2.2 Loan Activation

You can initiate activation of the loan account, which are not yet initiated using the Loan Activation screen.

To initiate loan account activation:


The field, which is marked with blue asterisk, is mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from Loan Service mega menu, under Accounts, click Loan Activation. You can also open the screen by specifying Loan Activation in the search icon bar and selecting the screen.
    The Loan Activation screen is displayed.
  2. On the Loan Activation screen, click the Search icon or specify the customer number in the Customer field, and press Tab or Enter.
    The Accounts section with basic account details are displayed.


    If customer have multiple loan account to be initiated, then each loan account appears in a tile in the Accounts section.

    Figure 2-15 Loan Activation - Account Details

    Description of Figure 2-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-15 Loan Activation - Account Details"
  3. On the Loan Activation screen, in the Accounts section, select the check box in the tile, to initiate the activation of the loan account. For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

    Table 2-8 Loan Activation – Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Click the Search icon and select the customer number for initiating the activation of the customer’s loan account.


    For more information on fetching the customer ID, refer Fetch Customer ID.
    Accounts This section displays the basic account details of the customer.
    <Loan Type> Displays the type of loan applied by the customer.
    Account Number Displays the loan account number to be initiated for activation.
    Booking Date Displays the account booking date.
    Value Date Displays the value date on which the loan account was booked.
    Sanctioned Displays the sanctioned loan amount with currency.
    Term Displays the term for the loan.
    Rate of Interest Displays the rate of interest to be applied on the loan account.
    Number of Installment Displays the total number of loan installments.


    You can select only a single account from the Accounts section, for initiating the activation.
  4. Click Submit.
    The transaction is submitted for authorization.