5.2 Manage Post Dated Cheques

This topic describes the information to manage the post dated cheques received and take various actions on them.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.

  1. On Home screen, click Cash Management. Under Cash Management, click Collections.
  2. Under Collections, click Instrument Management.
  3. From the Branch list, select the branch for which the cheque is to be managed. By default, the branch of the logged-in user is selected.
  4. In the Cheque Date toggle, select the Post Dated option.
  5. From the Action list, select the action to be taken on post-dated cheques.
  6. Click Proceed to view the search parameters.
    The Instrument Management - Post Dated Cheques screen displays.

    Figure 5-14 Instrument Management - Post Dated Cheques

  7. Specify the fields on Instrument Management - Post Dated Cheques screen.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-7 Post Dated Cheques - Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Deposit Branch Select the branch where the instrument is deposited. By default, the branch of the logged-in user is selected.
    Currency Select the currency of the instrument.
    Deposit Slip Number Click the search icon and select the deposit slip number containing the instrument to be searched.
    Instrument Number Click the search icon and select the instrument number to search for.
    Product Select the product for which the instrument is deposited.
    Corporate Click the search icon and select the corporate for/by whom the instrument is deposited.
    Drawee Bank Click the search icon and select the drawee bank of the instrument.
    Drawee Bank Branch Click the search icon and select the branch of the drawee bank.
    Instrument Date Range Click the calendar icons and select the start and end dates of the range for the date mentioned on the instrument.
    Deposit Date Range Click the calendar icons and select the start and end dates of the date range within which the instrument was deposited.
    Vault Box Number Click the search icon and select the vault box number in which the instrument is stored. This field is not displayed for the Mark Extension action.
  8. Click Search to view the search results.

Further procedure differs based on the selected action to be taken on the instrument. Click on the action name to get redirected to the relevant procedure: