2.3.2 Settlement through Ledger

You can perform settlement towards the adhoc charges through your Ledger accounts.

To pay adhoc charges by Ledger:

  1. In the Charge Details tab, maintain the required details, and click Next.
    The Settlement Details tab is displayed.

    Figure 2-22 Settlement Details tab

    Description of Figure 2-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-22 Settlement Details tab"
  2. From the Pay Through field, select the Ledger option.
    The fields related to ledger are displayed.

    Figure 2-23 Settlement through Ledger Account

    Description of Figure 2-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-23 Settlement through Ledger Account"
  3. Specify the details in the required fields. For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

    Table 2-13 Settlement Details – Ledger – Field Description

    Field Description
    Pay Select the Now option to pay the adhoc charges.


    If you select Later option, then a message is displayed that the settlement will be done in the next payment transaction.
    Pay Through Select the Ledger option to perform the settlement.


    For information on CASA, refer Settlement through CASA.
    Ledger Code Click the Search icon and select the ledger code for performing the adhoc charges settlement.


    For more information in fetching the ledger code, refer Fetch Ledger Code.
    Currency Select the currency for the ledger amount.
    Credit Account Displays the credit account where by default all the adhoc charges income are credited.


    If required, you can select other credit number by clicking the Search icon. For more information, refer Fetch Credit Account.
  4. Click Submit.
    The screen is successfully submitted for authorization.