNT-01 Account Number $1 does not exist
DDA-TBS-ACNT-02 Posting into Suspense Entry as Account Number $1 does not exist
DDA-TBS-CUST-01 Customer $1 not found of account $2
DDA-TBS-EAVL-01 Error in External Accounting(EA) Validation
DDA-TBS-EAVL-02 Local Holiday Check for next working day has Failed. Please check whether Local Holiday has been maintained.
DDA-TBS-EAVL-03 Rounded branchLcyAmount $1 is different from actual branchLcyAmount $2
DDA-TBS-EAVL-04 BranchLcyAmt $1 is invalid or less than or equal to Zero
DDA-TBS-EAVL-05 Exchange rate $1 is invalid or Zero
DDA-TBS-EAVL-06 accountCcyAmt $1 is invalid
DDA-TBS-EAVL-07 Rounded accountCcyAmount $1 is different from actual accountCcyAmount $2
DDA-TBS-OVDH-01 Referral processing is not allowed
DDA-TBS-OVDH-02 Error while sending Referral processing request
DDA-TBS-OVDH-04 Transaction Pending for Referral Approval of accounts $1
DDA-TBS-OVDH-05 Referral not allowed for accounts $1
DDA-TBS-TXNH-01 Unexpected Error
DDA-TBS-TXNH-02 Error/Override to be handled
DDA-TBS-RSUP-01 Transaction/Transaction details not found while updating Referral status
DDA-TBS-BALP-01 Insufficient Balance. Need $1 $2 to process the accounting / amount block entry
DDA-TBS-BALP-02 Requested decrease amount $1 is more than Outstanding block amount $2
DDA-TBS-BALV-01 Requested block amount cannot be negative
DDA-TBS-BALV-02 Amount Block is not active
DDA-TBS-BALV-03 Requested modification amount is equal to outstanding amount
DDA-TBS-BALV-04 Invalid ECA Reference Number
DDA-TBS-BALV-05 Invalid Block Reference Number
DDA-TBS-LMIT-01 Error(s) $1 raised from Limit system
DDA-TBS-RTL-01 Error(s) $1 raised from RTL system
DDA-TBS-EAVL-08 $1 $2 cannot be positive for a reversal transaction
DDA-TBS-UNVL-01 Error while processing Unauthorized transaction
DDA-TBS-UNVL-02 Transaction cannot be authorized by maker
DDA-TBS-UNVL-03 Transaction has been already deleted by maker
DDA-TBS-UNVL-04 Transaction can be deleted only by maker
DDA-TBS-UNVL-05 Transaction has been already authorized by checker
DDA-TBS-DEFA-07 Transaction status for Source Code $1 does not exists
DDA-TBS-PTYV-02 Customer Whereabouts are unknown.
DDA-TBS-PTYV-01 Customer is Frozen
DDA-TBS-PTYV-03 Customer is bankrupt
DDA-TBS-CUST-02 Customer validation failed
DDA-TBS-ACNT-03 Unexpected Error while validating account $1
DDA-TBS-EAVL-10 Error while rounding $1 , Currency $2 is not maintained for country $3
DDA-TBS-CHQE-01 Cheque Block failed
DDA-TBS-CHQE-02 Cheque Block and Utilization failed
DDA-TBS-CHQE-03 Cheque Utilization failed
DDA-TBS-CHQE-04 Cheque Undo failed
DDA-TBS-CHQE-05 Instrument code mismatch, should pass the same instrument code that blocked in ECA.
