A List of Functional Activity Codes

This topic provides the functional activity codes available in Oracle Banking Branch.

Table A-1 List of Functional Activity Codes

Screen Name/API Name Functional Activity Code Action Description
Accounting API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_ACCOUNTINGCREATE NEW This is to create a transaction for the accounting adapter.
Eca API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_ECACREATE NEW This is to create a transaction for the external credit approval adapter.
Adapter API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_FCUBSACCFETCH NEW This is to fetch account details for the FLEXCUBE Universal Banking adapter.
Adapter API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_FCUBSRTCREATE NEW This is to create a transaction for the FLEXCUBE Universal Banking adapter.
OBPay API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_OBPAYCREATE NEW This is to create a transaction for the Oracle Banking Payments adapter.
OBPay API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_OBPAYGETSTATUS NEW This is to get a transaction status for the Oracle Banking Payments adapter.
OBPay API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_OBPAYUPDATE NEW This is to update OBPAY adapter transaction.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_RD_PAYMENT NEW This is for recurring deposit payments.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_CREATE NEW This is to create a transaction for the term deposits adapter.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_GetAccClsDtls NEW This is to get account class details for term deposits.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_GETINFO NEW This is for term deposits query.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_REDEEM NEW This is for term deposits redemption.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_SIMULATETDINFO NEW This is for term deposits simulation.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_TDREDEMPTIONSIM NEW This is for term deposits redemption simulation.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_TOPUP NEW This is to create a top-up for term deposits.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_ADAPTER_TD_ValidateAccCls NEW This is to validate an accounting class for term deposits.
Dashboard Api REMO_FA_ALERTS NEW This is for Teller alerts.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ASSIGN_AUTHORISER NEW This is to assign an authorizer.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ASSIGN_TASK NEW This is to assign a task.
Dashboard Api REMO_FA_BULLETIN_BOARD NEW This is for a bulletin board.
Transaction API REMO_FA_CASH_IN_HAND NEW This is for cash in hand.
Transaction API REMO_FA_CC_PAY_BY_CASH NEW This is for payment by cash.
Get Core Accounts Web API REMO_FA_COREACC_STAFF_RESTR NEW This is to validate core accounts with staff restrictions.
Adapter API REMO_FA_CREATE_CASHWITHDRAWL_TRANSACTION NEW This is to create a cash withdrawal transaction.
Adapter API REMO_FA_CREATEEXTPRICE NEW This is to create external pricing.
Transaction API REMO_FA_CREDIT_CARD NEW This is for the credit card details.
Transaction API REMO_FA_CREDIT_CARD_PAYMENT NEW This is for the credit card payment.
Transaction API REMO_FA_CURRENT_TILL_POSITION NEW This is for the current till position.
Customer API REMO_FA_CUSTOMER_SEARCH NEW This is for the customer panel search.
Transaction API REMO_FA_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REQUESTS NEW This is for the customer service requests.
Transaction API REMO_FA_DELETE_TASK NEW This is to delete a task.
Customer API REMO_FA_FCUBS_CUST_CONTACT_UPDATE NEW This is to update customer contact.
Transaction API REMO_FA_FREQUENT_BRANCH_OPERATIONS NEW This is for the frequent branch operations.
Customer API REMO_FA_FREQUENT_CUSTOMER_OPS NEW This is for frequent customer operations.
Transaction API REMO_FA_FREQUENT_LINKS NEW This is for the frequent links.
Transaction API REMO_FA_GET_BRANCH_BALANCE NEW This is get a branch total.
Adapter API REMO_FA_GET_CENTRALTXNLOG NEW This is to fetch a central transaction log.
Customer API REMO_FA_GET_CUSTOMERINFORMATION NEW This is to get customer information.
Signature API REMO_FA_GET_SIGNATUREINFORMATION NEW This is to get signature information.
Transaction API REMO_FA_GET_USRROLE NEW This is to get a user role.
Maintenance API REMO_FA_GETACCGRP NEW This is to get an account group.
Transaction API REMO_FA_INVENTORY_IN_HAND NEW This is for inventory in hand.
Dashboard Api REMO_FA_MY_TRAN NEW This is for my transaction.
Transaction API REMO_FA_NOTIFICATIONS NEW This is for notifications.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ONPBREPRINT NEW This is for reprint.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ONPENDING_ISLAMICTD_OPENSUBMIT NEW This is for on pending Islamic term deposit open submission.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ONPENDING_TD_OPENSUBMIT NEW This is for on pending term deposit open submission.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ONPENDING_TD_REDEEMSUBMIT NEW This is for on pending term deposit redemption submission.
Transaction API REMO_FA_ONPENDING_TD_TOPUPSUBMIT NEW This is for on pending term deposit top-up submission.
Passbook API REMO_FA_PASSBOOK_ISSUE_UBS_CALL NEW This is for the passbook issue universal banking call.
Passbook API REMO_FA_PASSBOOK_REPRINT NEW This is for passbook reprint.
Passbook API REMO_FA_PASSBOOK_UPD_UBS_CALL NEW This is for the passbook issue universal banking call.
OBPay API REMO_FA_PAYMENTS NEW This is for payments.
Customer Doc Checklist Report API REMO_FA_PENDING_DOC NEW This is for the pending docs report.
Customer Doc Checklist Report API REMO_FA_PENDING_DOC_ACCLSS NEW This is for the product list of values.
My Diary Web API REMO_FA_PJ_CSR_GET_MYDIARY NEW This application programming interface to fetch my dairy details.
My Diary Web API REMO_FA_PJ_CSR_SAVE_MYDIARY NEW This application programming interface saves my dairy details.
My Diary Web API REMO_FA_PJ_CSR_UPDATE_MYDIARY NEW This application programming interface to update my dairy details.
My Diary Web API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_ALERT NEW This application programming interface to fetch alerts.
Dashboard Api REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_CURRENTTILLTOT_POSITION NEW This is to fetch the current till position for a specific currency, branch, and teller.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_FREQUENT_LINKS NEW This application programming interface fetches frequent links.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_FREQUENT_OPERATIONS NEW This application programming interface fetches frequent operations.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_GETTELLERTOT_CCY_HAND NEW This application programming interface fetches the teller balance in hand for all currencies.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_INVENTORY_POSITION NEW This application programming interface to fetch inventory positions.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_NOTIFICATION NEW This application programming interface to fetch notifications.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_TILLTOT NEW This application programming interface fetches the teller balance for a specific currency.
Transaction API REMO_FA_PJ_TXN_TRANSACTION_STATUS NEW This application programming interface fetches a transaction status from an electronic journal log.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_AUTHORIZE AUTHORIZE This is to check the status of the reject code authorization.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_AUTHQUERY INQUIRY This is to query a reject code authorization.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_CLOSERECORD CLOSE This is to close a record for a reject code.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_DELETE DELETE This is to delete a reject code.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_GETAL_MENU GET This is for the reject code get-all menu.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_GETALL GET This is for reject code get all.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_GETBYID GET This is for the reject code get by ID.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_GETHISTORY GET This is to get a history of the reject code.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_MODIFYRECORD UNLOCK This is to get a modified record for the reject code.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_REOPENRECORD REOPEN This is to reopen the record for the reject code.
Reject Code Maintennace REMO_FA_REJECTCODE_SAVERECORD SAVE This is to get a saved record for the reject code.
Transaction API REMO_FA_RELEASE_TASK NEW This is for the release task.
Passbook Req API REMO_FA_SAVEPBREPRINT NEW This is for the save print.
Customer TD API REMO_FA_SAVETDINTEREST NEW This is to save interest.
Customer Service Request API REMO_FA_SER_REQ_CREATE NEW This is to create service requests.
Customer Service Request API REMO_FA_SER_REQ_GET NEW This is to get service requests.
Customer Service Request API REMO_FA_SER_REQ_REPORT NEW This is to get service requests report.
Customer Service Request API REMO_FA_SER_REQ_UPDATE NEW This is to update service requests.
Stop Payment API REMO_FA_SRV_TXN_ADAPTOR_STOP_CHEQUE NEW This is for stop cheque.
Dashboard Api REMO_FA_SUBMENU_1_MY_PENDING_TASKS NEW This is for task status.
Dashboard Api REMO_FA_SUBMENU_1_MY_PENDING_TASKS NEW This is for my pending tasks.
Passbook Request API REMO_FA_SUBMITPBREPRINT NEW This is to submit a reprint.
Term Deposit API REMO_FA_TDSIMULATE NEW This is for term deposit simulation.
oracle.fsgbu.sms.web.Dashboard API REMO_FA_TELLER_DASHBOARD_PREFERENCE NEW This is for dashboard preference.
oracle.fsgbu.sms.web.Dashboard API REMO_FA_TELLER_DASHBOARD_VIEW NEW This is for the dashboard view.
Transaction API REMO_FA_TILL_CASH_POSITION NEW This is for till cash position.
Transaction API REMO_FA_TRANSACTION_STATUS NEW This is for transaction status.
Customer TD API REMO_FA_UPDATE_TD_TAB NEW This is to update the term deposit tablet.
Customer API REMO_SA_COREACC_STAFF_RESTR NEW This is for core account staff restriction.
Transaction API SRV__FA_TC_RETURN_TO_VAULT NEW This application programming interface is used to update the account address data.
Transaction API SRV_AAURQ_APP_STAGE NEW This is to update the workflow function ID for the account address.
Transaction API SRV_AAURQ_APP_SUBMIT_UBS NEW This is to update the second-stage submission for the account address.
External Provider API SRV_ADP_FA_GET_EXTLOV_DATA NEW This is to get an external list of values data.
Transaction API SRV_CAURQ_APP_STAGE NEW This is to update the workflow function ID for the customer address.
Transaction API SRV_CAURQ_APP_SUBMIT_UBS NEW This is to update the second stage submission for the customer address.
Transaction API SRV_CCURQ_APP_STAGE NEW This is to update the workflow function ID for customer contact.
Transaction API SRV_CCURQ_APP_SUBMIT_UBS NEW This is to update the second stage submission for customer contact.
Account Address API SRV_FA_[SUBMITO NEW This application programming interface is used to update the account address data.
Account Group Maintenance SRV_FA_AAU_HANDOFF GET This is for account address handoff.
Remo TM Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for account authorization.
Remo TM Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_AUTHQUERY NEW This is to authorize a query.
Remo TM Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_CLASS_GRP_GETALL NEW This is for the list of values of the service account class group.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACC_CLOSE_CASH_SUBMIT NEW This is for on-submit account closure cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACC_CLOSE_SUBMIT NEW This is for on-account closure account submission.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_CLOSERECORD NEW This is for account close record.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACC_CLS_SUBMIT NEW This is for on-account closure submission.
Remo TM Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_DELETE NEW This is for account deletion.
Srv Tm Bc Account Entitlement Restriction Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for account restriction authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Account Entitlement Restriction Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_AUTHQUERY NEW This is for an account restriction authorization query.
Srv Tm Bc Account Entitlement Restriction Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_CLOSE NEW This is to close a record for account restriction.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_DELETE REOPEN This is to delete a record for account restriction.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_GET AUTHORIZE This is to get all records for account restriction.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_GETBY_ID INQUIRY This is to get all by ID for account restriction.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_HISTORY CLOSE This is for account restriction history.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_MENU DELETE This is for the account restriction menu.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_MODIFY GET This is for the account restriction modification record.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_REJECT GET This is for account restriction rejection.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTION_SAVE QUERY This is for account restriction save.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_ENT_RESTRICTIONN_REOPEN GET This is for account restriction reopen.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_GETAL_MENU UNLOCK This is for the account get-all menu.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_GETALL REJECT This is for an account get-all.
