3.3 Oracle Database Security Suggestions

This topic describes provides suggestions about Oracle database security.

Access Control

Database Vault (DV) Provides enterprises with protection from the insider threats and in advantage leakage of sensitive application data. Access to application data by users and administrators is controlled using DV realms, command rules and multi factor authorization. DV also address Access privilege by separating responsibilities.

Data Protection

Advance Security provides the most advance encryption capabilities for protecting sensitive information without requiring any change to the application. TDE is native database solution that is completely transparent to the existing applications.

Advance Security also provides strong protection for data in transit by using network encryption capabilities. Features like Easy to deploy, ensure secure by default to accept communication from client using encryption, Network encryption using SSL/TLS.

Monitoring and Compliance

Audit Vault (AV) transparently collects and consolidate audit data from multiple databases across the enterprise, does provide valuable insight into who did what with which data & when including privilege users. The integrity of the audit data is ensured using controls including DV, Advance Security. Access to AV data is strictly controlled. It also does provide graphical summaries of activity causing alerts, in addition database audit setting are centrally managed and monitored.