67.2 Change Password

This feature allows the Administrator to change their password.

Navigation Path:

From Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Security & Login. Under Security & Login , click Change Password.

Table 67-4 Field Description

Field Name Description
Old Password Old password for channel access.
New Password New password for channel access.
Re-enter Password Re-enter the new password to confirm.

To reset the password:

  1. Navigate to the above path.
    The Change Password screen appears.
  2. In the Current Password field, enter the password.

    Click virtual keyboard icon to enter the password using the virtual keyboard.

  3. In the New Password field, enter the password.

    Click virtual keyboard icon to enter the new password using the virtual keyboard.

    (See Password Condition section on the application screen to view the policy of setting a new password.)

  4. In the Re-enter Password field, re-enter the password.

    Click virtual keyboard icon to re-enter the password using the virtual keyboard.

  5. Click Submit.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  6. The success message of changing the password appears.
  7. As the login user changed his password using ‘Change Password’ option, system will logout the user and user will be shown a confirmation message of password change along with an option to login again. Click Login on confirmation screen to log in to the application.


    Password Conditions gets highlighted in green if the user’s password is meeting the Password Policy criteria and similarly in Red if the password is not as per the Password Policy maintained.