54.1.1 Identity Domain Maintenance - Search

User can search for any maintained Identity Domains by entering the required search parameters.

To view all transactions:

  1. Navigate to the above path.
    The Identity Domain Maintenance screen appears.
  2. Enter the Identity Domain Name.
  3. Click Search.
    The search results appears.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.

    Figure 54-1 Identity Domain Maintenance – Search

    Figure 54-2 Identity Domain Maintenance – Search Results

    Table 54-1 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Identity Domain Name Specify the name of the identity domain that is to be searched
    Search Result
    Name System displays the name of the identity domain based on the input search parameter
    Description System displays the description of the identity domain
  4. Click on Name link to view details of a specific identity domain.

    Figure 54-3 Identity Domain Maintenance – View

    Table 54-2 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Identity Domain Definition
    Identity Domain Name Displays the name of the Identity Domain.
    Identity Domain Description Displays the description of the Identity Domain.
    Identity Store Displays the Identity Domain store.
    Consent page URL Displays the Consent page URL.
    Error page URL Displays the Error page URL.
    Token Settings
    Token Type Displays the token type i.e. Access Token or Authorization Code.
    Is Refresh Token Enabled Displays whether refresh token is enabled.
    Access Token Expiry Time Displays the maintained expiry time for an access token.
    Refresh Token Expiry Time Displays the maintained expiry time for a refresh token.
    Token Type Displays the token type i.e. Access Token or Authorization Code.
    Is Refresh Token Enabled Displays whether refresh token is enabled for token type ‘Authorization Code’.
    Access Token Expiry Time Displays the maintained expiry time for an access token with token type ‘Authorization Code’.
    Refresh Token Expiry Time Displays the maintained expiry time for refresh token with token type ‘Authorization Code’.
  5. Click Edit to edit the Identity Domain details.
    User is directed to the Identity Domain Maintenance - Edit screen with values in editable form.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.