1.3.2 About Transaction Area

The transaction area consists of a transaction panel, a Customer Information widget, and additional widgets within the Teller Transaction screens.

A sample of the transaction area is shown below:


Users can also input amounts in short formats on the transaction screens. The system converts short transaction amount formats to the full amount when users tab out. The system supports short amount formats such as T for Thousand, M for Million, and B for Billion. When the user inputs 1B in the Transaction Amount field, the system defaults it to "1,000,000,000" upon tabbing it out.

Transaction Header

The transaction header is specific to each transaction screen. The following details are provided in the transaction header:

Table 1-5 Transaction Header

Item Description

Transaction Screen Name

Displays the name of the selected transaction screen.

Customer Search

For information on the Customer Search, refer to Customer Search.

Branch Date

Displays the current branch date.

Transaction Panel

The transaction panel consists of the data segments with the necessary input fields and action buttons. Users need to specify the details in the fields to perform the transactions.

Customer Information

The Customer Information widget provides the details about the customer that are validated during transaction submission. For information on the amount-based signature verification, refer to About Amount-Based Signature Verification.

Table 1-6 Customer Information

Field Description

Display Option

The Customer Information widget is displayed only if this option is selected.


The display option is based on the Y/N static maintenance maintained in the function code indicator table. You need to enable it in the SRV_TM_BC_FUNCTION_INDICATOR table.

Customer's Image

Displays the image of the customer.

Customer's Name

Displays the name of the customer.

KYC Status

Displays the KYC status of the customer's details.


Displays the signature of the customer.

Account Details

Displays the details of the customer account.

Address Details

Displays the address details of the customer.

Contact Details

Displays the contact details of the customer.

Additional Widgets

The additional widgets are located at the right side of the transaction area in the Teller Transaction screens. The additional widgets include the following:

Table 1-7 Additional Widgets

Widget Description

Current Till Position

Displays the cash position in the branch currency for the logged-in Teller Id.

Memo Alerts

Displays the instructions maintained in FLEXCUBE Universal Banking for the specified account number.


To enable memo alerts, in transaction schema the memo_enabled flag should be set to Y in SRV_TM_BC_PARAM_DTLS and Universal Banking entries should be maintained.


Displays the alerts/notifications specific to the Customer.

Frequent Customer Operations

Displays some frequently used transaction icons. Users can open the frequently used transaction screens through this widget.


The system displays an error message stating that the User does not have rights to access this screen if the user is trying to access the restricted screen in the widget.

ODA Voice Submit

Facilitate tellers in completing transactions solely through voice interactions. This speeds up the execution of common transactions, enhances the teller experience, and improves overall customer satisfaction.

Cash Deposit
  1. Voice Command: Do a cash deposit for account 1006000000000135 with 100 GBP.
  2. Provide the Denomination : Example 1, 100
Cash Withdrawal
  1. Voice Command: Do a Cash Withdrawal for account 1006000000000135 with 100 GBP.
  2. Voice Command: Do a cheque Withdrawal for account 1006000000000135 with 100 GBP for cheque 0103


The denomination for withdrawal will be auto-filled based on the till balance when the DEF_DEN_FR_WTDWL parameter is turned on.