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-08 Number of transaction in single request should be within the range of 1 and $1
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-09 Number of legs in single transaction request should be within the range of 1 and $1
DDA-TBS-INLM-01 Temporary Overdraft Limit has been utilized for this transaction
DDA-TBS-INLM-02 DayLight Limit has been utilized for this transaction
DDA-TBS-INLM-03 AUF Limit has been utilized for this transaction
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-04 TxnInitDate is Invalid
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-10 BlockExpiryDate is Invalid
DDA-TBS-BDRQ-11 ValueDate is Invalid
DDA-TBS-UCOL-01 Branch $1 not found
DDA-TBS-UCOL-02 Data not found
DDA-TBS-UCOL-03 Missing Mandatory Request Parameter(s)
DDA-TBS-UCOL-04 Request Processed Successfully
DDA-TBS-UCOL-05 PreviousWorkingDay of Branch $1 not found
DDA-TBS-EODP-01 Branch $1 not found
DDA-TBS-EODP-02 $1 is not same as previous working day $2 from core branch
DDA-TBS-EODP-03 Either of branch status or eoDdate is only allowed in the request
DDA-RQS-FAL-001 Error while Processing request
DDA-RQS-SUC-002 Request Processed Successfully
DDA-RQS-VAL-003 Allowed value for listExternalFlag is Y/N
DDA-RQS-VAL-004 Previous level approval is pending
DDA-RQS-VAL-005 Queue overrides had rejected already
DDA-RQS-VAL-006 Referral allowed flag is missing
DDA-RQS-VAL-007 Invalid queue type
DDA-RQS-VAL-008 Invalid override code
DDA-RQS-MAN-009 Override code is missing
DDA-RQS-DUP-010 Duplicate Override code present in txn leg
DDA-RQS-MAN-011 Either Request or Entry ref no is missing
DDA-RQS-VAL-012 Invalid Request
DDA-RQS-VAL-013 Allowed value for approvalStatus is A/R/P/C
DDA-RQS-VAL-014 Invalid external referral
DDA-RQS-VAL-015 Failed to update status to transaction and balance service
DDA-RQS-VAL-016 Account number is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-017 Operation is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-018 TransactionType is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-019 CustomerNo is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-020 Amount is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-021 SourceSystem is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-022 EntryMasterRefNo is mandatory
DDA-RQS-VAL-023 Action is mandatory and expected value either A or P
DDA-RQS-DUP-024 Duplicate record found
DDA-RQS-VAL-025 Invalid Queue type
DDA-RQS-VAL-027 Current user not authorized to approve/reject
DDA-RQS-VAL-028 Current user can approve/reject only one level
DDA-RQS-VAL-029 Override code already posted for this entry
DDA-TBS-VALI-01 Error while field validations
DDA-TBS-VALI-02 Case/format of the value for the field $1 is invalid
DDA-TBS-VALI-03 Length of the value for the field $1 is invalid
DDA-TBS-VALI-04 Invalid Input for $1
ACC_PRD-01 Unhandled Exception occurred
ACC_PRD-02 Invalid Product Accounting entry setup
ACC_PRD-03 Product code cannot be null
ACC_PRD-04 IC Branch Date not available for the current branch
BC-00234 Product End Date cannot be less than today
GC-CLS-02 Record Successfully Closed
GC-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
IC-ACC-01 Branch Dates could not be resolved
IC-ACC-02 Failed while fetching user globals
IC-ACC-03 Could not get account
IC-ACC-04 Failed during Lookup
IC-ACC-05 Unhandled exception occurred during Lookup
IC-ACC-06 Bombed while converting the amount
IC-ACC-07 Unhandled Exception occurred
IC-ACC-50 Exception Occurred while querying Intraday Table for Product Accrual
IC-ACC-51 Exception Occurred while posting Liquidation Netting
IC-ACC-52 Failed while populating Product Accrual Entries
IC-ACC-53 Failed while updating final status
IC-ACC-54 Failed while querying branch parameters
IC-ACC-55 Lookup failed for product code $1
IC-ACC-57 Failed During Currency Conversion for product $1
IC-ACC-58 Failed while marking entry passed for product $1
