4 Instrument Collections

This topic describes the systematic instruction to enter the details about the batch of instruments (Cheque) collected for clearing.

The batch of these instruments may have been physically collected or received by courier. This screen allows you to enter details of such batches and instruments therein, such as total batch amount and deposit slip numbers, which will be validated at the time of saving the record to avoid any calculation error. You can also view the deposit slip details in the summary screen before confirming and sending the record for authorization.

If an instrument collection record is received from an external channel or through file upload, and if the mandatory data is not present, then the bank user can edit and enrich such records.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.

Basic Info

This screen enables you to input batch related information. The branch is defaulted as per the login ID and can be changed to another branch based on access rights. The batch amount currency selected here is defaulted in the next tab.

  1. On Home screen, click Cash Management. Under Cash Management, click Collections.
  2. Under Collections, click Instrument Collections.
    The Instrument Collections - Basic Info screen displays.

    Figure 4-1 Instrument Collections - Basic Info

  3. Specify the fields on Instrument Collections - Basic Info screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-1 Basic Info - Field Description

    Field Description
    Reference Number Click Create to auto-generate a reference number for a new instruments collection record, or click Draft to select an existing reference number. The Draft option can be used to edit records that have been partially entered and saved, or records that have been uploaded through file upload.
    Reference Number Click the search icon to select an existing reference number. This field is enabled only if the Draft is selected.
    Branch Select the bank’s branch where the instrument is deposited. This field displays values based on your access rights.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Deposit Channel Select the deposit channel, whether Courier or Branch. This indicates whether the instrument is picked up by a courier agency or deposited by the corporate in the branch.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Financial Posting Switch the toggle ON, if GL entries should be posted. The Processing Date field will be disabled.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Processing Date Click the calendar icon to select the date on which the deposit slips are entered. This date cannot be beyond current branch date.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Deposit Location Click the search icon to select the location from where the instrument is deposited.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Acknowledgment Receipt Number Specify the acknowledgment number, if any.
    Bag Weight (in kg) Specify the weight of the package in kilograms upon receipt.
    Initiator Reference Number Specify the reference number assigned for receiving the package, if any.
    Total Batch Amount Select the currency and enter the total amount of the deposit slips to be processed in a single batch.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Deposit Slips Specify the total number of deposit slips to be processed.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Courier Click the search icon to select the courier company.

    This field will be mandatory and appears only if Deposit Channel is selected as Courier.

    Consignment Number Specify the consignment number allocated by the courier company. This field appears only if the Deposit Channel is selected as Courier.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Consignment Date Click the calendar icon to select the date and time when the consignment has been received. This field appears only if the Deposit Channel is selected as Courier.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

  4. Click Save and Close to save the data and close the window.
  5. Click Cancel to close the window without saving the data.

Deposit Slip Details

This screen helps you to input the information related to the deposit slip. Additionally, you can select deposit slips received through an external channel, and enrich the data and send for further processing. All mandatory data must be entered when enriching the instrument collection record. The number of deposit slips entered/selected in this tab, should match the number entered in the Basic Info tab.

  1. Click Next to save the data.
    The Instrument Collections - Deposit Slip Details screen displays.

    Figure 4-2 Instrument Collections - Deposit Slip Details

  2. Specify the fields on Instrument Collections - Deposit Slip Details screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-2 Deposit Slip Details - Field Description

    Field Description
    External Reference Number Click the search icon and select the reference number generated by an external application. Once you search the required reference number, all associated deposit slip requests for instrument collection are listed in the left pane.


    Click the search icon in the second search field and select the deposit slips associated with the external reference number. Double click on the deposit slip displayed in this pane to auto-populate the data.

    Deposit Slip Number Specify a new deposit slip number. If you select a deposit slip from the left pane, then this field is auto-populated with the associated number.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Corporate Click the search icon to select the corporate for whom the instrument collection entry is being made.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Credit Account No. Click the search icon to select the real/virtual credit account number where the fund should be credited at deposit slip level.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Deposit Slip Date Click the calendar icon to select the date mentioned on the deposit slip.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Pickup Location Click the search icon to select the location from where the deposit slip has been collected by the courier agency or the branch location where the instrument is deposited by the corporate.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Pickup Point Click the search icon to select an exact pick-up point from where the deposit slip along with the physical instrument is being picked up by the courier agency.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Pickup Date Click the calendar icon to select the date on which the deposit slip or instrument has been collected.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    No. of Instruments Enter the total number of instruments collected with the deposit slip.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Deposit Slip Amount Specify the total amount of all the instruments attached to the deposit slip. The currency value is auto-populated as selected in the Basic Info screen.
    Division Code Click the search icon to select the division code in case the Division Code is mandatory in the Corporate Enrichment screen, else leave this blank.

