17.1 Configure Transaction Code Parameters

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure transaction code parameters.

  1. Click Account Configurations, and under Account Configurations, click Transaction Code Parameters.
  2. Under Transaction Code Parameters, click Configure.
    The Configure page displays.

    Figure 17-1 Configure Transaction Code Parameters

  3. Specify the fields on the Configure page.

    Table 17-1 Configure Transaction Code - Field Description

    Field Description
    Transaction Code Specify the transaction code for which maintenance needs to be done.

    Click the search icon to open the Transaction Code window. Select and click to add the code in the field.

    Description Based on the Transaction Code selected, the information is auto-populated.
    Available Balance Check Required Specify whether available balance check must be performed as part of transaction posting or not. The values are either Yes or No.
    Availability Information Specify a value from the drop-down list. The values are -
    • Immediate → I (Default) - This indicates the future value dated credit transaction will be available immediately for usage.
    • On Value Date → V - This indicates the future value dated credit transaction will be available on the value date for usage.
    • After 'N' Days → A - This indicates the future value dated credit transactions will be available after 'N' days from the value date.
    Consider For Activity Only those transactions having this flag selected are considered as financial activity for the purpose of determining the inactive and dormancy days.
    Days Specify the number of working days from the value date.


    This field is enabled only if the Availability Information is selected as After 'N' Days.
    Auto Release Select the toggle to enable/disable the auto release of the uncollected amount. The values are either Yes or No.

    If Auto Release toggle is enabled, the uncollected amount on transactions posted using the transaction code will be released automatically for withdrawal on the On Value Date or After 'N' Days from the value date.

    If Auto Release toggle is disabled, the user needs to manually release the uncollected amount for withdrawal.


    This field is enabled only if the Availability Information is selected as On Value Date or After 'N' Days.
    Balance Inclusion Specify whether the transaction must be considered for IC computation. The default value is No.
    Turnover Inclusion Specify whether the transaction must be considered for turnover during IC computation. The default value is No.
  4. Specify all the details and click Save to complete the steps or click Cancel to exit without saving.
    The Transaction Code Parameters are created.


    At this point, the status of the Transaction Code Parameters are Unauthorized. A user with a supervisor role has to approve the Transaction Code Parameters. After approval, the status changes to Authorized, and the Transaction Code Parameters are available for use by another process.
  5. Approve the Transaction Code Parameters.
    To approve or reject Transaction Code Parameters, see View Transaction Code Parameters.


    As a maker of this configuration, you cannot approve it. It has to be approved by another user with a Supervisor role.