1.5 Keyboard Navigation for Transaction Screens

The keyboard navigation can be used as an alternative method to navigate through interactive elements on a screen – fields, buttons, data segments, tables, etc. It can be used to navigate through the application, input the necessary values, and perform the transactions.

The keyboard navigation for various operations and their descriptions are as follows:

Table 1-14 Keyboard Navigation

Operation Description of Navigation

Input Values in Fields

After you launch the transaction screen, press the Tab key to navigate to the desired field, and specify the value.

Select Date

To select the appropriate date, perform the following steps:

  1. Press Tab/Shift + Tab keys to navigate to the desired calendar icon.

  2. Use Arrow keys to navigate to the desired date.

  3. Press Enter key or Spacebar to select the date.

Select from Drop-down Lists

To select a value from the drop-down list, perform the following steps:

  1. Press Tab/Shift + Tab keys to navigate to the desired drop-down list.

  2. Use Arrow keys to navigate to the desired value.

  3. Press Enter key to select the value.

Select from List of Values

To select a value from the list of values, perform the following steps:

  1. Press Tab/Shift + Tab keys to navigate to the desired list of values.

  2. Press Enter key or Spacebar to enter into the list of values.

  3. If the exact value is known, specify the value in the search field, and press the Tab key to navigate to the Fetch button. Press Enter key to select the Fetch button.

    The results will be fetched based on the input value.

  4. Press the Tab key to navigate to the results.

  5. Use Arrow keys to navigate to the desired value.

  6. Press Spacebar to select the value.

Navigating through Tables

To specify/select value in the fields/cells of a table, perform the following steps:

  1. Press Tab/Shift + Tab keys to navigate to the desired data segment, and navigate to the desired table row.

  2. Press Enter key to enter into the data fields/cells.

  3. Specify the necessary value in the fields.

  4. If there are more cells in the row, use the Tab key to navigate to the other cells and specify the values.

  5. After you specify the values in the cells, press the Esc key to change the selection from cell to row.

  6. Press the Tab key to navigate to the other tables/data segments/fields/buttons.

Select Option Buttons/Icons

To select option buttons, perform the following steps:

  1. Press Tab/Shift + Tab keys to navigate to the desired option button.

  2. Press Enter key or Spacebar to select the desired option button.

Perform Transaction

To specify/select the necessary values and submit a transaction using keyboard navigation, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the appropriate shortcut keys to navigate to the fields, buttons, data segments, tables, etc., and specify/select the necessary values.

  2. After you specify the necessary values, use appropriate shortcut keys to select Submit button to complete a transaction.