2.2.1 Consent Capture

OBDX/ OBAPI support APIs as well as UX for Payment Service User (PSU) consent capture for a request from Third Party provider (TPP)

Prerequisite: TPP has registered with the ASPSP as a client to avail UK Open Banking services.

AISP Flow:

  1. During data request, TPP contacts ASPSP with their credentials
  2. ASPSP then directly contacts PSU to acquire consent for sharing the data with the TPP
  3. During this process, PSU sees the list of accounts that they have with the ASPSP and then selects the account for which the consent needs to be given
  4. Once consent is given by the PSU to ASPSP, ASPSP generates an authorisation token and shares the same with the TPP
  5. TPP uses this authorisation token and gets the access token from the ASPSP
  6. TPP can use this access token to access customer’s data for the specified time


In UK Open Banking an Account is identified using the Sort Code and Account number combination.

Figure 2-1 AISP Consent Management Flow

Figure 2-2 AISP Consent Capture Screen - UK Open Banking

PISP Flow:

  1. During payment initiation request, TPP contacts ASPSP with their credentials and payment details
  2. ASPSP then directly contacts PSU to acquire consent for allowing payment initiation from their accounts.
  3. During this process, the PSU sees the list of accounts that they have with the ASPSP and then selects the account from which the payment needs to be initiated.
  4. Once consent is given by the PSU to ASPSP, ASPSP generates an authorisation token and shares the same with the TPP
  5. TPP uses this authorisation token and gets the access token from the ASPSP
  6. TPP uses this access token to initiate the payment

Figure 2-4 PISP Consent Capture Screen with Account Selection - UK Open Banking)