2.9.6 External Check Book Processing in Oracle Banking Retail Accounts

This topic describes the processing of external check book in Oracle Banking Retail Accounts.

In the United States, the checkbook request is done by the customers mostly from third-party service providers and there is no bank involvement in requesting a check book. Therefore, any validations with respect to check numbers will not be applicable for the United States (except stop check validation).

A bank level configuration allows the user to define External Checkbook Request option in case of United States, where the checkbook request is placed directly with the third party.

If the bank in United States, allows the customer to also place the order with the bank, then the bank will hold the check book request related data for the third-party service provider to access for processing the request.

In United States, there will be no validations with respect to check status based on check numbers when a check is presented for clearing. The only exception to this being validation of stop check - which will be based on check number irrespective of the above selections.


For more information about the configurations, refer to the section Bank Parameters in the Account Configurations User Guide.