14.3 Tax Waiver at Customer Level

This topic provides systematic instructions to link a specific Tax Group to a Customer Id. By this, the customer becomes eligible for tax waivers on the credit income earned through account and deposit products.

When a Tax Group is either modified or linked to a customer id in the mid-office, the customer becomes eligible to receive a tax waiver on all the business products that are linked to that tax group where tax waiver percentages are defined.

To maintain tax group:


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from Account Services, under Others, click Tax Waiver at Customer Level, or specify the Tax Waiver at Customer Level in the Search icon bar.
    Tax Waiver at Customer Level screen is displayed.

    Figure 14-4 Tax Waiver at Customer Level

    Description of Figure 14-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 14-4 Tax Waiver at Customer Level"
  2. On Tax Waiver at Customer Level screen, specify the fields
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 14-3 Tax Waiver at Customer Level - Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Enter the Customer ID or click the search icon to view the Customer ID pop-up window. By default, this window lists all the Customer ID’s present in the system. You can search for a specific Customer ID by providing Customer Number or Customer Name and click on the Fetch button.
    Customer Name Customer Name is displayed based on the Customer ID selected.

    Table 14-4 If the customer is already mapped to any of the Tax Group, Current Tax Group details are displayed as following:

    Field Description
    Product This field displays the Product or Account Class for which the tax waiver is defined. The field value ALL indicates that the tax waiver applies to all products and account classes.
    Tax Waiver Percentage Tax waiver in percentage that applies for the defined period. The value should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.
    Effective Date The Effective Date from which the tax waiver rule is applicable.
    Expiry Date Expiry Date is the date up to which the tax waiver rule is effective. This field can also be left blank which indicates that the tax waiver will be for an open-ended period. When a backdated transaction comes in, the waiver maintenance will be picked up based on Effective Date and Expiry Date.


    Expiry Date should be greater than or equal to the Effective Date.
    Tax Category Tax Category for which Tax Waiver is maintained.
    Tax Currency The currency in which the tax waiver is defined. All Currencies indicates that tax waiver is for all currencies.

    Figure 14-5 Tax Waiver at Customer Level - Current Tax Group

    Description of Figure 14-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 14-5 Tax Waiver at Customer Level - Current Tax Group"


    • If a single Tax Group Id is linked to multiple Tax Waiver records then, each tax waiver record is displayed separately under the Tax Group.
    • If the customer is not mapped to any tax group, then a message that the customer is not linked to any tax group and to link click Modify Tax Group is displayed.
  3. Click the Modify Tax Group button to modify the existing tax group of the customer or to link the customer to Tax Group.
    Modify Tax Group window is displayed.
  4. On Modify Tax Group window, specify the fields.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 14-5 Modify Tax Group - Field Description

    Field Description
    Tax Group Select TAXGRP option from the drop-down list. This window lists all the Tax Groups maintained in the Host (Tax group code and description).
    Tax Group Description Tax Group Description is displayed based on the Tax Group selected.
    On selecting the TAXGRP from the drop-down list, the system displays the detailed information of the selected Tax Group.

    Figure 14-7 Modify Tax Group - New Tax Group Selection

    Description of Figure 14-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 14-7 Modify Tax Group - New Tax Group Selection"
  5. To proceed with the transaction, click the Select button, or to cancel the transaction, click the Cancel button.
    On Tax Waiver at Customer Level screen, newly selected Tax Group is displayed.
  6. On Tax Waiver at Customer Level screen, click the Submit button and then the Close button to end the tax waiver transaction.