1.2 Preliminary Checks from UI

Users can launch the application and check for basic errors.

Log in to the application homepage. For information on how to log in, refer to the Getting Started User Guide.
To perform the preliminary checks:
  1. Press the F12 key, and select Inspect and See Network tab.
  2. Verify that all the calls responses are successful.


    Usually red color indicates a non-2xx HTTP response.

    Figure 1-2 Network - Call Responses

    Figure 1-4 Details of Non-2xx Response


    You can also export the trace using the export option in browsers. For example, in Chrome browser, you can see this option below.


    The tools such as fiddler and wireshark can be used to get the browser to API gateway web traffic. It helps to investigate the exact request and response payloads exchanged between UI and API Gateway.