Account Entitlement Restriction SRV_FA_ACC_GETBYID NEW This is for an account get by ID.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_GETHISTORY NEW This is for an account get history.
Settlements Definition SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_AUTH_QUERY GET This is for the account group authorization query.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for account group authorization.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_CLOSE_RECORD NEW This is for the account group close record.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_DELETE NEW This is for account group deletion.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_GET_HISTORY NEW This is for the account group to get history.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_GETALL NEW This is for account group get-all.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_GETBYID NEW This is for the account group get by ID.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This is to modify a record for the account group.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_REOPEN_RECORD NEW This is to reopen a record for the account group.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACC_GRP_SAVERECORD NEW This is to save a record for the account group.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_MAINT_REJECT NEW This is for account maintenance rejection.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This is for account modification of a record.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_REOPENRECORD NEW This is for the account to reopen a record.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_ACC_SAVE_RECORD NEW This is for account save a record.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACC_STMT_TXN_SUBMIT NEW This is for the on-submit customer account statement.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACC_TRF_DCT NEW This is for account-to-account transfer.
Query Account Balance API SRV_FA_ACCBAL_QUERY NEW This is to query the account balance.
Srv Tm BC Account Group Master API SRV_FA_ACCGRP_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for the account group getall menu.
null SRV_FA_ACCOUNT_BALANCE NEW This is for account balance.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACCOUNT_STATEMENT_REQUEST NEW This is for an account statement request.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ACCOUNT_SUBMIT NEW This is for account submission.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_ACTIONS_PRC_RULE NEW This is for price rule action.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_AD_INSTRUMENT_ENQUIRY_REQ NEW This is for an instrument inquiry request.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_AD_REVALIDATION_REQ NEW This is for a revalidation request.
Auto Process API SRV_FA_ADAPTER_OBPAY_AUTOPROCESS NEW This is to autoprocess the Oracle Banking Payment request.
RD API SRV_FA_ADAPTER_RD_GETRDINFO NEW This is for the recurring deposit query.
OBPay API SRV_FA_ADP_GET_CLG_RN NEW This application programming interface to get routing numbers.
OBPay API SRV_FA_ADP_GET_CLG_TYPE NEW This application programming interface to get the clearing network codes.
Mudarabha Loan Account API SRV_FA_ADP_MUDARABHA_LOANACC NEW This is to get account details.
Instrument Issue API SRV_FA_ADP_MULTIBC_ISSUE NEW This is for multi-bankers cheque issue adapter.
Clearingout Web API SRV_FA_ADP_OUTWARD_CLG NEW This application programming interface is to create outward clearing transaction data to Oracle Banking Payments Management host.
InstrumentPay API SRV_FA_ADP_PAYMENT_REVERSAL NEW This is for DDBC on the pending payment reversal application programming interface.
API SRV_FA_ADVICE NEW This is for advice generation.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ADVICE_CALL NEW This is for the advice generation call.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_AUTH_PRC_RULE NEW This is to authorize the rule.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAIN_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for maintenance get all menu.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for maintenance authorization.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_AUTHQUERY NEW This is for a maintenance authorization query.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_CLOSE NEW This is for maintenance close.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_DELETE NEW This is for maintenance delete.
Default Authorizer SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_GETALL GET This is for maintenance getall.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_GETBYID NEW This is for maintenance get by ID.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_GETHISTORY NEW This is for maintenance get history.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_MODIFY NEW This is for maintenance modification.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_NEW NEW This is for maintaining a new record.
External Bank Code Maintenance SRV_FA_AUTHMAINTENANCE_REOPEN GET This is for the maintenance reopen record.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_AUTHORIZE_CUSTOMER NEW This is to authorize a customer.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_AUTHQ_ID_PRC_RULE NEW This is to authorize a prc rule.
Transaction API SRV_FA_AVAILABLE_DENOM NEW This is to get available denominations.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_AUTH_QUERY NEW This is for bank code configuration to authorize a query.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for bank code configuration to authorize.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_CLOSE_RECORD NEW This is for bank code configuration to close a record.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_DELETE NEW This is for bank code configuration for deletion.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_GET_BRANCHCODES_BYBANKCODE NEW This is for bank code configuration for get by branch code.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_GET_HISTORY NEW This is the bank code configuration to get history.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_GETALL NEW This is the bank code configuration for getall.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_GETBYID NEW This is the bank code configuration to get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This is for bank code configuration to modify a record.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_REJECT NEW This is the bank code configuration for rejection.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_REOPEN_RECORD NEW This is to reopen the record for bank code configuration.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANK_CODE_SAVERECORD NEW This is to save a record for bank code configuration.
Srv Tm Bc Bank Code Web API SRV_FA_BANKCOD_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for bank code configuration for the get-all menu.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_BC_BRANCHBREACHLIMIT NEW This is to give results for branch breach limits.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_BC_BRANCHLIMIT NEW This is to getBranchLimits.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_CANCEL NEW This is for the banker's cheque cancellation.
Operation API SRV_FA_BC_CURRENTOPENTILL NEW This is for the current open till.
User Limits API SRV_FA_BC_DASHBOARD_MINMAX NEW Min-max for a user.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_DD_REPRINT NEW This is for on-submit banker's cheque or demanding draft reprint.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_DUPLICATE_SAVE NEW This application programming interface is used for duplicate banker's cheque issues.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_GETBYFUNCTIONCODE NEW This is to get by function code.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_AUTHORIZE NEW This is to authorize an external system.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_AUTHQUERY NEW This is to query external system authorization.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_CLOSE NEW This is to close the external system.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_DELETE NEW This is to delete the external system.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_GETALL NEW This is for external system getall.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_GETBYID NEW This is for the external system get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_GETHISTORY NEW This is for the external system to get history.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is to modify a record for an external system.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REJECT NEW This is for external system rejection.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REOPEN NEW This is for the external system to reopen.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_BC_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_SAVERECORD NEW This is to save records for the external system.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for function code preference authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_AUTHQUERY NEW This is for function code pref authorization query.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_CLOSE NEW This is for function code pref close.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_DELETE NEW This is for function code pref delete.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_GETALL NEW This is for function code pref get all.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_GETBYFUNCCODE NEW This is for function code pref get by function code.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_GETBYID NEW This is for function code pref get if.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_GETHISTORY NEW This is for function code pref get history.
Function Code Preferences SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_MODIFYRECORD GET This is for function code pref modify record.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_REJECT NEW This is for function code pref reject.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_REOPEN NEW This is for function code pref reopen.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTION_PREF_SAVERECORD NEW This is for function code pref save record.
Srv Tm Bc Function Preference Web API SRV_FA_BC_FUNCTNPREF_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for the function code pref getall menu.
FX Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_FX_TRANSACTION_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit an FX transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_FXIN_SAVE_DENOMINATION NEW This is to save fx in denominations.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_FXOUT_SAVE_DENOMINATION NEW This is to save fx out denominations.
Operation API SRV_FA_BC_GET_SCREEN NEW This is to get a screen name.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_BC_GET_USERLIMITS NEW This is to get user limitsInfo.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_AUTHORIZE NEW This is to transit account authorization.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_AUTHQUERY NEW This is to transit account authorize query.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_CLOSE NEW This is to close the transit account.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_DELETE NEW This is to delete the transit account.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_GETALL NEW This is to transit account getall.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_GETBYID NEW This is to transit account get by ID.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_GETHISTORY NEW This is to transit account get history.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is to transit the account modify the record.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_REJECT NEW This is to transit account rejection.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_REOPEN NEW This is to transit account reopen.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_BC_IBTRANSIT_ACC_SAVERECORD NEW This is to transit account save the record.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BC_INQUIRY NEW This is to inquire banker's cheque.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BC_ISSUANCE_ACC NEW This is for the banker's cheque issuance against the account/GL.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BC_ISSUANCE_GL NEW This is for bankers' cheque issuance GL.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BC_ISSUANCE_WALKIN NEW This is for the banker's cheque issuance against the walk-in.
Logging API SRV_FA_BC_LOG_FETCHEJ NEW This is to fetch an electronic journal.
Processing API SRV_FA_BC_LOG_GENERATESEQNO NEW This is to generate a teller sequence number.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BC_OPERATIONS NEW This is for bankers' cheque operations.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_PAYMENT_REVERSAL NEW This is for DD payment reversal.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BC_PRINT_REPRINT NEW This is for bankers' cheque print reprint.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_REFUND NEW This is for a banker's cheque refund.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BC_REVALIDATION NEW This is for bankers' cheque revalidation.
Transaction Flow API SRV_FA_BC_UT_TXNFLOWVALIDATE NEW This is for transaction flow validation.
User Limits API SRV_FA_BC_UT_VALIDATELIMITS NEW This is for user limits validation.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_BC_VALIDATE_USERLIMITS NEW This is to validate user limits.
Customer Cheque Book Stop API SRV_FA_BGETBYIDR NEW This is to stop cheque book request by ID.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_BGETBYIDU NEW This is for passbook status get by ID.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BILL_PAY_BY_ACCOUNT NEW This is for bill payment by account.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BILL_PAY_BY_CASH NEW This is for bill payment by cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BILLPAY_CLG NEW This is to create bill payment by clearing cheque.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BILLPAY_CLG_PENDING NEW This is to create bill payment by clearing cheque.
Branch Group Maintenance SRV_FA_BOOK_OVERAGE GET This is for book overage.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BOOK_SHORTAGE NEW This is for book shortage.
OBPay API SRV_FA_BOOKTRANSFER_REVERSAL NEW This is for book transfer reversal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BRANCH_BREACHING_LIMITS NEW This is for branch breaching limits.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_AUTH_QUERY NEW This is for branch group authorize query.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for branch group authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_CLOSE_RECORD NEW This is for the branch group close record.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_DELETE NEW This is for branch group delete records.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_GET_HISTORY NEW This is for the branch group get history.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_GETALL NEW This is for branch group getall.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_GETBYID NEW This is for branch groups get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This is for the branch group modification record.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_REOPEN_RECORD NEW This is for the branch group to reopen a record.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCH_GRP_SAVERECORD NEW This is for the branch group to save records.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_BRANCH_LOV NEW This is for the list of values service branch group.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_BRANCHCOMMON_AUTHORISE NEW This is for branch authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_BRANCHGRP_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for the branch group getall menu.
Operation API SRV_FA_BRANCHINFO NEW This is for branch info.
Operation API SRV_FA_BRN_STATIC_ACC_GETBYID NEW This is to get field applicability by function ID.
Transaction API SRV_FA_BUYCASH_FROM_CURRENCYCHEST NEW This is to buy cash from the currency chest.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_CLOSE_BATCH_SUBMIT NEW This is for cash close batch submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_CLOSE_TLR_BATCH_SUBMIT NEW This is for cash close teller batch submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_CLOSE_VLT_BATCH_SUBMIT NEW This is for cash close vault batch submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_DEPOSIT NEW This is for a cash deposit for a customer.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_DEPOSIT_TELLER NEW This is for a cash deposit for a teller.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_OPEN_BATCH_REVERSAL NEW This is for cash open batch reversal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_OPEN_BATCH_SUBMIT NEW This is for cash open batch submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_REVERSAL_ACC NEW This is for on cash reversal account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_REVERSAL_TILL NEW This is for cash reversal till.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_REVERSAL_TILL_ACC NEW This is for cash reversal till account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CASH_SBMT_TILL_ACC_R NEW This is for cash submission till account reversal.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_SUBMIT_ACC NEW This is for on cash submit account.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_SUBMIT_BILL_PAYMENT NEW This application programming interface to submit bill payments by cash transaction.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_SUBMIT_CUST_ACC NEW This is for on cash submit customer account.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_SUBMIT_TILL NEW This is for cash submit till.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_SUBMIT_TILL_ACC NEW This is for the cash submit till account.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_WITHDRAWAL NEW This is for cash withdrawal.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_WITHDRAWL NEW This is for cheque withdrawal.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASH_WITHDRAWL_TELLER NEW This is for cash withdrawal for the teller.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASHBATCHDS NEW This is to save a cash batch.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CASHVALIDATE NEW This is to validate for cash.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CAU_HANDOFF NEW This is for customer address handoff.
