36.3 Security Questions Maintenance - Create

As a part of first-time maintenance of Security Questions, the System Administrator can set-up security questions.

To set security questions:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Security Questions Maintenance screen appears.

    Figure 36-4 Security Question Maintenance - Setup


    Since the security question maintenance is not available, message will be displayed "Security Questions have not been set up yet". Alongside a button – “Set up now”
  2. Click Set up now to set-up security questions.
    The Security Questions Maintenance - Create screen appears.

    Figure 36-5 Security Questions Maintenance - Create

    Table 36-3 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Questions The list of security questions
  3. Type the security question to be added.


    Click delete icon adjacent to question to delete the particular question.
  4. Click Add More to add more security questions.
    1. Type the new question to be added in the set.
  5. Click Save to save the changes made.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  6. The Security Questions Maintenance – Review screen appears.
    Verify the details, and click Confirm.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  7. The success message of security question setup appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.