IC-ACC-59 Exception Occurred while preparing Accounting Entries for Product Accrual for product $1
IC-CHGERR01 Failed while fetching user globals
IC-CHGERR02 Branch Dates could not be resolved
IC-CHGERR03 Could not get account
IC-CHGERR04 Could not get account
IC-CHGERR05 Error Occurred during Initialization
IC-CHGERR06 Bombed while converting the amount
IC-CHGERR07 Failed while deriving charge amount
IC-CHGERR08 Failed while deriving min/max amount
IC-CHGERR09 Failed during LCY Conversion
IC-CHGERR10 Failed While Caching Details for Charge Slab
IC-CHGERR11 Problem as both discount amt and discount percentage maintained
IC-CHGERR12 Failed while fetching Slab Details
IC-CHGERR13 Failed while fetching Tier Details
IC-CHGERR14 Failed during amount round
IC-CHGERR17 Failed while fetching product details
IC-CHGERR19 Failed during currency conversion
IC-CHGERR23 Failed while fetching Charge Entries
IC-CHGERR24 Failed while Processing Charge
IC-CHGERR25 Failed while updating liqd dates
IC-CHGERR28 Could not get the book type
IC-PRD054 Value of Accrual Day should be less than or equal to 31
IC-PRD061 Frequency is blank in product preferences
IC-PRD201 Interest liquidation frequency has to be monthly and Liquidation at Month End flag has to be checked if the Split Interest Adj for Prev Year is required
IC-RL0007 Rule Id has invalid characters
IC-RL0008 Blank characters are not allowed in Rule Id
IC-RL0009 Rule Id - First character should be an alphabet or underscore
IC-RL0048 Requires atleast one formula with a valid expression for a rule
IC-RL0056 Required atleast one booked formula to save the rule
IC-RLM060 Rounding Required should be checked when Book Flag is "Booked" and periodicity is "Daily/Periodic"
IC-RLM061 Accruals Required should be Unchecked when Book Flag is "Non-Booked" and periodicity is "Daily/Periodic"
IC-RLM069 Length of Rule Id should be equal to 4 characters
IC-RULE-01 SDE Id and UDE Id should be different
IC-RULE-02 Result cannot have logical operator
MM-10051 Product Code should be 4 characters
IC-BAT-131 Error Occurred during Service Call to Allocation
IC-BAT-132 Error Occurred during Service Call to Interest Calc
IC-BAT-133 Error Occurred during Service Call to Interest Accrual
IC-BAT-134 Error Occurred during Service Call to Interest Liquidation
IC-BAT-135 Error Occurred during Service Call to Charge
IC-BAT-136 Error Occurred during Service Call to Accounting
IC-BAT-137 Error Occurred during Service Call to Product Accounting
IC-BAT-138 Error Occurred during Service Call to Resolve Branch
IC-BAT-139 Error Occurred during Service Call to Resolve Account
IC-BAT-140 Error Occurred during Service Call to Mark Cutoff
IC-BAT-141 Error Occurred during Service Call to Release Cutoff
IC-BAT-121 Failed in verifying pending process for the branch
CS-PRD002 Product code should be of four characters.
IC-PRCBT003 Profit calculation exclusion batch not executed for the given period
DDA-STMT-001 Inserted successfully
DDA-STMT-002 Failed while inserting into statement
DDA-STMT-003 From date cannot be greater than To date
DDA-STMT-004 To date cannot be a future date
DDA-STMT-005 Successfully Deleted
DDA-STMT-006 Record doesn't exist
DDA-STMT-007 Processing Reference Number is Null.
DDA-STMT-008 Updated successfully
DDA-STMT-009 Failed while updating last statement generation date
DDA-STMT-010 Customer is not maintained
DDA-STMT-011 Statement Preference is not maintained for the Account
DDA-STMT-012 Account provided is not available
DDA-STMT-013 Account number is mandatory
DDA-STMT-015 Stmt Entries for Account is not maintained properly, please check data in entries table
DDA-STMT-019 Request Successfully Processed
DDA-STMT-016 Failed while sending advice
DDA-STMT-017 Failed To Invoke generate statement
DDA-STMT-018 Thank you for your request to download the statement. We are preparing your statement now. You can come back and download it after few minutes.
