9.4 Cheque Book Status

This topic describes the systematic instructions about the Cheque Book Status.

The Cheque Book Status screen helps the user to inquire about the delivery status of the cheque book that the customer has requested for and be able to update its status to Delivered once it is delivered to the customer.

To view the cheque book status:


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from Account Services, under Cheque Book, click Cheque Book Status, or specify the Cheque Book Status in the Search icon bar.
    Cheque Book Status screen is displayed.
  2. On Cheque Book Status specifiy the fields.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 9-9 Cheque Book Status - Field Description

    Field Description
    Account Number Enter the debit account number or click the search icon to view the Account Number pop-up window. By default, this window lists all the Account Numbers present in the system. You can search for a specific Account Number by providing Customer ID, Account Number, or Account Name and clicking on the Fetch button.
    Account Name Account Name is displayed based on the account selected.
    First Cheque Number By default, the system displays the most recent Cheque book request that the customer has made.
    Status The system displays the following status of the Cheque book request.
    • Requested
    • Delivered
    • Destroyed

    Delivery Awaited or Destruction Awaited is updated as interim status when the transaction is pending approval for delivery or destruction.


    When the cheque book is updated as Destroyed, the delivery date is updated to the current business date and highlighted in red.
    Requested Date The system displays the date on which the customer requested the cheque book.
    Delivery Date The system displays the date on which the cheque book is delivered to the customer. Automatically the current business date is updated when the status of the cheque book is changed to Delivered.

    The delivery date is blank for cheque books where the status is Requested.

    Delivery Mode The system defaults the following type of cheque delivery mode.
    • Branch
    • Delivery
    Address The system displays the Branch Code and Name by default when the delivery mode is Branch.

    The system displays the Account Address by default when the delivery mode is Delivery.

    Actions Click Actions icon icon to update the cheque book status from updated to:
    • Deliver
    • Destory
  3. On click of the Deliver option, the status is updated as Delivered Awaited. Upon authorization the status is updated as Delivered.
  4. On click of the Destory option, the status is updated as Destruction Awaited. Upon authorization the status is updated as Destroyed.
  5. Click Submit.
    The screen is successfully submitted for authorization.