11.1 Party Account Access - Mapping (Create)

The Bank Administrator gets a request with the list of account(s) and transactions for which access needs to be provided to the party.

To provide the party with account and transaction access:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Party Account Access screen appears.
  2. In the Party ID enter the party id of the user.
    In the Party Name field, enter the party name of the user.
  3. Click Search.
    For a searched party, two sections Own Account Mapping Summary and Linked Party Account Mapping Summary appears.

    Linked party account mapping will only be available if the selected party has Party to Party Linkage maintained.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Clear to clear the search parameters.

    Figure 11-2 Party Account Access - Search

    Figure 11-3 Party Account Access - Search Result

    Table 11-1 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Modules Banking Module names.
    Total Accounts Total number of accounts available under the party.
    Mapped Accounts Number of accounts mapped to the particular account type.
    Modified Accounts Number of accounts modified for the particular account type.
    Auto Mapped Accounts Mapping status of the accounts.

    The options can be:

    • Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in future.
    • Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if access needs to be provided
    Edit or Map Click on the icon next to every module or click on Map button to edit party account access
  4. If there is no mapping done for a party, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0’.
  5. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the respective categories i.e. Current and Savings Accounts for both Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts.
  6. Click Map or Edit (available across each banking module).
    The Party Account Access - Create screen appears.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

    Figure 11-4 Party Account Access (Create) – Manage Transaction Group tab

    Table 11-2 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Manage Transaction Group tab
    Modules Select Banking Module to setup account access.
    Select Transaction Groups Select the Transaction group to map transactions and maintaining access in Account Access screens.
    Add Transaction Group Create a new transaction group by clicking the 'ADD' button.


    • A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an existing transaction group
    • Multiple transaction groups can be created.
    • Transaction groups of one Group Corporate will be available for selection only for that Group Corporate
    Following fields appears in overlay window when user click on Add to add new transaction group
    Name of Transaction Group Specify the new transaction group to map transactions.

    Click Verify to check the availability the specific Transaction Group name.

    Figure 11-5 Party Account Access (Create) – Map Accounts tab

    Table 11-3 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Map Accounts tab
    Party Select the party to map accounts.
    Module Select Banking Module to setup account access.
    Auto Map Mapping status of the accounts.

    The options can be:

    • Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in future.
    • Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if access needs to be provided
    Action Select the action to be done for selected transaction group.

    The options are:

    • Map Transaction Group: Select Transaction Group, then select the account numbers and then click on Save to map the transaction groups to the selected accounts. Multiple transactions can be mapped
    • Unmap: Select Unmap option, specify the transaction group to be unmapped and then select the accounts. On clicking Save, the selected transaction group will be unmapped from the account/accounts..


    Only one transaction group can be unmapped at a time. A transaction group can be unmapped from All Accounts or Selected Accounts.
    Transaction Group Select one or multiple transaction group/s to be mapped to the selected accounts.

    Select one transaction group to be unmapped from the selected account/accounts.

    Account Selection Select the account numbers to be mapped to the Transaction groups. User can select all the accounts available under selected party ID or click on filter and select the specific accounts.


    1. System will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the transaction group name after the account number.
    2. System displays the Account Number along with the Account Name, Account Currency, and Branch Code.
    Delete Party Mapping Click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and party account access maintenance done for corporate party all at once
  7. The Party Account Access screen has two tabs. Header of the screen shows the Group Corporate Name and Group ID.
    The Manage Transaction Group tab lists down all the modules, transaction groups created.
  8. Navigate and select specific module tab (Including viz. Current and Savings Accounts for both Conventional and Islamic, Credit Card, Term Deposit, Loan accounts, Credit in the first column for which account and transaction access mapping maintenance need to be setup.
  9. The user can create a new transaction group by clicking the 'ADD' button.
    On clicking Add, a new overlay will open where all the transactions and inquiries will be listed.

    User can provide a name the group and select the required transactions and inquiries, and click the Save button.


    Click Reset to clear added details in overlay screen.

  10. A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an existing transaction group.
    Once the user selects an existing transaction group, system will populate the screen with the transactions selected in the copied group in editable mode.

    User can select or deselect some of the transactions as per his requirements and create a new group by providing a different transaction group name.

  11. There will be one factory shipped Transaction group for each module, which will have all transactions and inquiries grouped together.


    Factory shipped user group cannot be deleted or modified.
  12. Once the transaction group/s are created, user can map these transaction groups to one or multiple accounts .
    Click on Map Accounts tab and select Party, then select Transaction Groups, select the account numbers and then click on Save to map the transaction groups to the selected accounts.
  13. Click on the Transaction Group link, to view the list of transactions within the mapped transaction group in an overlay.
  14. Select ‘All Accounts’ option to map/ unmap transaction groups from all accounts.

    If specific accounts are required to be mapped, then select the respective check boxes preceding the account number.

  15. Once the user maps the accounts, system will show a tag as 'Modified' followed by the transaction group name after the account number.
  16. To map the new accounts, select appropriate option from Auto Map toggle button;
    Select Auto if you wish to allow access to all future Accounts across banking module.


    Select Manual if you wish to explicitly map new accounts and transactions.

  17. User can unmap the transaction groups by selecting accounts and then clicking on Save button to reset their mapping .
  18. User can click on Delete Party Mapping to delete all the Transaction and account access maintenance done for corporate party in one step.
  19. User can drill down his search by applying Filter to search an account basis on the account number, transaction group, account access status, account status and currency
  20. The Review screen appears.
    Verify the details, and click Confirm.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  21. The screen with success message appears.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.

    After following above steps the summary of mapped accounts and transactions available for party.