Channel Limits SRV_FA_CC_ADV_BY_CASH GET This is for advance by cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CC_ADV_BY_TRANSFER AUTHORIZE This is for advance by transfer.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CC_STOP_CARD_REQ INQUIRY This is for the stop card.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CCU_HANDOFF CLOSE This is for customer contact handoff.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_ADDL_CASHDS_TXN_SUBMIT DELETE This is for charge additional cash data segment submission.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_CH_BILL_PAY_SAVE GET This is to save the application programming interface for bill payment transactions.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CH_GETCHARGEBASIS GET This is to get a charge basis.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CH_GETFUNCTIONCODE GET This is to get by function code.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CH_GETSCREENCLASSCODE GET This is to get by screen class code.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CH_PARENT_FID UNLOCK This is for parent fid.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_ADDL_CASHDS_TXN REOPEN This is to save additional cash data segment transactions.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_ADDL_F24_DS_TXN SAVE This is to save additional f24 data segment transactions.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_ADDL_F24_DS_TXN_ACC NEW This is to save an additional f24 data segment transaction account.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_ADDL_PAYMENT_DS_TXN GET This is to save additional payment data segment transactions.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_F24_MAIN_DS_TXN GET This is to save the f24 maintenance data segment transaction.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_F24_PMNT_DS_TXN GET This is to save the f24 payment data segment transaction.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_F24_PMNT_DS_TXN_ACC NEW This is to save the f24 payment data segment transaction.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_F24_STD_DS_TXN NEW This is to save the f24 standard data segment transaction.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_F24_STD_DS_TXN_ACC NEW This is to save the f24 standard data segment transaction.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SAVE_TELLER_SESSION_DS NEW This is to save the teller session data segment.
Charge Definition Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_SUBMIT_TELLER_SESSION NEW This is to save the teller session.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CH_TXN_CASHWITHDRAWAL AUTHORIZE This is for cash transaction withdrawal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CH_TXN_GETCASHWITHDRAWAL INQUIRY This is to get the cash transaction withdrawal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CH_TXN_GETTELLERTOT_PREV_DAY CLOSE This is to get the teller transaction total previous day.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_TXN_GETTELLERVAULTPOSITION DELETE This is to getTellerVaultPositionQuery.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_USERSPOSITIONS QUERY This gives results for users' positions.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_VAL_FISCODE_REQ GET This is to validate the FIS code request.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CH_VALIDATEROLES GET This is to validate by role ID.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_AUTHORIZE UNLOCK This is for the channel limit authorize save.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_AUTHQUERY REOPEN This is for channel limit authorize query.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_CLOSERECORD NEW This is to close a record for channel limit.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_DELETE REJECT This is to delete the channel limit.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_FETCHDATA NEW This is to fetch data for channel limit.
Charge Condition Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_GETALL NEW This is to get all the details for the channel limit.
Srv Tm Bc Channel Limits API SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_GETBYID NEW This is for channel limit details by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Channel Limits API SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_GETHISTORY AUTHORIZE This is for channel limit details by history.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_MODIFYRECORD INQUIRY This is for channel limit details to modify a record.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_REOPENRECORD CLOSE This is for channel limit details to reopen the record.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_LIMIT_SAVERECORD DELETE This is for channel limit save.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNEL_REJECT GET This is for channel rejection.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHANNELMT_GETAL_MENU GET This is to save the channel limit.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHARGE_AUTHORIZE QUERY This is for charge maintenance authorization.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHARGE_AUTHQ UNLOCK This is the charge maintenance authentication.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHARGE_CLOSE REOPEN This is to close charge maintenance.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHARGE_DECISION_ENQUIRY SAVE This is to inquire charge decision.
Charge Decision Maintenance SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for charge definition maintenance authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_AUTHQ NEW This is for charge definition maintenance authentication.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_CLOSE AUTHORIZE This is to close charge definition maintenance.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_DELETE INQUIRY This is to delete charge definition maintenance.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_GETALL CLOSE This is for charge definition maintenance to get all entries.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_GETBYID DELETE This is a charge definition maintenance obtained by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_HISTORY GET This is for charge definition maintenance history.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_MODIFY GET This is for charge definition maintenance modification.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_REOPEN QUERY This is to reopen charge definition maintenance.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_MAINTENANCE_SAVE UNLOCK This is to save a charge for definition maintenance.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DEF_REJECT REOPEN This is to reject charge definition maintenance.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_DELETE SAVE This is to delete charge definition maintenance.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GETALL NEW This is to get all charge maintenance.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GETBYID NEW This is for charge maintenance get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for charge group authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_AUTHQ NEW This is for charge group authentication.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_CLOSE NEW This is to close the charge group.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_DELETE NEW This is to delete a charge group.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_GETALL NEW This is to get all entries for the charge group.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_GETBYID NEW This is for the charge group get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_HISTORY NEW This is for charge group history.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_MODIFY NEW This is to modify the charge group.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_REOPEN NEW This is to reopen the charge group.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_GROUP_SAVE NEW This is to save a charge group.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_HISTORY NEW This is for the charge history.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_MODIFY NEW This is for a modified charge.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for charge pick-up authorization.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_AUTHQ NEW This is for charge pick-up authentication.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_CLOSE NEW This is to close a charge pick-up.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_DELETE NEW This is to delete charge pick-up.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_GETALL NEW This is for charge pick-up up get all entries.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_GETBYID NEW This is for charge pick up get by ID.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_HISTORY NEW This is for charge pick-up history.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_MODIFY NEW This is to modify charge pick up.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_REOPEN NEW This is to reopen charge pick up.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_PICK_SAVE NEW This is to save a charge for pick up.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_REOPEN NEW This is for charge reopen.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGE_SAVE NEW This is for charge save.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHARGEDEF_MAINT_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for charge definition maintenance to get all menu items.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_CHARGEGRP_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for charge group maintenance to get all menu items.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_CHARGEPICK_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for charge pickup maintenance to get all menu items.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CHARGES_SUBMIT NEW This application programming interface is used to save the transaction details to domain tables.
ProcessDriver API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_BOOK_REQUEST NEW This is for a cheque book request.
OBPay API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_BOOK_STATUS_CHANGE NEW This is for cheque book status change.
OBPay API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_DEPOSIT NEW This is for the cheque deposit.
OBPay API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_RETURN NEW This is for cheque return.
OBPay API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_STATUS_INQUIRY NEW This is for a cheque status inquiry.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit a cheque deposit.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CHEQUE_TD_ACC_OPEN_WALKIN NEW This is for term deposit account opening against walkin.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CHEQUEBOOK_REQUEST NEW This is for a cheque book request.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CHEQUEBOOK_REQUEST_PENDINGSUBMIT NEW This is to submit a pending request for cheque book request.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CHQ_BOOK_ISSUE NEW This is for cheque book issue.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_CHRG_DEF NEW This is for charge definition.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CLEAR_ALL_CACHE NEW This is to clear the cache.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CLEAR_BRANCH_CACHE NEW This is to clear the branch cache.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CLEAR_BRANCH_CACHE_ALL NEW This is to clear all branch common cache.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CLEAR_CACHE NEW This is for clearing the cache.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CLEAR_TRANSACTION_CACHE NEW This is to clear transaction cache.
Inward Clearing Transaction API SRV_FA_CLG_BATCHNO NEW This is to generate a batch number for clearing.
Clearing Transaction DS API SRV_FA_CLGTTRANSACTION NEW This is to save CLG transactions.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CLOSE_BATCH_REVERSAL NEW This is to close batch reversal.
Operation API SRV_FA_CLOSE_BRANCH_BATCH NEW This is to close the branch batch.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_CLOSE_CUSTOMER NEW This is to close the customer.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_CLOSE_PRC_RULE NEW This is to close the price rule.
Operation API SRV_FA_CLOSE_TELLER_BATCH NEW This is for the close teller batch.
Operation API SRV_FA_CLOSE_VAULT_BATCH NEW This is for the close vault batch.
Operation API SRV_FA_CLOSOUT_NEW_MENU NEW This is to close out the new menu.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CLS_OUT_WITHDRAWAL_BC NEW This application programming interface is used to close out a withdrawal by a banker's cheque.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CLSBRANCH_OPENCHECK NEW This is to open check, and close the branch.
Account Closure API SRV_FA_CLSOUTWITHDRAWAL_MULTIMODE_GET NEW This application programming interface is to fetch multi-mode records.
Account Closure API SRV_FA_CLSOUTWITHDRAWAL_MULTIMODE_SAVE NEW This application programming interface is used for close-out withdrawal by MultiMode.
Customer Group Maintenance SRV_FA_CLSOUTWITHDRAWAL_MULTIMODE_SUBMIT NEW This application programming interface is used to submit multi-mode records.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CMN_ON_EN_TLR_SUMBIT NEW This is to end teller submit.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CMN_ON_FIN_SUMBIT NEW This is for credit card screen submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CMN_OPEN_CHK_BATCH NEW This is for the open check batch.
Transaction API SRV_FA_COPY_PRC_RULE NEW This is for the price rule copy.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_CORE_GL_ACCS NEW This is to get GL core accounts.
Logging API SRV_FA_CREATE_EJ_LOG NEW This is to create an electronic journal log.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_CREATE_PRC_RULE NEW This is to create a price rule.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_CREATE_PRCRULE_MENU NEW This is to create a price rule.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_CREDITCARD_ONSUBMIT NEW This is for credit card submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CREDITCARD_PENDING_APPROVAL NEW This is for a credit card pending approval.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CREDITCARD_REVERSAL GET This is for credit card reversal.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_CSUBMITH NEW This is for credit card submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_CURRENT_OPEN_TILLS NEW This is for current open tills.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_CUS_ADDRESS_SUBMIT NEW This is for customer address submission.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_CUS_ADRESS NEW This is to save the customer's address.
Query Customer Information API SRV_FA_CUS_CUSTOMER_INFO NEW This is to fetch customer details by customer number.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_CUSOTMER_PROFILE NEW This is for the customer profile.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_CUST_ACC_ADDRESS_UPDATE NEW This is to update the customer account address.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_CUST_ADDR_UPD NEW This is to update the customer's address.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_CUST_CONT_DETAILS_UPDATE NEW This is to update customer contact details.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_AUTH_QUERY NEW This is to query customer group authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_AUTHORIZE NEW This is to authorize the customer group.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_CLOSE_RECORD NEW This is for the customer group close record.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_DELETE NEW This is for customer group deletion.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_GET_HISTORY NEW This is for the customer group to get history.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_GETALL NEW This is to get all customers for the customer group.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_GETBYID NEW This is for the customer group get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This is to modify a record for the customer group.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_REOPEN_RECORD NEW This is to reopen the record for the customer group.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUST_GRP_SAVERECORD NEW This is to save a record for the customer group.
