9 Batch Jobs

This topic describes the events that are part of Beginning of Day (BOD) and End of Day (EOD) batch jobs run by the system on daily basis.

These activities are run by the system as batch jobs at the beginning and/or end of the day.

EOD Batch Jobs

Table 9-1 EOD Batch

S No Job Name Description
1 Unhold Post Dated Cheque When the branch date is equal to instrument unhold date, this job updates the status of post-dated cheques that are currently in Hold status, as Unhold.
2 Post Dated Cheque Cancellation When the branch date is equal to presentation date of the PDC cheques and the status is misplaced, this job updates PDC status as Cancelled.
3 Arrangement Credit This job processes the arrangement credit to the Corporate Account, when the arrangement credit date is equal to the branch date.
4 Credit Reversal When the branch date is equal to credit reversal date and the instrument status is still unknown, this job processes the arrangement credit reversal entry.
5 Return Recovery On the return status update, this job processes and passes the Internal GL accounting entries for return recovery.
6 Vault Master Record Status When the branch date is equal to the vault expiry date, this job updates the vault status from Open to Close.
7 Pooling Job for Instrument Collection This pooling job processes the customer credit accounting entries as per the pooling setup configuration in the system for 'Paper Based' product category.
8 Cash Pooling This pooling job processes the customer credit accounting entries as per the pooling setup configuration in the system for 'Cash' product category.
9 Withdrawal Cancel ECA Job This job cancels all ECA blocked amount requests for which no action has been taken or the withdrawal date has surpassed.
10 OBCM Outward Clearing Request Job This job sends all outward clearing requests to OBPM (Oracle Banking Payments system).
11 Cheque Charges Job This job processes charges for instrument collections.
12 Cash Charges Job This job processes charges for cash deposits.


Refer the Branch EOD section in Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide to Configure, Invoke, and View the EOD batch jobs.