5.1.2 Generate Schedule

This topic describes the systematic instruction to generate a forwarding schedule in case where clearing is to be routed through partner banks or for upcountry clearing a schedule is to be generated for the instruments.

A forwarding schedule is essentially a covering letter, which comprises the details of the instruments dispatched to the concerned bank’s branch for clearing. This covering letter is sent along with the physical instruments.
  1. On Instrument Management - Current Dated Cheques screen, select Generate Schedule from the Action list.
  2. Click Proceed.
    The Generate Schedule - Filter Parameters screen displays.

    Figure 5-4 Generate Schedule - Filter Parameters

  3. Specify the fields on Generate Schedule - Filter Parameters screen.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-2 Generate Schedule - Field Description

    Field Description
    Deposit Branch Select the branch where the instrument is deposited. By default, the branch of the logged-in user is selected.
    Currency Select the currency of the instrument.
    Destination Bank Click the search icon and select the bank where the instrument will be cleared.
    Destination Branch Click the search icon and select the branch of the destination bank.
  4. Click Search.
    The List Of Instruments section displays with the search results.
  5. Select the instrument(s) for which the schedule needs to be generated and then click Next.
    The List Of Schedules section displays.
  6. Under the Courier column, click Search icon to select the courier company.
  7. Optional: Click the schedule reference number link to view more details about the schedule.
  8. Select the schedule reference number and then click Confirm to generate the schedule and send it for authorization.