8.6 Instrument Details Inquiry

The Instrument Details Inquiry screen is to inquire details of the instrument for the DD and BC.

To inquire the details of the instrument:
  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Remittances, click Instrument Details Inquiry or specify Instrument Details Inquiry in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The Instrument Details Inquiry screen displays.

    Figure 8-64 Instrument Details Inquiry

  2. On the Instrument Details Inquiry screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    Table 8-63 Instrument Details Inquiry - Field Description

    Field Description
    Issuing Branch Code Click Search icon and select the branch code where the instrument is issued from the list of values.
    Instrument Number Specify the instrument number.
    Instrument Currency Specify the instrument currency.
    Instrument Type Select the instrument type from the drop-down list. The available options are:
    • Bankers Cheque
    • Demand Draft
    Query Click this button to fetch the instrument details.
    Instrument Details Displays the instrument details under this segment.
    Issue Branch Displays the logged-in branch code.
    Payable Branch Displays the payable branch for the instrument.
    Payable Bank Code Displays the payable bank code.
    Instrument Amount Displays the instrument currency and the instrument amount.
    MICR No Displays the MICR number.
    Issue Date Displays the issue date mentioned in the instrument.
    Issue Mode Displays the issue mode of the instrument.
    Instrument Status Displays the status of the instrument.
    Narrative Displays the status of the instrument.
    Revalidation Date Displays the instrument revalidation date.
    Duplicate Issue Date Displays the duplicate issue date of the instrument.
    Liquidation Date Displays the liquidation date of the instrument.
    Liquidation Mode Displays the liquidation mode of the instrument.
    Beneficiary Details Specify the fields.
    Beneficiary Name Displays the beneficiary's name.
    Beneficiary Account Displays the account number of the beneficiary.
    Exchange Rate Displays the exchange rate.
    Credit Amount Displays the credit amount.
    Beneficiary Address 1 & Beneficiary Address 2 Displays the address of the beneficiary.
    Identification Type Displays the identification type of the beneficiary.
    Identification Number Displays the identification number of the beneficiary.