20.2 Maintain Teller Branch Parameters

The Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance screen is used to set the teller preferences for a branch.

To maintain teller branch parameters:
  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Branch Maintenance, click Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance or specify Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance summary screen is displayed.

    Figure 20-1 Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance (Summary)

  2. Click the Add icon icon.
    The Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance (New) screen is displayed.

    Figure 20-2 Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance (New)

  3. On the Teller Branch Parameters Maintenance screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 20-4 Teller Branch Parameter Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description

    Branch Code

    Select the branch code from the list of the available options.


    Displays the description of the branch.

    Denomination Tracking Required

    Specify the denomination that needs to be tracked for the Vault, Till and Vault, or None. The descriptions of the drop-down values are given below:

    • Till and Vault - To track denomination for Tills and Vault. By default, this option is selected.

    • Vault - To track denomination only for Vault, if a Vault is involved in the transaction.

    • None - To indicate that denomination tracking is not required for any transaction.

    Currency Code

    Specify the currency for which the Minimum Cash Holding Limit or Maximum Cash Holding Limit is to be maintained for the branch.

    Minimum Cash Holding Limit

    Specify the minimum cash holding limit for the branch.

    Maximum Cash Holding Limit

    Specify the maximum cash holding limit for the branch.


    The maximum cash holding amount must not be less than the minimum cash holding amount.


    Click the necessary icon to edit, save, or delete a row.

  4. Click Save.
    The summary view is displayed with the configured teller branch parameters.