1.2 Pre-requisite Software Installation and OS Configuration for OBAPI Installer

Below steps assume Python 3.8.x is installed and available on server. You can verify the Python version by executing the command as shown below:


Below steps require root login on server where OBAPI software pre-requisite are performed (i.e. Server which host Oracle Weblogic)

Flyway Installation

Download the flyway version 9.8.1 zip file from flyway site

Unzip the downloaded zip file into the desire path.

Example :-

  cd /home/obapiuser tar -xvzf
        (flyway home path will be /home/obapiuser/flyway-9.8.1)

Gradle Installation

Download the gradle zip file from the gradle site

Unzip the downloaded zip file into the desire path

Example :

cd /home/obapiuser                        
unzip gradle-7.4.2-bin.zip                       

cx_Oracle (Software Installation)

  1. Oracle Instant Client

    Download oracle-instantclient19.10-basic- from site filepath

    Run the below command

    dnf install oracle-instantclient19.10-basic-

  2. Install cx_Oracle
    1. Download cx_Oracle from cx_Oracle (or cx-oracle org) website
    2. Extract the tar file as shown below

    3. Browse into the extracted directory and run below command
      python3.8 setup.py build_py

    4. Execute below command to perform Urwid installation
      python3.8 setup.py install


      Or you can install cx_oracle from step mention in section Python 3.8.0 installation on Linux Operating System below step 2

Urwid (Software Installation)

  1. Download Urwid from Urwid (or urwid.org) website.


    Support version for Urwid is 2.1.2 (urwid-2.1.2.tar.gz)
  2. Extract the tar file as shown below

  3. Browse into the extracted directory and run below command
    # python3.8 setup.py build_py


    Ensure Python 3.8.0 version should be available in PATH variable. Above execution should be done using Python 3.8.0.
  4. Execute below command to perform Urwid installation
    # python3.8 setup.py install


    Or you can install urwid from section Python 3.8.0 installation on Linux Operating System below step 2 Ensure Python 3.8.0 version should be available in PATH variable. Above execution should be done using Python 3.8.0.