AccountBalance API SRV_FA_CUST_QUERYACCBAL NEW This is for the customer group query account balance.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_CUSTGRP_GETAL_MENU NEW This is for getting to menu items.
Customer Cheque Book Request API SRV_FA_CUSTOMER_QUERYCHEQUEBOOKREQ NEW This application programming interface to query a cheque book status.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_CUSTOMER_REJECT NEW This is for customer rejection.
External System API SRV_FA_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SAVE NEW This is to save customer service.
Resource Orchestrator Service API SRV_FA_CUSTOMER_VALIDATE NEW This is to validate a customer.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_CUSTOMERGROUP_GETALL NEW This is for a list of values for customer group search.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_BC_ISSUE_REVERSAL NEW This is for demand draft and bankers' cheque issue reversal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_BC_PAYMENT_REVERSAL NEW This is for demand draft and bankers' cheque issue reversal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_CANCEL NEW This is for demand draft cancellation.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_DUPLICATE_SAVE NEW This application programming interface is used for duplicate demand draft issues.
OBPay API SRV_FA_DD_INQUIRY NEW This is for the demand draft issue inquiry.
OBPay API SRV_FA_DD_ISSUANCE_ACC NEW This is for demand draft issuance against account/GL.
OBPay API SRV_FA_DD_ISSUANCE_GL NEW This is for demand draft issuance GL.
OBPay API SRV_FA_DD_ISSUANCE_WALKIN NEW This is for demand draft issuance against walk-in.
OBPay API SRV_FA_DD_OPERATIONS NEW This is for demand draft operations.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_PAYMENT_REVERSAL NEW This is for demand draft payment reversal.
OBPay API SRV_FA_DD_PRINT_REPRINT NEW This is for demand draft print reprint.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_REFUND NEW This is for a demand draft refund.
Transaction API SRV_FA_DD_REVALIDATION NEW This is for demand draft revalidation.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_DDBC_OPERATIONS_SAVE NEW This is for revalidation save.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_DDBC_OPERATIONS_SUBMIT NEW This is for revalidation submission.
Default Authorizer Web API SRV_FA_DEF_AUTH_REJECT NEW This is for default auth reject.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_DELETE_CUSTOMER NEW This is to delete.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DELETE_PRC_RULE NEW This is for price rule deletion.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DELETETASK NEW This application programming interface is used when the approver has rejected the transaction.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOM_CAL_DENOMINATIONS NEW This is for calculation denomination.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOM_GET_DENOMINATIONS NEW This is for denomination get by currency and type.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOM_GETAL_MENU NEW This is to get all menu items.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATION_CURRENCYDENOM NEW This application programming interface is for denomination details.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATION_EXCHANGE NEW This is for denomination exchange.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATION_SUBMIT NEW This application programming interface saves the denomination transaction details to domain tables.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_AUTH_QUERY NEW This is for denominations to authorize queries.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_AUTHORIZE NEW This is to authorize denominations.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_CLOSE_RECORD NEW This is to close the denomination record.
Denomination Variance Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_DELETE AUTHORIZE This is to delete the denomination record.
Denominations API SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_GETALL INQUIRY This is to get all denominations.
Denominations Maintenance SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_GETBYID CLOSE This is to get denominations by ID.
Denominations API SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_GETHISTORY DELETE This is to get denominations by history.
Denominations API SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_MODIFY_RECORD Modify This is to modify the denomination record.
Denominations API SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_REOPEN_RECORD GET This is to modify denominations and reopen the record.
Denominations API SRV_FA_DENOMINATIONS_SAVERECORD GET This is to modify denominations and save records.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_AUTH_QUERY GET This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_AUTHORIZE UNLOCK This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_CLOSE_RECORD REOPEN This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_DELETE SAVE This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_DENOMVARDETAILS GET This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_GET_HISTORY NEW This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_GETALL GET This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_GETBYID NEW This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_REOPEN_RECORD NEW This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_FEAT_SAVERECORD NEW This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_DENOMWISEVAR_GETAL_MENU NEW This application programming interface is for the denomination-wise variance feature.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_DEPOSIT_RENTAL_CASH NEW This is for safe deposit rental by cash.
Customer Account Statement API SRV_FA_DGETWORKDETAILSS NEW This is to get work details.
Account Address API SRV_FA_DGETWORKDETAILSZ NEW This is to get all the work details.
Account Address API SRV_FA_DUPDATEQ NEW This is to duplicate the date update.
Customer Contact Update API SRV_FA_DUPDATET NEW This is to duplicate the date update.
Eca API SRV_FA_EAC_CHECK NEW This is for the adapter EAC check.
Customer Account Statement API SRV_FA_EACCSTMTSUBMITQ NEW This is for the external credit approval account statement.
Eca API SRV_FA_ECAUNDO NEW This is for external credit approval undo by transaction reference number.
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_EGETBYIDL NEW This is to get an electronic journal by ID.
External System Maintenance SRV_FA_EJREASSIGN NEW This is to reassign transactions.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ELECTRONIC_JOURNAL_APPROVAL NEW This is for electronic journal approval.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ELECTRONIC_JOURNAL_LOG NEW This is for the electronic journal log.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ELECTRONIC_JOURNAL_LOG_CASH NEW This is for electronic journal log cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ELECTRONIC_JOURNAL_LOG_NON_CASH NEW This is for electronic journal log non-cash.
Logging API SRV_FA_EOD NEW This is for EOD.
Transaction API SRV_FA_EOD_VALIDATEOPENBRANCH NEW This is to validate the open branch batch.
Account Address API SRV_FA_ESAVEI NEW This is to save the open branch batch.
Passbook Status Request API SRV_FA_EUPDATEPASSBOOKD NEW This is to update the passbook.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_BUYCASHCCYCHEST NEW This is to buy cash from the chest.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_CASHDEPOSIT NEW This is for the external application programming interface cash deposit.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_CASHWITHDRAWAL GET This is for external application programming interface cash withdrawal.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_CHEQUEWITH NEW This is for external application programming interface cheque withdrawal.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_MISCCUSTOMERCREDIT NEW This is for external application programming interface MIS customer credit.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_MISCCUSTOMERDEBIT NEW This is for the external application programming interface MIS customer debit.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_MISCGLDEBIT NEW This is for Misc GL debit.
Cash Transaction DS Service API SRV_FA_EXT_MISCGLREQUEST NEW This is for the Misc GL request.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_MISCGLREQUEST_WEB NEW This is for the Misc GL request.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_SELLCASHTOCURRENCYCHEST NEW This is to sell cash to the currency chest.
External System API SRV_FA_EXT_SYSTEM_SAVE NEW This is to validate by role ID.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_EXT_TCASHFVALTOTILL NEW This is to sell cash from the vault to the till.
Account Balance Service API SRV_FA_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_EXECUTESUBMIT NEW This is to submit the account balance.
External Payment Transaction Service API SRV_FA_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_EXECUTESUBMIT NEW This is to submit an account transfer.
Cash Transaction DS Service API SRV_FA_EXTERNAL_CASH_DEPOSIT_EXECUTESUBMIT NEW This is to submit a cash deposit.
Cash Transaction DS Service API SRV_FA_EXTERNAL_CASH_WITHDRAWAL_EXECUTESUBMIT NEW This is to submit a cash withdrawal.
Cash Transaction DS Service API SRV_FA_EXTERNAL_CASH_WITHDRAWAL_SAVE NEW This is to save cash withdrawal.
Stop Card Request API SRV_FA_EXTERNAL_STOP_CARD NEW This is for an external stop card.
Srv Tm Bc External System Web API SRV_FA_EXTRNLSYS_GETAL_MENU NEW This is to get external system menu items.
Cash Additional Transaction API SRV_FA_F23A_TAX NEW This is for Cash Data Segment
Transaction API SRV_FA_F23C_TAX NEW This is for F23 tax payment by cash.
Cash Additional Transaction API SRV_FA_F24_CASH_SUBMIT NEW This is for F24C cash submission.
Cash Additional Transaction API SRV_FA_F24A_TAX NEW This is for the F24C account submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_F24C_TAX NEW This is for F24 tax payment by cash.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_CHARGES NEW This application programming interface is used to fetch the charges from domain tables.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_CHILD_FUNC_CODE NEW This is to fetch the child function code.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_DENOMINATIONS NEW This application programming interface is used to fetch the denomination from domain tables.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_FUNCODE_BRN_CCY NEW This is to get settlement details based on function code, branch, and currency.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_MAIN_CHARGES NEW This application programming interface is used to fetch charges from the main table.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_PARAM NEW This is to fetch transaction parameters.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCH_STORE NEW This is to fetch store details.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FETCHINSTUDETAILS NEW This is to fetch instrument details.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FSAVERECORDO NEW This is to save store details.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FT_GENERATEXREF NEW This is to generate an XRef number.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FT_GETCONVERTEDAMT NEW This is to get the converted amount.
Function Code Definition SRV_FA_FT_GETXRATE GET This is to get the exchange rate.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FT_TRANSFER_ACCOUNT AUTHORIZE This is for domestic transfers.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FT_TRANSFER_WALKIN INQUIRY This is for domestic transfers.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_AUTHORIZE CLOSE This is to authorize function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_AUTHQUERY DELETE This is to authorize function code definition to authorize query.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_CLOSE GET This is to close the function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_DELETE GET This is to delete the function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_GET QUERY This is for function code definition get all.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_GETBY_ID Query This is for function code definition get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_HISTORY Query This is for function code definition history.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_POST REOPEN This is to save a record for function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_PUT REJECT This is to modify a record for function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_DEFIN_REOPEN NEW This is to reopen a record for function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNC_CODE_REJECT NEW This is to reject a record for function code definition.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNCCODE_DEFIN_GET_MENU NEW This is for function code definition get menu.
Srv Tm Bc Function Code Web API SRV_FA_FUNCCODEDEFIN_GETBYFUNCTIONCODE NEW This is to get by function code details based on function code
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_FUPDATEU NEW This is to update a record for the function code definition.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_IN_DENOMIATIONS NEW This is to save FX in denominations.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_OUT_DENOMIATIONS NEW This is to save FX from denominations.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_PENDING_TILLACC NEW This is for the pending FX till and account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_PURCHASE_AGAINST_ACC NEW This is for the FX purchase against the account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_PURCHASE_WALKIN NEW This is for the FX Purchase - Walk-in.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_PURCHASE_WALKIN_TELLER NEW This is for the FX Purchase - Walk-in.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_SALE_AGAINST_ACC NEW This is for the Fx Sale Against Account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_SALE_WALKIN NEW This is for the FX Purchase - Walk-in.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_SALE_WALKIN_TELLER NEW This is for the FX Purchase - Walk-in.
Transaction API SRV_FA_FX_TILL_ACC_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit FX till and account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GENERATE_SLIP NEW This is to generate input slip.
Srv Tm Bc Account Group Master API SRV_FA_GET_ACC_GROUP_REJECT NEW This is to get the account group reject details.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GET_ALL_CACHE NEW This is to get all the cache.
System Parameter Web API SRV_FA_GET_ALL_CONFIGURATIONINFO NEW This is to get all configuration information.
Operation API SRV_FA_GET_APPROVAL NEW This is to get auth approval.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_APPROVAL_CASH_NON_CASH_TXN NEW This is to get electronic journal approval records for the cash and noncash.
Get Available Balance API SRV_FA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE NEW This is to get an available balance.
Remo Tm Branch Accounting Master Web API SRV_FA_GET_BRANCH_ACCOUNT_FUNC NEW This is to get the branch by function code.
