Basic Actions

This basic actions that can be performed on a screen are described in the following table.

Table -2 Basic Actions

Action Description
Approve Approve the initiated record. This option displays when the user clicks Authorize.
Audit View the maker details, checker details, and record status.
Authorize Authorize the record created. A maker of the screen is not allowed to authorize the record. Only a checker can authorize a record, created by a maker.
Cancel Cancel the performed action.
Close Close a record. This action is available only when a record is created.
Collapse All

Hide the details in the sections. This option displays when the user clicks Compare.


View the comparison through the field values of old record and the current record. This option displays in a widget when the user clicks Authorize.

Confirm Confirm the performed action.
Expand All Expand and view all the details in a section. This option displays when the user clicks Compare.
New Add a new record. When the user clicks New, the system displays a new record to specify the required data.
OK Confirm the details on the screen.
Reject Reject the record created. A maker of the screen is not allowed to reject the record. Only a checker can reject a record, created by a maker.
Save Save the details entered or selected in the screen.
Unlock Update the details of an existing record. System displays an existing record in the editable mode.
View View the record details in a particular modification stage. This option displays in the widget when the user clicks Authorize. This option is also displayed in the Tile menu.
View Difference only

View a comparison through the field element values of old record and the current record, which has undergone changes. This option is displayed when the user clicks Compare.


The user must specify values for all the mandatory fields and they are marked as Required in the User Interface.