    The selected division code can be used for MIS purpose or for pooling of funds to the specific Division code.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Deposit Slip Count Displays the total number of deposit slips added.
    Total Deposit Value Displays the sum amount of all the deposit slips.
    Pooling Account Details Click this link to view the pooling account details maintained for the corporate.
    User Defined Fields Click Add icon to add user defined fields.


    If the instrument collections record creation request has come from an external channel, and if there is pre-defined data in these user defined fields, then this data is retained only if the Product Type value is ‘All’ for Paper-Based product category. If the Product Type is any other value, then the user defined data fields are reset to blank. The data will then need to be manually added
    Miscellaneous Fields In the No. Of Miscellaneous Fields field, Specify the number to specify how many fields are required.

    In each miscellaneous field box, Specify the name of the field.

    Instrument Details Click Add icon to add the instrument details manually.
  3. Expand the Instrument Details section in the above screen, click Add icon to add the instrument details manually.
    The Instrument Details popup screen displays.
  4. Specify the details on the Instrument Details pop-up screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-3 Instrument Details - Field Description

    Field Description
    Cheque Date Click Current or Post Dated to specify the date of the cheque.
    Instrument Number Specify the instrument reference number. For example: Cheque number.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Instrument Date Click the calendar icon to select the date mentioned on the instrument.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Instrument Type Select the type of instrument added in the deposit slip.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Instrument Amount Specify the amount mentioned on the instrument. Currency is defaulted to the one from the Basic Info screen.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Routing Number Click the search icon to select the routing number. Selecting this field auto-populates values for Drawee Bank and Drawee Branch.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Drawn On Bank Name Displays the name of the bank on which instrument is drawn.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Drawn On Branch Name Displays the branch name of the bank.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Clearing Location Displays the clearing location maintained in the system based on selected drawee bank.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Location Cluster Displays the location cluster associated with the clearing location.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Drawer Specify the drawer name or click the search icon to select the same.

    This field is mandatory if Drawer Mandatory at Txn is enabled in the Corporate Enrichment screen.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Drawer A/C No. Specify the bank account number of the drawer.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Drawer A/C Name Specify the drawer account’s name.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Clearing Network Click the search icon to select the network to be considered for clearing the instrument.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Product Displays the applicable product based on selected instrument type, deposit location, payable at location, drawee bank, and so on.

    If required, select the product of your choice.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    Arrangement Days Displays the number of days based on the selected product and corporate.
    Vault Box Number This field is displayed only for ‘Post Dated’ cheques.

    This vault box number associated with the branch for the selected instrument date is auto-populated.

    In case of multiple vault boxes maintained with the same presentation date, click the search icon to select the appropriate vault box number.

    Vault Box Description Displays the description of the selected vault box number.

    This field is displayed only for ‘Post Dated’ cheques.

    Vault Branch Displays the branch of the selected vault box number.

    This field is displayed only for ‘Post Dated’ cheques.

    Presentation Date The presentation date is auto-calculated based on the instrument date and the system parameter set for the activation date.

    This field is displayed only for ‘Post Dated’ cheques.

    Credit Account No. If required, select the real/virtual account number in which the amount should be credited else the amount is credited to the bank account number selected in the deposit slip details or to the default bank account.
    Division Code Click the search icon to select the division code in case the Division Code is mandatory in the Corporate Enrichment screen, else leave this blank.

    The selected division code can be used for MIS purpose or for pooling of funds to the specific division code. If the division code is available, the funds are pooled and credited to the specific account mentioned for the division code else to the credit account number specified or default account.

    This field cannot be modified once authorized.

    User Defined Fields Click the Add icon to add user defined fields.
    Miscellaneous Fields In the No. Of Miscellaneous Fields field, enter the number to specify how many fields are required. In each miscellaneous field box, enter the name of the field.
  5. Click Add to add the instrument details. To add more instrument details, repeat the previous step.
  6. Click Add/Edit to save the instrument details in the left pane.


    In case, you’ve added deposit slip details in this tab and click Next, without clicking Add/Edit, then the added deposit slip will not be added to the batch.
  7. Click Reset to clear the selected values.
  8. Click Back to move to the Basic Info screen.
  9. Click Save and Close to save the populated data and close the window.
  10. Click Cancel to close the window without saving the entered data.

Deposit Summary

This screen displays the summary of details entered on the Basic Info and Deposit Slip Details screen.

  1. Click Next to move to the next screen.
    The Instrument Collections - Deposit Summary screen displays.

    Figure 4-4 Instrument Collections - Deposit Summary

  2. Click Submit to submit the record for authorization.
    In case, there are any errors in any of the deposit slips, a cross mark appears beside it. You can go back to the Deposit Slip Details tab to correct the error. Error-free deposit slips are highlighted with a check mark.
  3. Click Back to move to the Deposit Slip Details screen.
  4. Click Save and Close to save the populated data and close the window.
  5. Click Cancel to cancel submission of the deposit entry record.