3.2 Create Business Process

The Create Business Process screen helps to configure the workflow for servicing transactions. This process will allow defining the data segments, checklists, documents, and advices for the stages defined in the process code selected for the lifecycle code and business product combination.

This screen allows configuring the elements for each of the stages of the servicing transactions. For information on the elements, refer to the table below:

Table 3-2 Elements of Business Process

Element Description

Data Segment

A data segment, as the name suggests is an individual block of data. Bringing in data segments allows to break down a huge process into smaller units, which will be easier to update, maintain, and process. The business process consists of several data segments that make up the stage.

Business process definition enables the user to perform the following:
  • Add ‘n’ number of data segments to each stage.
  • Set the data segment as mandatory or non-mandatory.
  • Set the data segment as editable or non-editable.
  • Control the sequence order of the data segments.
  • Select the stage.


The documents are required to be submitted by the customer for the servicing transactions.


Checklists are distinct, and a list of mandatory checkpoints for the servicing transactions to be configured by the bank.


Advices are an official letter of notices detailing an action taken or to be taken on a stated date by the bank. This is the final configuration for the Business Process creation.

Perform the following steps to create business process:

  1. On the Homepage, from the Servicing Configurations, under Business Process, click Create Business Process. You can also open the screen by specifying Create Business Process in the search icon bar and selecting the screen.
    The Create Business Process screen is displayed.

    Figure 3-1 Create Business Process

    Description of Figure 3-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-1 Create Business Process"

    Figure 3-2 Create Business Process - Stages

    Description of Figure 3-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-2 Create Business Process - Stages"
  2. On the Create Business Process screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

    Table 3-3 Create Business Process - Field Description

    Field Description

    Business Process Code

    Specify an alphanumeric business process code.


    The maximum length allowed is 16.

    Business Process Description

    Specify the description of the business process code.


    The maximum length allowed is 60 alphanumeric characters.


    Search and select the lifecycle code.

    Lifecycle Description

    Displays the description of the lifecycle selected.

    Process Code

    Search and select the process code of the business process flow that needs to be mapped for the lifecycle code and business process code combination.


    Once you select the process code, the elements and stages are displayed on the screen.

    Process Description

    Displays the description of the selected process code.

    Business Product Code

    Specify the business product code for which the business process is being created. Alternatively, the system allows selecting ‘All’, in which case the business process will apply to all the business products that are associated with the lifecycle and process code.


    The system allows you to configure only one business process for a combination of Lifecycle and Business Product Code.
  3. On the Create Business Process screen, click Data Segments tab and then click Add icon icon on the header panel.
    The Data Segments screen is displayed.
  4. On the Data Segments screen, select the required data segment or data segments for the selected stage, and specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-4 Data Segments - Field Description

    Field Description


    Click on this tab to view the data segment.


    Specify the settings.


    Select if the data segment is mandatory.


    Select if the data segment is editable.

    Select Products

    Select the products for which the data segment is relevant.

  5. On the Data Segments screen, click Add.
    The Create Business Process screen is displayed with the data added segment.

    Figure 3-4 Create Business Process - Added Data Segments

    Description of Figure 3-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-4 Create Business Process - Added Data Segments"


    The system allows to re-sequence the data segment by dragging and dropping over the specific data segment.
  6. On the Create Business Process screen, select the desired stage, and click Document tab to define the specific documentation requirement.
    The Documents segment is displayed.

    Figure 3-5 Create Business Process – Documents

    Description of Figure 3-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-5 Create Business Process – Documents"
  7. On the Documents segment, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-5 Documents - Field Description

    Field Description

    Document Type

    Search and select the document type.

    Document Description

    Displays the corresponding description of the document.


    Select if it is mandatory to submit the document for the stage.

    Business Products

    Select the required option for the document submission requirement. Available options are:
    • Single Product

    • List of Products

    • All

  8. On the Create Business Process screen, select the desired stage, and click Checklist tab.
    The Checklist segment is displayed.

    Figure 3-6 Create Business Process – Checklist

    Description of Figure 3-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-6 Create Business Process – Checklist"
  9. On the Checklist segment, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-6 Checklist - Field Description

    Field Description

    Checklist Data

    It is a free-text field that allows to user to enter the checklists that must be validated as part of the selected stage.


    Select if it is mandatory to submit the checklist for the stage.

    Business Products

    Select the required option to restrict the checklist. Available options are:
    • Single Product

    • List of Products

    • All

  10. On the Create Business Process screen, select the desired stage, and click Advices tab.
    The Advices segment is displayed.

    Figure 3-7 Create Business Process – Advices

    Description of Figure 3-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-7 Create Business Process – Advices"
  11. On the Advices segment, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-7 Advices - Field Description

    Field Description

    Advice Type

    Search and select the required advice type from the displayed list of all the valid advices maintained, and that must be mapped to this stage.

    Advice Description

    Displays the corresponding description of the advice.

    Business Products

    Select the required option to restrict the advices. Available options are:
    • Single Product

    • List of Products

    • All

  12. Click Save to create the business process.

    At this point, the status of the business process is unauthorized. A user with supervisor access has to approve the business process. Once approved, the status of the business process changes from unauthorized to authorized, and is activated for usage in the servicing transactions.