Srv Tm Bc Branch Group Master API SRV_FA_GET_BRANCH_GROUP_REJECT NEW This is to get the branch group rejected.
Operation API SRV_FA_GET_BRANCH_INFO NEW This is to get branch info.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_BY_SOURCEREFNO NEW This is to get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_CASH_NON_CASH_TXN NEW This is to get electronic journal approval records for the cash and noncash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GET_CCY NEW This is to get currency details application programming interface.
Adapter API SRV_FA_GET_CENTRALTXNLOG NEW DD/BC on pending duplicate application programming interface.
Adapter API SRV_FA_GET_CENTRALTXNLOG_INFO NEW This is to central transaction inquiry.
Srv Tm Bc Charge Group Master Web API SRV_FA_GET_CHARGE_GROUP_REJECT NEW This is to get the charge group reject.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Pick Up Web API SRV_FA_GET_CHARGE_PICK_REJECT NEW This is to get the charge pickup reject.
Remo Tm Branch Charge Master Web API SRV_FA_GET_CHARGE_REJECT NEW This is to get the charge reject.
System Parameter Web API SRV_FA_GET_CONFIGURATIONINFO NEW This is to get configuration information.
Srv Tm Bc Customer Group Master API SRV_FA_GET_CUST_GROUP_REJECT NEW This is to get the customer group reject.
Srv Tm Bc Denomination Variance Web API SRV_FA_GET_DENOM_VAR_REJECT NEW This is to get denomination var reject.
Denominations API SRV_FA_GET_DENOMINATIONS_REJECT NEW This is to get the denomination reject.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_EJLOGINFORMATIONBYID NEW This is to get EJ Log Information by ID.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_EJLOGINFORMATIONBYTRN NEW This is to get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_EJRECORDS_SUPERVISOR NEW This is to get the EJ records supervisor.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_EJRECORDSINFO NEW This is to get EJ records information.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_GET_ID_PRC_RULE NEW This is to create a price rule.
API SRV_FA_GET_LATEST_DATA NEW This is to get all the latest consolidated data for all the data segments.
Loan API SRV_FA_GET_LOANACC_QUERY NEW This is to loan query account.
Adapter API SRV_FA_GET_MEMO NEW This is to get customer memo instructions.
Adapter API SRV_FA_GET_MUL_OB_STTS NEW This is to get_ob_stts.
OBPay API SRV_FA_GET_OB_STTS NEW This is to get_ob_stts.
CommonLov API SRV_FA_GET_PB_DTLS_LOV_DATA NEW This is to Pass electronic journal approval records for the passbook book details.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_GET_PRC_RULE NEW This is to create a price rule.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_GET_PRCRULE_MENU NEW This is to create a price rule menu.
Pricing API SRV_FA_GET_PRICING NEW This is to get pricing.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GET_STATIC_TAGS NEW This is to fetch static tags.
Term Deposit API SRV_FA_GET_TDLOV_DATA NEW This is to td product list of values.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GET_TLR_BATCH_INFO NEW This application programming interface is used to fetch the teller batch information.
Denominations API SRV_FA_GET_TRANSACTIONINFO NEW This is for transaction info.
Logging API SRV_FA_GET_TXNLOG_BYTRN NEW This is to fetch the transaction log by transaction.
Operation API SRV_FA_GET_URL NEW This is to get the URL by function code and action.
UserPreferences API SRV_FA_GET_USER_PREF_REJECT NEW This is to get user preference reject.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GET_VAULT_BATCH_INFO NEW This application programming interface is to get vault batch information.
Charge Pricing Maintenance SRV_FA_GETALL_CUSTOMER NEW This is to get all customer records.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_GETALLGroup NEW This is for the list of value services for all group.
ExternalAPIWeb API SRV_FA_GETAPISYSTEM NEW This is for the external application programming system.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_GETBANKBICCODE NEW This is to get the bank BIC code.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_GETBENFBANKCODE NEW This is to get beneficiary bank code.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_GETBYID_CUSTOMER NEW This is to get by ID.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_GETCASHRECORDINFO NEW This is to get cash record information.
Eca API SRV_FA_GETECAREFNO NEW This is to get ECA reference number by transaction reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GETELLERTNTAL NEW This is to get the total teller balance.
TDRedeemtion API SRV_FA_GETERMDEPOSITACC NEW This is to get term deposit account.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_GETHISTORY_CUSTOMER NEW This is to get a customer history.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_GETINSTRUMENT GET This is to get the instrument.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_GETINSTUDETAILS NEW This is to get the instrument details.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_GETINVENTORYPOSITION NEW This is to get the inventory position.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_GETPAYMENTRECINFO NEW This is to get payment record information.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_GETTCDENOM NEW This is to get TC denomination details.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_GETTCDENOMBYID NEW This is to get a TC denomination by ID.
Inter Branch Transit Account SRV_FA_GETTELLRTXNTOTAL NEW This is to get a teller transaction total.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITACC NEW This is to get a term deposit account.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITACCLINKEDENTITIES NEW This is to get a term deposit account linked entities.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITACCROLLOVER NEW This is to get a term deposit account rollover.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITDENOMINATION NEW This is to get the term deposit denomination.
TD Topup API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITINFO NEW This is to get term deposit information.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITPAYINDTLS NEW This is to get term deposit payin details.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_GETTERMDEPOSITPAYOUT NEW This is to get a term deposit payout.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GETTXNSTATUS NEW This is to get transaction status.
Transaction API SRV_FA_GL_TRANSFER NEW This is to GL transfer.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_HGETBYIDK NEW This is to get by id.
Transaction API SRV_FA_HGETTELLERTRANSACTIONO GET This is to get the teller transaction number.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_HGETWORKDETAILS[ NEW This is to get work details.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_HISTORY_PRC_RULE NEW This is to price rule history.
Passbook Req API SRV_FA_HSAVED NEW This is to save.
SrvTmChIbTransitAccWeb API SRV_FA_IBTRANSITACC_GETAL_MENU NEW This is the transit account to get all the menu.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_IGETALLRECORDSJ NEW This is to get all servicing journal records.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INHOUSE_CHQ_DEP_DIR NEW This is for the in-house cheque deposit directory.
API SRV_FA_INITIATE NEW This is to orchestrator service initiates actions.
API SRV_FA_INITIATE_EXISTING NEW This is for the initiation of the task that happens by this endpoint.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INPUT_LIQD_SUBMIT NEW This is for the electronic journal log by source reference number.
API SRV_FA_INPUT_SLIP NEW This is to input slip call.
OBPay API SRV_FA_INSTR_UP_MENU NEW This is to instrument update menu.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INSTRPAY_SUBMIT_ACC NEW on Instrument Payment Submit Account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INSTRPAY_SUBMIT_ACC_TILL NEW on Instrument Payment Submit Account Till.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_INSTRUMENT_BC_ENQUIRY NEW This is for the BC instrument inquiry.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_INSTRUMENT_ENQUIRY NEW This is to instrument inquiry.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INT_BRANCH_TXN_REQ NEW This is to the interbranch transaction request.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INT_TRANSFER_ACC NEW This is to international transfer against the account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INT_TRANSFER_WALKIN NEW This is to international transfer against walk-in.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_INTERBRANCH_GET_TXNREF NEW This is to get an inter-branch transaction reference number.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_INTERBRANCH_LOV NEW This is to inter-branch list of values.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_INTERBRANCH_ONSUBMIT NEW This is to inter-branch submit.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_INTERBRANCH_ONSUBMIT_TM NEW This is to submit the inter-branch transaction.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_INTERBRANCH_SAVE NEW This is to inter-branch transaction save.
Transaction API SRV_FA_INTERBRN_INP_LIQ_PENDING_APP NEW This is to On electronic journal approval records for the input liquidation submission.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INTERBRN_REQ_PENDING_APP NEW This is to submit the pending inter-branch request.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INTERBRN_REQ_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit the inter-branch request.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INTRBRANCH__LIQ_ NEW This is to inter-branch transaction liquidation.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INTRBRANCH_SAVE_ NEW This is to inter-branch transaction input.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INVOKEECA NEW This is to invoke external credit approval by action.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWARD_CLEARING NEW This is to inward clearing.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWARD_REMITTANCE NEW This is to inward registration.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWRDCLG_CREATE NEW This is to create an inward clearing.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWRDCLG_ONSUBMIT NEW This is to generate batch numbers for clearing.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWRDCLG_RETURN NEW This is to inward clearing return.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWRDCLG_SAVE NEW This is to inward clearing save.
Issuer Code Maintenance SRV_FA_INWRDCLG_SUBMIT AUTHORIZE This is to inward clearing save.
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_ISAVEZ INQUIRY This is to save.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ISLAMIC_DOWN_PAYMENT_BY_CASH CLOSE This is to Islamic electronic journal approval records for the down by cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ISLAMIC_TD_ACCOUNT_OPENING DELETE This is for an Islamic TD account opening.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ISSUE GET This is to issue.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ISSUE_INSTR_ACC GET This is to submit an issuance instrument account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ISSUE_INSTR_TILL_ACC GET This is to on the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUER_CODE_REJECT UNLOCK This is for the issuer code reject.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCOD_GETAL_MENU REOPEN This is for the issuer code to get all.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_AUTHORIZE SAVE This is for issuer code authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_AUTHQUERY GET This is to issuer code auth query.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_CLOSERECORD REJECT This is to issuer code close record.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_DELETE NEW This is for the issuer code deletion.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_GETALL NEW This is for the issuer code to get all.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_GETBYID NEW This is for the issuer code to get by id.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_GETHISTORY NEW This is for the issuer code to get the history.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is for the issuer code to modify a record.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_REOPENRECORD NEW This is for the issuer code to reopen the record.
Srv Tm Bc Issuer Code Web API SRV_FA_ISSUERCODE_SAVERECORD NEW This is for the issuer code to save the record.
Customer Acc Statement API SRV_FA_IUPDATEACCSTMTV NEW This is to update the account statement.
Account Address Update API SRV_FA_JACCOUNTADDRUPDATEN NEW This is to account address update.
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_JEXTERNALCHEQUEBOOKREQUESTO NEW This is to external chequebook request.
Customer Contact Update API SRV_FA_JSUBMITB NEW This is to submit.
Account Balance API SRV_FA_KFETCHACCOUNTBALANCEX NEW This is to fetch the account balance.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_KGETALLRECORDSF NEW This is to get all records.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_KGETSTATUSF NEW This is to get status.
Transaction API SRV_FA_KSAVEDENOMIATIONSC NEW This is to save the denomination.
Customer Contact Update API SRV_FA_KSAVEW NEW This is to save.
Account Closure API SRV_FA_KSUBMITK NEW This is to submit.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LGETTELLERTRANSACTIONTOTALE NEW This is to get the teller transaction total.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LIQD_INSTR_ACC NEW This is to submit a liquidation instrument payment account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LIQD_INSTR_TILL_ACC NEW This is to on the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_LISTMINMAXVALCRITERIA_PICK_GETALL NEW List service min max value criteria.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_LISTPARAMNAME_PICK_GETALL NEW This is to list the service param name.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LOAN_DISBURSEMENT_BY_CASH NEW This is to loan disbursement by cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LOAN_PENDING_APPROVAL NEW This is to loan pending approval.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LOAN_REPAYMENT_BY_CASH NEW This is to loan repayment by cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LOAN_REPAYMENT_BY_CASH_TELLER NEW This is to Loan electronic journal approval records for the repayment by cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LOAN_REVERSAL NEW This is to on loan reversal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_LOANTXN_SUBMIT NEW This is to loan submit.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_LOV_PRC_RULE NEW This is to price rule list of values.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_LOVACCCLASSGRP_PICK_GETALL NEW This is for the list of values of the service account class group.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_LOVCHARGEBASIS_PICK_GETALL NEW This is for the list of values service charge basis.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_LOVCUSTGROUP_PICK_GETALL NEW This is for the list of values service customer group.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_MBC_BATCHNO NEW This is to get the batch number.
