List of Topics

This guide is organized as follows:

Table -2 List of Topics

Topics Description
Troubleshooting Technical Flows This topic describes on the platform-wide troubleshooting of technical flows. It includes UI side checking, Service side logs, tracing using Zipkin, debugging using ELK stack, and some environmental issues of Weblogic.
Troubleshooting Kafka This topic describes the various issues and troubleshooting techniques for Kafka use cases.
Health Checks This topic describes the information about the health check measures and observability required.
Troubleshooting Functional Workflows This topic describes the various troubleshooting functional workflows.
Troubleshooting OutOfMemory issues This topic describes the steps to collect heap dump for OutOfMemory issues.
Troubleshooting Deployment Errors/Exceptions This topic describes the troubleshooting information for Errors/Exceptions that can occur due to flyway while deployment.