9.4 TD Top-Up Against Account

The Teller can use the TD Top-Up Against Account screen to initiate the top-up for a term deposit account.

The top-up for a term deposit can be done after the opening date and before the maturity date.

To initiate the top-up for a term deposit:

  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Term Deposit, click TD Topup - Cash or specify TD Topup - Cash in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The TD Top-Up Against Account screen is displayed.

    Figure 9-10 TD Top-Up Against Account

  2. On the TD Top-Up Against Account screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

    Table 9-9 TD Top-Up Against Account - Field Description

    Field Description

    Deposit Account

    Specify the deposit account number for which the top-up amount is to be added.

    Account Branch

    Displays the branch of the deposit account number.


    Click Query, to fetch the deposit details.

    Deposit Details

    Specify the fields.

    Original Deposit Amount

    Displays the original deposit amount of the deposit account.

    Principal Balance

    Displays the principal balance of the deposit account.

    Customer ID

    Displays the customer ID of the deposit account number.

    Account Name

    Displays the account description of the deposit account number.

    Interest Rate

    Displays the interest rate of the deposit account.

    Deposit Tenor

    Displays the tenor of the deposit account.

    Interest Amount

    Displays the calculated interest amount of the deposit account.

    Maturity Amount

    Displays the amount available on the maturity of the deposit account.

    Top-Up Details

    Specify the fields.

    Offset Account

    Specify the offset account from which the top-up amount needs to be debited.

    Offset Account Branch

    Displays the branch of the specified offset account.

    Account Amount

    Displays the top-up amount that is added to the deposit amount. The top-up currency is defaulted to deposit account currency.

    Value Date

    Specify the date on which the TD top-up needs to be effective.


    Displays the default narrative as Term Deposit Top-Up, and it can be modified.

  3. Specify the denomination details. For information on the fields in the Denomination segment, refer to Add Denomination Details.
  4. Click Submit.

    A teller sequence number is generated, and the Transaction Completed Successfully information message is displayed.


    The transaction is moved to authorization in case of any warning raised when the transaction saves. When you submit, the transaction details are handed off to the Term Deposit module in FLEXCUBE Universal Banking for the TD top-up processing.