Account Balance API SRV_FA_MFETCHACCOUNTBALANCEY NEW This is to fetch the account balance.
Transaction API SRV_FA_MISC_CUST_CREDIT NEW This is for the miscellaneous customer credit screen.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MISC_CUST_DEBIT NEW This is for the miscellaneous customer debit screen.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MISC_GL_CREDIT NEW This is for the miscellaneous GL credit screen.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MISC_GL_DEBIT NEW This is for the miscellaneous GL debit screen.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MISC_TRANSFER NEW This is for the miscellaneous transfer.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_ML_ENRICHED_PROCESSING NEW This is to enriched ml processing.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_ML_GETBY_DOCID NEW This is to get by document ID.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_ML_ML_PROCESSING NEW This is to ml processing.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MMACCL_APPROVE NEW This is to mm account approval.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MMACCL_INITIATION_TASK NEW This is to account initiation task.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MODIFY_CUSTOMER NEW This is to modify the customer.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MODIFY_PRC_RULE NEW This is for the price rule modify.
FCUBS ST Service API SRV_FA_MODIFY_SUMMARY_CARD AUTHORIZE This is to modify the card master.
Cheque Book Req API SRV_FA_MODIFYCHEQUEBOOKREQ INQUIRY This is to modify cheque book request.
Operation API SRV_FA_MODIFYDATE CLOSE This is to modify dates.
Clearing Nework SRV_FA_MULTI_BC_ISSUANCE DELETE This is to multi-BC issuance.
Transaction API SRV_FA_MURABAHA_PAYMENT_BY_CASH GET This is to Murabaha payment by cash.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_AUTHORIZE GET This is to reject network code authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_AUTHQUERY GET This is for the rejected network code to authorize a query.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_CLOSERECORD UNLOCK This is for the rejected network code to close a record.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_DELETE REJECT This is to reject network code deletion.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_GETALL REOPEN This is for the rejected network code to get all.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_GETBYID SAVE This is for the rejected network code get by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_GETHISTORY NEW This is to get the history of the rejected network code.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is to modify a record for the rejected network code.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_REJECT NEW This is to reject the network code.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_REOPENRECORD GET This is to reopen a record for the rejected network code.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NETWORKCODE_SAVERECORD NEW This is to save a record of the rejected network code.
Transaction API SRV_FA_NGETTELLERVAULTPOSITIONQUERYI NEW This is to query a teller vault position.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_NGETWORKDETAILSI NEW This is to get network details.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_NSAVEV NEW This is to save.
Srv Tm Bc Network Code Web API SRV_FA_NTWRKCOD_GETAL_MENU NEW This is to REJECT the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Obca Accounting API SRV_FA_OBCA_ACCOUNTING NEW This is to create an OBCA accounting transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OBPAY_SUBMIT_ACC NEW This is to on OBPAY submit account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OBPAY_SUBMIT_ACC_TILL NEW This is for the OBPAY submission for the account till.
Account Address API SRV_FA_OGETBYTXNREFNOU NEW This is to get by transaction reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ON_CASH_SUB_TILL_VALUT_ACC NEW This is to On electronic journal approval records for the sub vault acc.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ON_PASSBOOK_ISSUE NEW This is to submit the passbook issue.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ON_PASSBOOK_UPDATE NEW This is to submit a passbook update.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ON_PENDING_LIQD_ACC_TILL NEW This is to On electronic journal approval records for the pending account till.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ONPEN_DD_DUPLICATE NEW This is for the DD on pending duplicate application programming interface.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_ONPEN_DD_REVALIDATE NEW This is for the DD on pending revalidate application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ONPENDING_CHEQUE_SUBMIT NEW This is to on pending cheque deposit.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ONPENDING_DUPLICATE NEW This is for the DD/BC on pending duplicate application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ONPENDING_PAYMENT_REVERSAL NEW This is for the DD/BC on the pending payment reversal application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ONPENDING_REVALIDATE NEW This is for the DD/BC on pending revalidate application programming interface.
Instrument Number Maintenance SRV_FA_OPEN_BRANCH_BATCH NEW This is to open the check branch batch.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OPEN_BRANCH_BATCHES NEW This is to open check branch batches.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OPEN_INTERBRANCH_CHECK NEW This is to open the check interbranch.
Operation API SRV_FA_OPEN_TELLER_BATCH NEW This is to open the teller batch.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OPEN_TELLER_BATCHES NEW This is to open teller batches.
Operation API SRV_FA_OPEN_VAULT_BATCH NEW This is to open the vault batch.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OPEN_VAULT_BATCHES NEW This is to open-check vault batches.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OPEN_VAULT_CCYCHEST NEW This is for an open check vault for currency chest screens.
API SRV_FA_OPENCHECK NEW This is to open check and default.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OPERATIONS NEW This is to operations.
OBPay API SRV_FA_OUTCLG_RETURN NEW This is to inward clearing return.
OBPay API SRV_FA_OUTWARD_CLEARING GET This is to outward clearing.
Transaction API SRV_FA_OVERRIDE_CONFIRMATION NEW This is to override confirmation.
Passbook API SRV_FA_PASSBOOK_ISSUE NEW This is to passbook issue.
Passbook API SRV_FA_PASSBOOK_STATUS_CHANGE NEW This is to passbook status change.
Passbook API SRV_FA_PASSBOOK_UPDATE NEW This is to passbook update.
Outward Clearing Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_GET_CLEARING_BATCHNUMBER_DETAILS NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the data entries.
Outward Clearing Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_GET_CLEARING_SAVEDTXN_BATCH_NUMBERS NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the clearing batch numbers.
Cheque Retrun Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_GET_INSTRUMENT NEW This application programming interface is to query a clearing transaction.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_AUTHORIZE NEW This is for payment instrument authorization.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_AUTHQUERY NEW This is to payment instrument auth query.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_CLOSE NEW This is to pay the instrument close record.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_DELETE NEW This is to payment instrument.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_GETALL NEW This is to payment instrument get all.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_GETBYID NEW This is for the payment instrument get by ID.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_GETHISTORY NEW This is to payment instrument get history.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is for payment instruments to modify records.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_REJECT NEW This is for the payment instrument rejection.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_REOPEN NEW This is for payment instruments to reopen the record.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAY_INSTR_SAVERECORD NEW This is to payment instrument to save the record.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_MULTIBC_ISSUE_RETRY NEW Transaction retries for the multi-BC issue.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_PAY_MULTIBC_ISSUE_SAVE NEW Payment saves for the multi-BC issue.
DD/BC Operations API SRV_FA_PAY_MULTIBC_ISSUE_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit a payment for the multi-BC issue.
Cash Remittance Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_QUERY_CASH_REMITTANCE NEW This application programming interface is to query a cash remittance transaction.
Cash Remittance Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SAVE_CASH_REMITTANCE NEW This application programming interface is to save a cash remittance transaction.
Cash Remittance Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SAVE_CASH_REMITTANCE_DTLS NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the save remittance transaction.
Cheque Retrun Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SAVE_CHEQUE_RETURN NEW This application programming interface is to save a cheque return transaction.
Outward Clearing Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SAVE_OUTWARD_CLEARING NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal log by source reference number.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SAVE_TC_SALE NEW This application programming interface is to save a traveller’s cheque transaction.
Cash Remittance Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SUBMIT_CASH_REMITTANCE NEW This application programming interface is to submit a cash remittance transaction.
Cheque Retrun Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SUBMIT_CHEQUE_RETURN NEW This application programming interface is to save a cheque return transaction.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_SUBMIT_TRAVELERS_CHEQUE NEW This application programming interface is to submit a traveller’s cheque transaction.
Cash Remittance Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_UPDATE_CASH_REMITTANCE NEW This is to update cash remittance.
Cheque Retrun Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_UPDATE_CLG_RETURN_STATUS NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the update return status.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_UPDATE_INSTR_EXPIRY NEW This application programming interface is to update the cheque return status.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_UPDATE_INSTRUMENT_TXN NEW This is for the DD/BC on pending duplicate application programming interface.
Outward Clearing Transaction API SRV_FA_PAY_UPDATE_STATUS_OUTWARD_CLEARING NEW This is to update ClgTxnMaster table.
Instrument Web API SRV_FA_PAYINSTR_GETAL_MENU NEW This is to get all the menu.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PAYMENT_SUBMIT NEW This is to payment submit.
Resource Orchestrator Service API SRV_FA_PAYMENT_VALIDATE NEW This is to validate and create a payment.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PB_REPRINT NEW This is to passbook reprint.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_ACC_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit the pending application account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_CUST_APP_SUBMIT NEW This is to submit the pending customer application.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_DISCARD NEW This is to on pending discard.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_DISCARD_MBC NEW Pending discard MBC.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_INSTR_ACC_TILL NEW This is to on the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_INSTR_PAY_ACC NEW This is to submit an account for the pending payment instrument.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_INSTR_PAY_TILL_ACC NEW This is for the electronic journal approval records for the instr till update.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_LIQ_INSTR_ACC NEW This is to submit an account for the pending liquidation instrument.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_OBPAY_ACC NEW This is to submit an account for the pending OBPAY.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_OBPAY_ACC_TILL NEW Pending OBPAY account till.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_SAFEDEPOSIT NEW This is to on pending safe deposit.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_STOP_CHQ_APP_SUBMIT NEW This is to PENDING electronic journal approval records for the stop approval submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_TILL_ACC NEW This is for the pending application till account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_TILL_ACC_R NEW Pending till account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PENDING_TILL_SUBMIT NEW This is for the pending application till submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_PGETTELLERTRANSACTIONTOTALPREVDAY[ NEW This is to get the teller transaction total previous day.
Poller Detail API SRV_FA_POLLER_DETAILS NEW This is to set the poller flag.
Liquidate Web API SRV_FA_POST_ACC_LIQUIDATION NEW This is to post an acc liquidation request.
Loan API SRV_FA_POST_LOANDISB_ADAPTER NEW This is to create loan repayment disbursement.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_PRC_CHRG_PCKUP_MBC NEW This is for the passbook details of the charge pick-up.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_PRICE_CHARGE_DEFAULT NEW This is to charge pickup by ID.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_PRICE_CHARGE_PICKUP NEW This is to charge pickup.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_PRINT_PRC_RULE NEW This is to price rule print.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_AUTHORIZE NEW This is to provide maintenance authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_AUTHQUERY NEW This is to provide maintenance auth query.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_CLOSERECORD NEW This is to provide a maintenance close record.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_DELETE NEW This is to provide maintenance delete.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_GETALL NEW This is to provide maintenance get all.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_GETBYID NEW This is for the provider maintenance by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_GETHISTORY NEW This is to provide maintenance get history.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is to provide maintenance and modify the record.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_REJECT NEW This is to maintenance reject.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_REOPENRECORD NEW This is to provide maintenance records.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PROVIDERMAINT_SAVERECORD NEW This is to provide maintenance save records.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_PRVDRMAIN_GETAL_MENU NEW This is to provide maintenance to get all the menu.
Plato Alert Message API SRV_FA_PUBLISH_EVENT NEW This is to publish the event.
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_QFETCHCHEQUESTATUSU NEW This is to fetch the cheque status.
