3.9 Sell Cash to Vault

The Teller can use the Sell Cash to Vault screen to sell cash to the vault. It is used only when the cash held exceeds the limit set at the template level for any currency.

For transferring cash to the vault, the Teller batch and the Vault batch need to be opened for the posting date.

To sell cash to the vault:

  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Till-Vault Operations, click Sell Cash to Vault or specify Sell Cash to Vault in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The Sell Cash to Vault screen is displayed.
  2. On the Sell Cash to Vault screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    Table 3-12 Sell Cash to Vault - Field Description

    Field Description

    Total Required Cash

    Specify the total cash that you need to transfer to the vault from the till of the logged-in Teller.


    By default, the system displays the local currency of the branch. The user can select another currency from the drop-down values in which cash needs to be transferred to the vault.


    Displays the default narrative as Transfer Cash to Vault, and it can be modified.

  3. Specify the denomination details. For information on the fields in the Denomination segment, refer to Add Denomination Details.
  4. Click Submit.
    A teller sequence number is generated, and the Transaction Completed Successfully information message is displayed.


    The transaction is moved to authorization in case of any warning raised when the transaction saves. On transaction completion, the accounting entries (for example, Dr Vault Cash GL & Cr Teller Cash GL) for the transaction will be handed off to FCUBS based on the settlement definition maintained for the function code. Also, the cash balance of the Teller is decreased and the Vault Teller is increased successfully.