1.2.1 Functional Features

This topic provides the information about the various functional features added in this release.

Addition of Multilateral Netting Functionality

As a part of this release, the Multilateral Netting is introduced in place of the Bilateral Netting using which the user can settle off the receivables or payables among the participants/subsidiaries. The following screens are introduced to enable the multilateral netting functionality.
  • Netting Structure:

    The Netting Structure screen is introduced to create and maintain the netting structure, so that the appropriate subsidiaries are linked to the global netting center and sub center. The same can be further enriched with netting parameters, invoice parameters and scheduling parameters.

  • Netting Management:

    The Netting Management screen is introduced to accept or reject a netting transaction on a particular associated party against its receivables and payables so that the number of payment transactions between those two parties is reduced leading to significant cost savings. Once the netting transactions are accepted, the subsidiaries/sub center and global netting center can initiate the payout transactions to settle the obligations.

UI Enhancement in Alerts Maintenance screen

As a part of this release, the following changes are introduced in the Create Alerts Decisioning screen.
  • In the Collections module, the Delivery Mode field dropdown values appears based on the toggle Plato Alert Integration selection in System Parameters screen under Integration Parameters tab in Receivables and Payables.
  • In the Receivables and Payables module, the Delivery Mode field dropdown values appears based on the toggle Plato Alert Integration selection in System Parameters screen under Integration Parameters tab.

Remapping of Menus

As a part of this release, Accounting, and Charges screens menu are moved from Maintenance under Collection module to Maintenance under Cash Management main menu.