8.1 View Overrides Configuration

This topic describes the systematic instructions to view the list of Overrides configurations.

  1. Click Account Configurations, and under Account Configurations, click Overrides Configuration.
  2. Under Overrides Configuration, click View.
    The View page displays.

    Figure 8-1 View Overrides Configuration


    Click Tile view or List view to switch between the Tile view and the List view.

    Table 8-1 Overrides Configuration Tile - Field Description

    Field Description
    Origins Source Code Displays the Code for the Overrides configuration.
    Description Displays the description of the Overrides configuration.
    Authorization Displays the authorization status of the record.
    • Authorized
    • Rejected
    • Unauthorized
    Status Displays the status of the record.
    • Open
    • Closed

    The following table describes the action items in the More Options (More Options menu icon) menu and the action items on the page.

    Table 8-2 Action Items Description

    Action Item Description
    Unlock Unlock a record and make amendments.
    Close Close a record to prevent it from being unlocked and amended.
    View View the details of a record.
    Delete Delete a record.


    Once deleted, the component can no longer be used to define an entity. But entities already defined using the component can continue to use it.
    Reopen Reopen a closed record.
    Authorize Authorize a record to make it active and available to define entities.


    Creator of a record cannot authorize the component. Another user with authorize permissions can.
    Audit Select to view the Maker, Checker, Status, and Modification Number of a record.
    Errors and Overrides Select to view all existing errors or warnings on the page.


    The actions you can perform depend on your role and the record status.
  3. View details of an Overrides Configuration.
    1. Click More Options menu icon and select View.
      The Overrides Configuration page displays.

      Figure 8-2 View Overrides Configuration

      Table 8-3 Fields and Column Descriptions

      Column Name Description
      Origin Source Code Specifies the origin source of the exception codes.
      Description Description of the origin source.
      Exception Code This column lists the exception code added to the origin source.
      Source Code This column lists the source code to which the exception code applies.
      Severity This column lists the severity level of the exception.
      Referable This column lists if the exception is marked for referral.
      Exception Type This column lists the type of the exception.
    2. Click All, Defaulted, or New buttons to list the corresponding exception codes.
    3. Click More Options menu icon in the Actions column and select View.
      The Add Exception Code dialog displays.
    4. Click Close.
  4. Unlock and update an Overrides Configuration.
    1. Click More Options menu icon and select Unlock.
      The Overrides Configuration page displays.

      Figure 8-4 Overrides Configuration - Unlock

    2. To add a new Exception Code, click button.
      1. click button.
        The Add Exception Code dialog displays.
      2. Specify the required fields.

        Table 8-4 Field Description

        Field Description
        Exception Code Specify an alphanumeric code for the exception.
        Source Code Specify the Source Code for which the Exception Code is specified.
        Severity Specify the Severity of the exception. You can specify a value from one to ten, where One represents the minimum severity and 10 represents the maximum severity.
        Referable Enable to mark an exception for a Referral.
      3. To add a new language Code for the Exception code, click button.

        A new blank row is added to the Language Code table.

      4. Double click the Language Code column to activate the row.
      5. Specify the Language Code.

        The Language column is auto-populated.

      6. Enter a Description for the Exception code.
      7. Click Add.

        The Overrides Configuration page displays the new Exception Code in a new row.

    3. Edit an Exception code.
      1. Click More Options menu icon in the Actions column and select ,Edit.

        The Add Exception Code dialog displays.

      2. Perform the required edits.
      3. Click Save.
    4. Delete an Exception code.
      1. Click More Options menu icon in the Actions column and select ,Delete.
        The exception code is deleted.


        You can only delete exception codes that you added in the same session.
  5. Approve or Reject Overrides.
    1. From the Search Filter, search for the required record that is in an Unauthorized and Open state.
    2. Click More Options menu icon and select Authorize.
      The View page displays.

      Table 8-5 Authorize View

      Field Name Description
      Mod Number<N> Indicates the number of times the record was modified. Where N represents the number of modifications.


      For a newly created record the modification number is 1.
      Done By Name of the user who performed the latest modification.
      Done On Date on which the record was modified.
      Record Status The status of the record.


      To authorize a record, its status should be Open.
      Once Auth Specifies if the record was authorized at least once.


      For a newly created record, the value is No.
      Compare (Button) Click to compare the modified record with the previous version of the record.
      View (Button) Click to display the record details.
    3. Click the check box besides Mod Number<N> to select the modified record.
    4. Click Approve or Reject.
      The Confirm dialog displays.
    5. Enter any remarks and click Confirm.
      A toast message confirms the successful approval or rejection of the record.