40 Ad hoc Account Statement

This topic describes the systematic instruction to generate account statement based on a given date range or selected period on the account holder’s request.

  1. On the Homepage, from Account Services, under Statement, click Ad hoc Account Statement, or specify the Ad hoc Account Statement in the Search icon bar.
    Ad hoc Account Statementscreen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk blue are mandatory.

    Figure 40-1 Ad hoc Account Statement

    Description of Figure 40-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 40-1 Ad hoc Account Statement"
  2. Enter the Account Number.
    Ad hoc Account Statement details are displayed.


    Account statement details get displayed if any statement is generated today.

    Figure 40-2 Ad hoc Account Statement Details

    Description of Figure 40-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 40-2 Ad hoc Account Statement Details"
  3. On the Ad hoc Account Statement screen, specify the fields.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 40-1 Ad hoc Account Statement - Field Description

    Field Description
    Account Number Enter the Account Number or click the search icon to view the Account Number pop-up window. By default, this window lists all the Account Numbers present in the system. You can search for a specific Account Number by providing Customer ID, Account Number, or Account Name and clicking on the Fetch button.


    • The Account Name is displayed adjacent to this field as the account number is selected.
    • The customer information is also displayed to the left of the screen.
    Period Users can select the period for account statement generation from the drop-down list. The drop-down lists the below values:
    • Date Range
    • Last Month
    • Last 2 Months
    • Last 3 Months
    • Last 6 Months

    When you select the Date Range in the Period drop-down, you can specify the account statement generation date manually.

    When you select the Last Month or Last 2 Months or Last 3 Months or Last 6 months in the Period drop-down, the Date Range field defaults, and the user cannot modify the date.

    For Example:
    • If the user selects the Period drop-down as Last Month, the date will be default as last one month from the current date.
    • If the user selects the Period drop-down as Last 2 Months, the system defaults the account statement generation date as last 2 months from the current date, and the user cannot modify the date.
    • If the user selects the Period drop-down as Last 3 Months, the system defaults the account statement generation date as last 3 months from the current date, and the user cannot modify the date.
    • If the user selects the Period drop-down as Last 6Months, the system defaults the account statement generation date as last 6 months from the current date, and the user cannot modify the date.
    Date Range Click the calendar and specify the from date and to date.


    The Date Range cannot be blank and less than from date.
  4. On the Ad hoc Account Statement screen, click Generate button to generate the account statement for selected period.
    Account Statement is generated.

    Figure 40-3 Generated Account Statement

    Description of Figure 40-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 40-3 Generated Account Statement"
  5. On the Generated Account Statement, the following details are displayed:
    • Statement Period
    • Document Reference
  6. Click Action icon icon to view, or print the generated account statement.