3 Maintenance for Collections
This topic describes the maintenance of reference data to be set on day zero to use the Collections functionality.
In the context of collections, for instance, you need to set up reference data like locations, product types, product mappings, and so on. This is the first step for initiating any transaction of collections. You may also need to identify administrators among the officers of your bank to whom you could assign the administration of the Collections system.
Maintaining Core Reference Data
Your bank needs to set up certain core reference data for the Collections system to work such as list of country, currency, customer category, list of holidays, list of banks, branch, FX rates, and so on.
Refer Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide for setting up core reference data
This topic contains the following subtopics:
- Accounting Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data for Accounting such as account mapping, entry codes, roles, and accounting entries in Cash Management system. - Arrangement Definition Maintenance
This topic describes the information to define various arrangement templates which is a group different arrangement parameter based on arrangement reference i.e., on deposit or liquidation and further link the same to an arrangement party i.e.; Corporate or Correspondent bank. - Arrangement Decisioning Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to maintain the mappings between arrangement codes and the corporates in Cash Management system. - Corporate Enrichment Maintenance
This topic describes the information to maintain the various parameters at the Corporate level in Cash Management system. - Charges Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to maintain the charges in Cash Management system. - Cash Denomination Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to maintain the denominations for cash transactions of various currencies in Cash Management system. - Courier Setup Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to maintain the courier company’s details in Cash Management system. - Location Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to maintain the various parameters for a specific location in Cash Management system. - Location Cluster Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to maintain the location cluster in Cash Management system. - Non System Bank Master
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data for non-system bank details in Cash Management system. - Non System Bank Branch Master
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data for the branch details of the non-system banks in Cash Management system. - PDC Vault Box Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data to create/maintain vault boxes that can be used for storing the PDC instruments in Cash Management system. - Product Definition Maintenance
This topic describes the information to maintain the product definitions in Cash Management system. - Alerts Maintenance
This topic describes the information to setup the reference data for Alerts such as contact details, definition and decisioning in Cash Management system.