8.5 Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Maintenance

Recurring Deposit account can be owned by single holder or multiple owners. This screen can be used for modifying the deposit account’s joint holder details. You can either add joint holders for the first time or modify the existing joint holder relationship using this screen.

The Joint Holder can be a Guarantor, Authorized Signatory, Power if Attorney, and so on. A customer can be the sole or joint owner of a RD account. The joint accounts are accounts that are shared between two or more individuals. They can be operated either singly or jointly.

To maintain joint holder details:


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from the Retail Deposit Services mega menu, under Recurring Deposits, under Maintenance, click Joint Holder or specify Joint Holder in the search icon bar and select the screen.

    The Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Maintenance screen is displayed.

    Figure 8-22 Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Maintenance

    Description of Figure 8-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-22 Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Maintenance"
  2. Click the Search icon or specify the account number in the Account Number field, and press Enter or Tab.
    The account holder details and mode of operation are displayed.

    Figure 8-23 Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Details

    Description of Figure 8-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-23 Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Details"
  3. You can view the account holder details of the selected Recurring Deposit account number.For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 8-14 Recurring Deposit Joint Holder Maintenance – Field Description

    Field Description

    Account Number

    Click the Search icon and select the account number or specify the account number to maintain the joint holder details.


    • The customer information is displayed at the right of the screen.

    Amount Name

    Displays the name of the account holder for the selected account number.

    Primary Holder

    Displays the name of the primary holder of the RD account.
    Mode of Operation Specify the mode of operation.
    The options are:
    • Single
    • Jointly
    • Either Anyone or Survior
    • Former or Survior
    • Mandate Holder
    Joint Holder Details This section displays the existing joint holder details.


    You can perform the following actions in this section:
    • Add Joint Holder Details: For details on this action, refer Add Joint Holder.
    • Edit Joint Holder Details: For details on this action, refer Edit Joint Holder Details.
    • Delete Joint Holder Details: From the Actions field, click the Delete icon. A confirmation message is displayed that the action cannot be recovered. Click Delete to proceed with the deletion.
    • Convert Joint Account to Single Account: From the Mode of Operations field, select the Single option. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Confirm to proceed with the converstion.
  4. Click Submit.
    The screen is successfully submitted for authorization.