Customer Contact Update API SRV_FA_QGETWORKDETAILSQ NEW This is to get work details.
Customer Account Statement API SRV_FA_QSAVEACCOUNTSTATEMENTV NEW This is to save the account statement.
Passbook Req API SRV_FA_QSUBMITO NEW This is to submit.
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_QSUBMITT NEW This is to submit.
ChequeBook Request API SRV_FA_QUERYCHEQUEBOOKREQ NEW This is to query cheque book request.
ChequeBook Request API SRV_FA_RD_PAYMENT_CASH NEW This is for the recurring deposit payment by cash.
Obaa Tm Record Detail API SRV_FA_RECORD_DETAIL_GETTEXTBYID NEW This is to get text by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Reject Code Web API SRV_FA_REJECT_CODE_REJECT NEW This is to reject code reject.
API SRV_FA_REMO_SUBMIT NEW This adds a new orchestrator. Add additional information here for this endpoint.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_REOPEN_CUSTOMER NEW This is to reopen customers.
Ob Tm Charge Price Template Service API SRV_FA_REOPEN_PRC_RULE NEW This is to price rule reopen.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_RESPONSMODEL NEW This is to get the response model and response entity.
API SRV_FA_REV_OVERRIDE NEW This is to reverse override.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL NEW This is to on reversal.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_ISSUE_INSTR_ACC NEW This is for the reversal issuance instrument account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_ISSUE_INSTR_TILL_ACC NEW This is for the electronic journal approval records for the issue and account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_LIQD_INSTR_TILL_ACC NEW This is to on electronic journal approval records for the liqd and account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_LIQD_INSTRPAY_ACC NEW This is for the reversal liquidation instrument payment account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_OBPAY_ACC_SUB NEW This is for the reversal of the OBPAY account submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_OBPAY_ACC_TILL_SUB NEW This is for the electronic journal approval records for the OBPAY account till.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_OVERRIDE NEW This is for the reversal override confirmation.
Transaction API SRV_FA_REVERSAL_RD NEW This is to on reversal recurring deposit.
PassbookReq API SRV_FA_RGETALLRECORDSQ NEW This is to get all records.
Branch Role Limits Maintenance SRV_FA_RGETBYIDE NEW This is to get by id.
Customer Account Statement API SRV_FA_RGETBYIDL NEW This is to get by id.
Customer Cheque Book Stop API SRV_FA_RGETWORKDETAILSO NEW This is to get work details.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLE_REOPEN_RECORDS NEW This is to reopen - role records.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_APPROVE NEW This is to role-based limit authorization.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_AUTHQ NEW This is role based limit auth query.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_CLOSE NEW This is to close a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_DELETE NEW This is to delete a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_GETALL NEW This is to Get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_GETBYID NEW This is to get a record by ID for the Role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_GETBYROLEID NEW This is to get a record by Role ID for the Role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_HISTORY GET This is to Get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_REJECT NEW This is to reject a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_REOPEN NEW This is to reopen a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_SAVE NEW This is to save a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_UPDATE NEW This is to modify a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLEBASEDLIMIT_VALIDATE NEW This is to validate a role-based limit record.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_ROLELMT_GETALL_MENU NEW This is to get all records for the role limit.
Passbook Req API SRV_FA_RUPDATEPASSBOOKP NEW This is to update the passbook.
Safe Deposit API SRV_FA_SAFE_DEPOSIT_RENTAL NEW This is to safe deposit rental.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAFE_DEPOSIT_SUBMIT NEW This is to safe deposit submit.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAFEDEPOSIT_REVERSAL NEW This is to safe deposit reversal.
Logging API SRV_FA_SAVE_AUTH_LOG NEW This is to save the authorizer log.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_BRANCH_BATCHES NEW This is to save branch batch data.
Operation API SRV_FA_SAVE_BRANXH_INFO NEW This is to validate and update branch date Information for the close teller batch.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_CHARGES NEW This application programming interface is used to save the charges to domain tables.
Srv Tm Cs Limits Web API SRV_FA_SAVE_CUSTOMER NEW This application programming interface is used to save the customer limit details.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_DENOMINATIONS NEW This application programming interface is used to save the denomination transaction details to domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_MAIN_CHARGES NEW This application programming interface is used to save the charges to the main table.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_MAIN_DENOMINATIONS NEW This application programming interface is used to save the denomination transaction details to the main table.
Recurring Deposit Operation API SRV_FA_SAVE_RECURRING_DEPOSIT NEW This application programming interface is used to save the recurring deposit details.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_TELLER_BATCHES NEW This application programming interface is used to save the teller batch details.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVE_VAULT_BATCHES NEW This application programming interface is used to save the vault batch details.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVECHARGESDS NEW This is to save charges.
Clearing Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVECLGCHARGES NEW This is to save clearing charges.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVECLOSEACCOUNT NEW This is for on-account closure account submission.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVEDENOMDS NEW This is to save denominations.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVEFINALRECORDS NEW This is to save final records.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVEFTCHARGES NEW This is to save fund transfer transaction charges.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVEFTDENOMINATION NEW This is to save a fund transfer transaction denomination.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVEFTTRANSACTION NEW This is to save fund transfer transactions.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVEINSTUDETAILS NEW This is to save additional instrument details.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_SAVEPC NEW This is to save the payment transaction details.
Instrument Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVERECORDS NEW This is to save instrument details.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_SAVETCDENOM NEW This is to save tc denominations.
TD Redemption API SRV_FA_SAVETDREDEEMTION NEW This is to save term deposit redemption data.
TD Topup API SRV_FA_SAVETDTOPUPDENOMINATION NEW This is to save a term deposit redemption top-up denomination.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SAVETERMDEPOSITACC NEW This is to create a term deposit.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SAVETERMDEPOSITACCLINK NEW This is to Save the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SAVETERMDEPOSITACCOUNTROLLOVER NEW This is to save a term deposit account rollover data.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SAVETERMDEPOSITDENOMINATION NEW This is to save term deposit denomination.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SAVETERMDEPOSITPAYINDTLS NEW This is to save term deposit pay-in details.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SAVETERMDEPOSITPAYOUT NEW This is to save term deposit pay-out details.
TDTopup API SRV_FA_SAVETOPUPINFO NEW This is to save term deposit top-up information.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SELLCASH_TO_CURRENCYCHEST NEW Screen mapping of sell cash to currency chest.
Account Closure API SRV_FA_SGETBYIDD NEW Retrieves the account data by account number.
Customer Address Update API SRV_FA_SMODIFYCUSTOMERK NEW This application programming interface is used to update the customer address details.
Stop Card Request API SRV_FA_STOP_CARD_SAVE NEW This application programming interface is used to save a stop credit card request data.
Stop Card Request API SRV_FA_STOP_CARD_SUBMIT NEW This application programming interface is used to create a stop credit card request data.
Transaction API SRV_FA_STOP_CHECK NEW This is to stop the cheque request.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_STOP_CHEQUE_BOOK NEW This is to stop cheque book requests.
Transaction API SRV_FA_STOPCARD_REQUEST NEW This application programming interface is used to create a stop credit card request.
API SRV_FA_SUBMIT NEW Adds a new orchestrator. Add additional information here for this endpoint.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SUBMIT_PASSBOOK_STATUS_CHANGE NEW This application programming interface is to submit a passbook status change.
Transaction API SRV_FA_SUBMIT_RD NEW This application programming interface is to submit a recurring deposit.
Recurring Deposit Operation API SRV_FA_SUBMIT_RECURRING_DEPOSIT NEW This is to submit the recurring deposit.
TD Redemption API SRV_FA_SUBMITTDREDEEMTION NEW This is to This electronic journal log by source reference number.
Customer TD API SRV_FA_SUBMITTERMDEPOSIT NEW This application programming interface submits a new term deposit.
Srv Tm Bc Role Limit Master Web API SRV_FA_SUPERVISOR_ROLE NEW This application programming interface is used to get the supervisor's role.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_BUY_FROM_AGENT NEW This is to buy TC from the agent.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_BUY_FROM_HO NEW This is to buy TC from Ho.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_BUY_FROM_VAULT NEW This is to buy TC from Vault.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_DENOM_BY_SERIES NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal log by source reference number.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_DENOM_ENQ NEW This application programming interface is to get the TC denomination inquiry details.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_DENOM_ENQUIRY NEW This is to TC denomination inquiry.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_DTLS NEW This is to get TC details to close the teller batch or vault batch.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_FETCH NEW This application programming interface is to fetch traveller’s cheque transaction details.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_HOST_HANDOFF NEW Traveller’s cheque transaction host handoff application programming interface.
webTravelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_PAYMENT_SUBMIT NEW Travelers Cheque Transaction save application programming interface.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_PUR_ACC NEW This is to TC purchase by account.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_PURCHASE_WALKIN NEW This is to tc purchase a walk-in.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_SAL_ACCGL NEW This is for the TC sale by other modes.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_SALE_TO_HO NEW This is to sell TC to Ho.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_SALE_WALKIN NEW This is to tc sale walkin.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TC_SAVE NEW This application programming interface is to save a traveller’s cheque transaction.
Cheque Status Inquiry API SRV_FA_TCHEQUESTATUSINQUIRYV NEW This application programming interface is to enquire about details about cheque status.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TCPURC_APPROVE NEW This is for the TC purchase approval task.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TCPURC_INITIATION_TASK NEW This is for the TC purchase initiation task.
Travelers Cheque Transaction API SRV_FA_TCSALE_APPROVE NEW This is for the TC sale approval task.
Teller Branch Parameter Maintenance SRV_FA_TD_ACCOPEN_AGAINST_CASH NEW This is for the TD account opening against cash.
Term Deposit API SRV_FA_TD_ADP_BOOK_ISLAMIC_TDCONTRACT NEW This is to book electronic journal approval records for the adp td contract.
Term Deposit API SRV_FA_TD_ADP_ISLAMIC_GETACC_CLS NEW This is to get electronic journal approval records for the adp class details.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_CMN_ISLAMIC_TDSUBMIT NEW This is to Islamic td submit application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_OPEN_SUBMIT NEW This is to open and submit application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_REDEEM_SUBMIT NEW This is to redeem the submit application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_REDEMPTION_AGAINST_ACCOUNT NEW This is to td redemption against the account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_REDEMPTION_AGAINST_CASH NEW This is to td redemption against cash.
External System API SRV_FA_TD_SAVE NEW This is to save the TD service.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_TOPUP_AGAINST_ACCOUNT NEW This is for the TD top-up against the account.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_TOPUP_AGAINST_CASH NEW This is for the TD top-up against cash.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TD_TOPUP_SUBMIT NEW This application programming interface is to submit the TD top-up.
Resource Orchestrator Service API SRV_FA_TD_VALIDATE NEW This application programming interface is to validate a TD top-up.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_AUTH_QUERY NEW Retrieves the teller branch maintenance record by given ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_AUTHORIZE NEW Authorize the teller branch maintenance record by given ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_BRANCH_PARAM_REJECT NEW This is to reject the teller branch maintenance record by the given ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_CLOSE_RECORD NEW This is to close the teller branch maintenance record by given ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_DELETE GET This is to delete the teller branch maintenance record by the given ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_GET_HISTORY NEW Retrieves the teller branch maintenance record by the ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_GETALL NEW This is to get all valid teller branch maintenance.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_GETALL_MENU NEW This is to get all valid teller branch maintenance.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_GETBYID NEW Retrieves the teller branch maintenance record by the ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_MODIFY_RECORD NEW This is to Update the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_TELLER_PREDICTION NEW This is to teller prediction.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_REOPEN_RECORD NEW Reopen the teller branch maintenance record by the ID.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_SAVERECORD NEW This is to Add an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_TELLER_SEQ_PREFIX NEW This application programming interface gets the system parameter maintained.
