1.1 Virtual Accounts Management

As part of this release, Virtual Accounts Management OBAPI offering has been enhanced with APIs that supports the following features:

Inter Entity Position Inquiry:

New API - “Inter Entity Position Inquiry” has been developed that enables a corporate user to make lending and borrowing status inquiry allowing the user to track the fund movement between Virtual Entities and view its related outstanding position details.

Performance Optimization:

Move money (widget and transaction screen) API has been optimized for improved performance.

  • Changes have been implemented in the API calls to fetch the Virtual Accounts from Host when user selects “Transfer From” and “Transfer To” Virtual Account for fund transfer.

UI Download:

Using this API, users will be able to personalize the information to be displayed/downloaded from search grid displayed. Following features are supported:

Manage Columns:

These column preferences/rearrangement setup by the user will be saved for future reference i.e., in case the user revisits, the preferred columns will only be displayed in the table. Following transactions have been enhanced for this change -

  • List Virtual Entity
  • List Virtual Accounts
  • Track Closure
  • Transactions Inquiry
  • Charges Inquiry
  • List Remittance ID

Download Columns:

New API is available to download the search result in CSV & PDF format. These changes have been done for the following transactions -

  • Transactions Inquiry
  • Charges Inquiry