DDA-STMT-020 Unexpected Error occurred during save
PLATO-EVNT-001 Failed to update
PLATO-EVNT-002 Record already exists
RACC-ACC-COM-A1 Not a Valid Limit Type
RACC-ACC-COM-A2 Start Date can not be greater than End Date
RACC-ACC-COM-A3 Input either rate code or rate value for a limit category
RACC-ACC-COM-A4 Rate Value cannot be equal to or less than zero
RACC-ACC-COM-A5 Limit Type can not be null
RACC-ACC-COM-A6 Linkage Reference can not be null
RACC-ACC-COM-A7 Linkage Branch can not be null
RACC-ACS-VAL-A1 Linked Amount can not be null
RACC-ACS-VAL-A2 Input Either Linked Amount or Linked Percentage for a Limit Category
RACC-ACS-VAL-A3 Source can not be null
RACC-ACS-VAL-A4 Secured OD Details are not allowed when Od Facility required is set to N in Account Class
RACC-ACS-VAL-A5 Unsecured OD Details are not allowed when Od Facility required is set to N in Account Class
RACC-ACS-VAL-A6 OD Facility is required indicating atleast one Limit Type or Unsecured/Secured details are required
RACC-ACS-VAL-A7 Courtesy Pay Start Date can not be null
RACC-ACS-VAL-A8 Courtesy Pay Start Date can not be after Courtesy Pay End Date
RACC-ACS-VAL-A9 Fund Utilization sequence should be BC Since Courtesy Pay Limit is Required
RACC-ACS-VAL-AA Courtesy Pay start date can not be before account opening date
RACC-ACS-VAL-AB Linked amount cannot be less than or equal to 0
RACC-ACS-VAL-AC Invalid limit start date for $1
RACC-ACS-VAL-C1 Account can be closed only if Status is Normal
RACC-ACS-VAL-C2 Account cannot be closed as limit linkages are available
RACC-ACS-VAL-C3 Account cannot be closed as TOD Limit is available
RACC-ACS-VAL-C4 Account cannot be closed as unauthorised cheque book exists for this account
RACC-ACS-VAL-C5 Account cannot be closed as active cheque book is linked to this account
RACC-ACS-VAL-C6 Account cannot be closed as unused check leaves exists for this account
RACC-ACS-VAL-C7 Account cannot be closed as uncollected funds or unauthorized funds or non-zero balance or amount block exists for this account
RACC-AMA-VAL-E0 Account Auto Modification Web Model cannot be null
RACC-AMA-VAL-E1 Unknown Account Modification Type - $1
RACC-AMA-VAL-E2 No Account Modification Handler present for the given modification type
RACC-AMA-VAL-E3 New Account Class cannot be null or blank
RACC-AMA-VAL-E4 Invalid Account Basic Details Modification type.
RACC-AMA-VAL-E5 Account Status is null/empty
RACC-AUT-ERR-E0 Unable to fetch state configuration maintenance
RACC-AUT-ERR-E1 State configuration is not available for configKey [accountClass~domain~state~currency] - $1
RACC-AUT-ERR-E2 Unable to fetch permanent address of customer - $1
RACC-AUT-ERR-E3 Permanent address state is not maintained for customer - $1
RACC-CMC-VAL-E0 Unable to fetch customer details
RACC-CMC-VAL-E1 Customer is Frozen
RACC-CMC-VAL-E2 Address Advice Name is not matching with Configured List
RACC-PTY-ERR-E1 Unable to fetch permanent address of customer - $1
RACC-PTY-ERR-E2 Permanent address state is not maintained for customer - $1
RACC-STA-ERR-E0 Unable to fetch state configuration maintenance
RACC-STA-ERR-E1 State configuration is not available for configKey [accountClass~domain~state~currency] - $1
RDDA-ACC-GUA-01 Account Guardian must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-GUA-02 Guardian CustomerID length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-GUA-03 Guardian Relationship must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-GUA-04 Guardian Type must be G/C/S
RDDA-ACC-GUA-05 Account Guardian Details must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-NOM-01 Minor Flag does not match with Nominee Date of Birth
RDDA-ACC-NOM-02 Guardian details are mandatory when nominee is a minor
RDDA-ACC-NOM-03 Nominee relationship cannot be empty
RDDA-ACC-NOM-04 Account Nominee must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-NOM-05 Nominee Last Name must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-NOM-06 Nominee CustomerID length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-07 Nominee First Name must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-NOM-08 Nominee FirstName length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-09 Nominee Relationship length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-10 Nominee DOB must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-NOM-11 Nominee StreetName length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-12 Nominee MiddleName length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-13 Nominee LastName length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-14 Nominee PostCode length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-15 Nominee Locality is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-16 Nominee Country length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-17 Nominee BuildingNumber length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-18 Nominee City length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-19 Nominee State length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-20 Nominee Email length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-21 Nominee Phone length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-22 Nominee Mobile length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-23 Account Nominee Details must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACC-NOM-24 Guardian details should not be sent for non minor