Branch Param API SRV_FA_TELLER_TOTALS_POSITION NEW This application programming interface is used to get the teller totals position.
Clearing Transaction DS API SRV_FA_TELLERCLGTRANSACTIONSUBMIT NEW This application programming interface is to submit a teller clearing transaction.
Payment Transaction DS API SRV_FA_TELLERFTTRANSACTION NEW This application programming interface is for the teller fund transfer transaction.
Cash Transaction DS API SRV_FA_TELLERSUBMITTRSO NEW This application programming interface is used to save the transaction details to domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TERM_DEPOSIT_SUBMIT NEW This is to term deposit submit.
Customer Chequebook Request API SRV_FA_TGETWORKDETAILSU NEW This is to Get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TILL_GET_CurrentOpenTill NEW This is to get the current open till results.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TILL_VAULT_POSITION NEW This application programming interface is used to get the till vault position.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TILLBALANCE NEW This is to Get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
Account Statement Request API SRV_FA_TINTIATEACCSTMTFUBSREQP NEW This application programming interface is used to fetch the Account statement from FCUBS.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TLR_TXN_GET NEW This is to Get an electronic journal log by source reference number.
TDTopup API SRV_FA_TOPUPSUBMIT NEW This application programming interface is used to save the TD top-up details to the domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_ACQUIRELOCK NEW This application programming interface is used to lock transactions using transaction reference numbers.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE_ISSUEINSTRACC NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the OBPAY transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE_ISSUEINSTRTILLACC NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the OBPAY transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE_LIQDINSTRACC NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the OBPAY transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE_LIQDINSTRTILLACC NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the OBPAY transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE_OBPAYACC NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the OBPAY transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_AUTHORISE_OBPAYACCTILL NEW This application programming interface is used to authorize the OBPAY transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_CASHDEPOSIT NEW This is to This electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_OPENCHECK NEW This application programming interface is used for the open check and defaulting.
API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_PENDING_APPROVAL NEW This is to This electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_PENDINGAPPROVAL NEW This is to This electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_RELEASELOCK NEW This application programming interface is used to release transaction lock.
API SRV_FA_TRANSACTION_REVERSAL NEW This is to This electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSFERCASH_FROM_TILL NEW This is to transfer cash from the till.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSFERCASH_FROM_VAULT NEW This is to transfer cash from the vault.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSFERCASH_TO_TILL NEW This is to transfer cash to the till.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TRANSFERCASH_TO_VAULT NEW This is to transfer cash to the vault.
CustomerAddress API SRV_FA_TUPDATEM NEW This application programming interface is used to update the customer address.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_TUPDATEPASSBOOKY NEW This is to This electronic journal log by source reference number.
OBPay API SRV_FA_TUPDATER NEW This application programming interface is used to update the OBPAY transaction details.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_TX_END_TELLER_SESSION_TXN NEW This is to Screen electronic journal approval records for the end teller session.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_GET_END_TELLER NEW This is to get the records for the end teller.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_GET_SAVE_TLR_SES_CCY_MAS NEW This is to This electronic journal approval records for the tlr currency denominations..
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SAVE_LARGE_DENOM_TXN NEW This is to This electronic journal approval records for the save large denominations.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SAVE_TELLER_SESSION_BENCIF_TXN NEW This is to This electronic journal approval records for the teller domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SAVE_TELLER_SESSION_EXECCIF_TXN NEW This is to This electronic journal approval records for the teller domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SAVE_TELLER_SESSION_MAIN_TXN NEW This is to This electronic journal approval records for the teller domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SAVE_TELLER_SESSION_MULTI_TXN NEW This is to This electronic journal approval records for the teller domain tables.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SAVE_TELLER_SESSION_TXN NEW This is to Save electronic journal approval records for the save session transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_SUBMIT_TELLER_SESSION_TXN NEW This is to Final electronic journal approval records for the submit session transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TX_TELLER_SESSION_GETSSNID NEW This application programming interface is used to fetch the teller session information.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_CASH_PENDING_APP NEW This application programming interface is used for the account closure by cash approval submission.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_CMN_CC_INWARD NEW This is for credit card inward clearing.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_CMN_PENDING_APP NEW This application programming interface is to submit the account closure common pending requests.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_MULTIBC_ISSUE_PENDING NEW This is the Multi BC issuance pending submission application programming interface.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_MULTIBC_ISSUE_SUBMIT NEW This is for multi-issue transactions.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_PENDING_CASH_REMITTANCE_ISSUE NEW application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the pending host.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_PENDING_CASH_REMITTANCE_OPERATION NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the pending host.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_PENDING_CHEQUE_RETURN NEW This application programming interface is to submit a cheque return transaction on the authorization and handoff data to the host.
Branch User Limits Maintenance SRV_FA_TXN_PENDING_OUTWARD_CLEARING NEW This application programming interface is to submit outward clearing transactions on the authorization and handoff data to the host.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_RETRY_OUTWARD_CLEARING NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_BILL_PAY NEW This application programming interface is to submit the bill payment by cash transaction.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_CASH_REMITTANCE_ISSUE NEW application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the submission to the host.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_CASH_REMITTANCE_OPERATION NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal approval records for the submission to the host.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_CHEQUE_RETURN NEW This application programming interface is to submit a cheque return transaction to the Oracle Banking Payments Management host system.
Transaction API SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_MODIFYCHEQUEBOOKREQ NEW This application programming interface is to modify the cheque book status.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_OUTWARD_CLEARING NEW This is to application programming interface electronic journal log by source reference number.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_TXN_SUBMIT_Travelers_Cheque NEW This application programming interface is to submit a traveller’s cheque transaction to the Oracle Banking Payments Management host system.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_UNAUTHORIZE_CUSTOMER NEW Retrieves the customer service maintenance record by given ID.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_UPDATE_AUTHORISER NEW This application programming interface is to update the authorizer for a record in the EJ log.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_UPDATE_CHEQ_STATUS NEW This application programming interface is to update the cheque status.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_UPDATE_EJ_OB_STTS NEW This application programming interface updates the records from the EJ log table for the inputted EJ ID.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_UPTXNCONTROL NEW This application programming interface is to update the transaction controller status as completed.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_USER_AUTHORIZE NEW This is to Authorize the user-maintenance by given ID.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_USER_AUTHQUERY NEW Retrieves the user maintenance by given ID.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_USER_CLOSE NEW Close the user maintenance by given ID.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_USER_DELETE GET This is to delete the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Utility Provider Maintenance SRV_FA_USER_HISTORY NEW Retrieves the user preferences for user IDs open for the current branch date.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_BYID NEW Get user preferences by ID.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_GET NEW This is to get all valid user maintenance.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_GET_MENU NEW This is to get all valid user maintenance.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_GETBY_ID NEW Retrieves the user maintenance by ID.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_POST NEW Adds a new user maintenance.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_PUT AUTHORIZE This is to modify user preferences.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_PREF_ROLE INQUIRY Get user preferences by till/vault indicator.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_REOPEN CLOSE This is to open the user.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_VALIDATE_LOV DELETE This is to validate the user.
User Preferences API SRV_FA_USER_VIEWCHANGES GET This is to Screen the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROV_GETAL_MENU GET Get all valid provider maintenance.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_AUTHORIZE GET This is to Authorize electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_AUTHQUERY UNLOCK This is to retrieve the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_CLOSERECORD REJECT This is to close the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_DELETE REOPEN This is to delete the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_GETALL SAVE Get all valid provider maintenance.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_GETBYID GET Retrieves the provided maintenance by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_GETHISTORY NEW Retrieves the provided maintenance by ID.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_MODIFYRECORD NEW This is to Reject the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_REJECT NEW This is to reject.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_REOPENRECORD NEW Reopens the provider maintenance by given ID.
Srv Tm Bc Provider Maintenance Web API SRV_FA_UTILITYPROVIDER_SAVERECORD NEW Adds a new provider maintenance.
Poller Detail API SRV_FA_UTILS_POLLER_FLAG NEW This is to set the polar flag.
Cheque Status Inquiry API SRV_FA_VALIDATE_CHEQUE NEW This is to validate the FCUBS cheque status.
Customer Limits Validation API SRV_FA_VALIDATE_CUS_LIMITS NEW This application programming interface is used to validate the customer limits.
Maintenance API SRV_FA_VALIDATE_FUNCTION NEW This application programming interface is used to set default values and perform common validations.
Operation API SRV_FA_VALIDATE_PND_TXN NEW This is to validate pending txn.
Operation API SRV_FA_VALIDATE_TELLER_ROLE NEW This is to validate the teller role.
Operation API SRV_FA_VALIDATE_VAULT_ROLE NEW This is to validate the vault.
Customer Address API SRV_FA_VGETBYTXNREFNOS NEW This application programming interface is used to get the transaction-by-transaction reference number.
Account Balance API SRV_FA_WGETRESPONSEMODELRESPONSEENTITYT NEW This is to get a response from the response model.
Passbook Update API SRV_FA_WGETSTATUSH NEW This is to retrieve the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_WITHDRAWAL_BY_ACCOUNT NEW This is for the closeout withdrawal by account.
Transaction Api SRV_FA_WITHDRAWAL_BY_CASH NEW This is for the closeout withdrawal by cash.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_WSAVEW NEW This application programming interface is used to save a passbook status request.
Customer Cheque Book Stop API SRV_FA_WSUBMITS NEW This application programming interface is used to submit the request for a stop the cheque book.
Transaction API SRV_FA_WVALIDATEACCOUNTNUMBERC NEW This application programming interface is used to validate the account number.
VAM API SRV_FA_WVAMCALLSAVEI NEW This application programming interface is used to save the VAM data.
Cheque Book Req API SRV_FA_XCREATECHEQUEBOOKREQE NEW This application programming interface is used to submit the create cheque book request.
TdTopUp API SRV_FA_XCREATETDTOPUPV NEW This adapter services application programming interface is to create a TD top-up request.
Customer Contact Update API SRV_FA_XGETBYTXNREFNON NEW This application programming interface is used to get the transaction data by transaction reference number.
Customer Cheque Book Stop API SRV_FA_XSAVER NEW This application programming interface is used to stop the cheque book request.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_YGETOLDPASSBOOKS NEW Retrieves the old passbook request data by account number.
Passbook Req API SRV_FA_ZGETSTATUSB NEW Retrieves the passbook request data by ID.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_ZGETWORKDETAILSC NEW Gets the worktable details of a passbook status request.
Passbook Req API SRV_FA_ZGETWORKDETAILSU NEW Gets the worktable details of a passbook request.
Transaction API SRV_FA_ZSAVECHARGESY NEW This application programming interface is used to save the charge details of the transaction to the domain tables.
Passbook Status Req API SRV_FA_ZSUBMITX NEW This is to Update the electronic journal log by source reference number.
Customer Cheque Book Stop API SRV_FA_ZUPDATEI NEW This is to update.
Transaction API SRV_FD_CH_USERSPOSITIONS New This is to save a function code definition for user positions.
Transaction API SRV_SA_GET_BRANCH_ACCOUNT_FUNC_TXN_CCY Query This is to get electronic journal approval records for the account transaction currency.
Transaction API SRV_SA_TXN_CMN_PENDING_APP New This is to submit a transaction from the pending approval queue.