View Nominee Details

You can view the details of the nominee added to a CASA account.

To view the nominee details:

  1. In the Nominee Details section, click the View icon from the Actions field.
    The Nominee Details section is displayed.

    Figure 2-31 View Nominee Details - Personal

    Description of Figure 2-31 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-31 View Nominee Details - Personal"
  2. You can view the required details in the section displayed. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-14 Nominee Details - Personal Details – Field Description

    Field Description
    Personal Details This section displays the personal details of the nominee.
    Nominee Name Displays the nominee name.
    Date of Birth Displays the nominee's date of birth.
    Minor Displays whether the added nominee is a minor.
    Mobile Number Displays the nominee's mobile number.
    Email ID Displays whether the email ID of the nominee.
    Address Displays the complete address of the nominee.

    Figure 2-32 View Nominee Details - Guardian

    Description of Figure 2-32 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-32 View Nominee Details - Guardian"

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-15 Nominee Details - Guardian Details – Field Description

    Field Description
    Guardian Details This tab displays the guardian details.


    This tab is displayed if the added nominee is a minor.
    Guardian Name Displays the name of the guardian.
    Relation Type Displays the type of relationship with nominee.
    Mobile Number Displays the guardian's mobile number.
    Email ID Displays whether the email ID of the guardian.
    Address Displays the guardian's address.
  3. Click Close.