RDDA-ACC-NOM-25 Guardian Fname length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-26 Guardian Mname length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-27 Guardian Lname length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-28 Guardian Country length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-29 Guardian Relation length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-30 Guardian Street length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-31 Guardian Building Number length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-32 Guardian Locality length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-33 Guardian City length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-34 Guardian State length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-35 Guardian Zipcode length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-36 Guardian Email length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-37 Guardian Phone length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-NOM-38 Guardian Mobile length is out of limit
RDDA-ACC-PRF-01 Banking Channels cannot be added when Direct Banking Required is false
RDDA-ACC-PRF-02 Banking Channel details must be provided when Direct Banking Required is true
RDDA-ACC-PRF-03 Invalid Banking Channel: $1
RDDA-ACC-PRF-04 Direct Banking Required flag can be Y or N only
RDDA-ACC-PRF-05 Auto reorder cannot be enabled if chequebook is not required
RDDA-ACC-PRF-06 Chequebook names should not be sent if chequebook is not required
RDDA-ACC-PRF-07 Reorder details should not be sent if auto reorder is not enabled
RDDA-ACS-VAL-A1 Joint Holder start date can not be before account open date
RDDA-ACS-VAL-A2 Joint Holder details must be sent only when joint account is required
RDDA-ACS-VAL-A3 Joint Holder details must be sent if joint account is required
RDDA-ACS-VAL-A4 Primary customer number and joint holder customer number cant be equal
RDDA-ACS-VAL-A5 Mode of operation and Joint account required must match
RDDA-ACS-VAL-B1 Joint Holder must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C1 Customer ID must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C2 Relationship type is not given
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C3 Joint Holder Type is not given
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C4 Start Date must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C5 Joint Holder Details must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C6 Joint Holder Type is invalid
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C7 Relationship Type is invalid
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C8 Joint Holder start date cannot be after end date
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D1 Customer ID length is out of limit
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D2 Relationship length is out of limit
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D3 Joint Holder Type length is out of limit
RACC-ACC-VAL-B1 Not a valid Limit Type
RACC-ACC-VAL-B2 Limit Type cannot have null value
RACC-ACC-VAL-B3 Rate Value should be between 0 or 100
RACC-ACC-VAL-B4 Max Rate cannot be a negative value
RACC-ACC-VAL-B5 Max Rate should be between 0 or 100
RACC-ACC-VAL-B6 Max Rate cannot have null value
RACC-ACC-VAL-B7 Min Rate cannot be a negative value
RACC-ACC-VAL-B8 Min Rate should be between 0 or 100
RACC-ACC-VAL-B9 Min Rate cannot have null value
RACC-ACC-VAL-BA Maximum Rate should be greater than or equal to Minimum Rate
RACC-ACC-VAL-BB Entered rate outside acceptable range for interest rate
RACC-ACC-VAL-BC Input either rate code or rate value for a limit category
RACC-ACC-VAL-BD Courtesy pay limit required flag value is not valid
RACC-ACC-VAL-BE Courtesy pay limit can only be given if courtesy Pay limit is required
RACC-ACC-VAL-BF Courtesy pay limit required flag value cannot be null
RACC-ACC-VAL-BG Courtesy pay limit can not be less than or equal to 0
RACC-ACC-VAL-BH Courtesy pay limit should be given if courtesy pay limit is required
RACC-ACC-VAL-BI OD Facility Required can not be selected if Courtesy pay Limit is Required
RACC-ACC-VAL-BJ Daylight Limit Required can not be selected if Courtesy pay Limit is Required
RACC-ACC-VAL-BK Uncollected fund margin can not be given if Courtesy pay Limit is Required
RACC-ACC-VAL-BL Fund utilization sequence at source code level can not be anything else other than BC
RACC-ACC-VAL-BM Overdue Parameters are not allowed when courtesy pay limit is required
RACC-ACC-VAL-BN Courtesy Pay Fee Recieving GL/Account is mandatory if Courtesy Pay Charge Code has been given
RACC-ACC-VAL-BO Courtesy pay limit has to be a number
RDDA-ACC-VAL-01 Account Type should be of S or U
RDDA-ACC-VAL-02 Account Class cannot be modified
RDDA-ACS-VAL-B1 Joint Holder must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C1 Customer ID must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C2 Relationship must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C3 Joint Holder Type must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C4 Start Date must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C5 Joint Holder Details must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C6 Joint Holder Type is invalid
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C7 Relationship Type is invalid
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C8 Joint Holder Description must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-C9 Relationship type must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D1 CustomerID length is out of limit
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D2 Relationship length is out of limit
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D3 Joint Holder Type length is out of limit
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D4 Relationship Description must not be Empty/Null
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D5 Modification is not allowed after authorization
RDDA-ACS-VAL-D6 Cannot have more than one Garnishment record